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Architecture, Construction and Engineering Services GuideBook for Canada

Architectural designs

A Practical Guide for Architectural, Construction and Engineering Service Companies Working in Canada

This practical guide has been prepared by the U.S. Commercial Service in Toronto to assist U.S. architectural, construction and engineering (ACE) service firms interested in entering the global arena by doing business in Canada First! The information contained in this guide is offered as a general introduction to the Canadian ACE market. An outline of the Chapters provided in the guide are listed below

CHAPTER I Facts on Canada
CHAPTER II The Canadian Construction Market A Regional Perspective
CHAPTER III ACE Services in Canada
CHAPTER IV Doing Business in Canada
Establishing a Business in Canada
Canadian Employment Standards
CHAPTER V Construction-related Information
CHAPTER VI General Insurance Information
CHAPTER VII Building Code, Accreditation and Standards
CHAPTER VIII Private and Public Tender and Bidding Information Government Procurement Opportunities Under NAFTA
Other Procurement Opportunities in Canada

To receive your free copy of the ACE Guide, contact , U.S. Commercial Service in Toronto, Ph:(416) 595-5412, ext. 229.

Please note that the ACE Guide is made available to U.S. firms only.