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1999 Public Comments on Rulemaking

Portable Document Format Annual All-Terrain Vehicle (3285)
Annual All-Terrain Vehicle Deaths and Injuries, Sept 27, 1999 - 400 Pages (Part 1 of 5)
Portable Document Format Annual All-Terrain Vehicle (3285)
Annual All-Terrain Vehicle Deaths and Injuries, Sept 27, 1999 - 400 Pages (Part 2 of 5)
Portable Document Format Annual All-Terrain Vehicle (3285)
Annual All-Terrain Vehicle Deaths and Injuries, Sept 27, 1999 - 400 Pages (Part 3 of 5)
Portable Document Format Annual All-Terrain Vehicle (3285)
Annual All-Terrain Vehicle Deaths and Injuries, Sept 27, 1999 - 400 Pages (Part 4 of 5)
Portable Document Format Annual All-Terrain Vehicle (3285)
Annual All-Terrain Vehicle Deaths and Injuries, Sept 27, 1999 - 400 Pages (Part 5 of 5)
Portable Document Format Bleachers and Grandstand (1294)
Petition on Bleachers and Grandstand Facilities from Representatives Bill Luther and Jim Ramstad, July 23, 1999.
Portable Document Format Petition FP99-1 Upholstered Furniture Fire Hazard Warning Label (9999)
Comments on Upholstered Furniture Fire Hazard Warning Label
Portable Document Format Labeling Rule for Polyurethane Foam in Upholstered Furniture
Comments on Petition FP 99-1 (Part 1 of 2)
Portable Document Format Labeling Rule for Polyurethane Foam in Upholstered Furniture
Comments on Petition FP 99-1 (Part 2 of 2)
Portable Document Format Electrician Fish Tape (9999)
Petition on Electrician's Steel Fish Tape
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Laundering (1644)
Comments on Children's Sleepwear, Mattress Pad and Rug Laundering Procedures
Portable Document Format Bunk Bed Hearing 5/6/99 (0661)
Public Hearing on Proposed Safety Standards for Bunk Beads
Portable Document Format ATV Consent Decree (3287)
1988 ATV Final Consent Decree (1 of 5)
Portable Document Format ATV Consent Decree (3287)
1988 ATV Final Consent Decree (2 of 5)
Portable Document Format ATV Consent Decree (3287)
1988 ATV Final Consent Decree (3 of 5)
Portable Document Format ATV Consent Decree (3287)
1988 ATV Final Consent Decree (4 of 5)
Portable Document Format ATV Consent Decree (3287)
1988 ATV Final Consent Decree (5 of 5)
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Comments on Sleepwear Revocation (1 of 5)
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Comments on Sleepwear Revocation (2 of 5)
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Comments on Sleepwear Revocation (3 of 5)
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Comments on Sleepwear Revocation (4 of 5)
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Comments on Sleepwear Revocation (5 of 5)
Portable Document Format Requirements for Child-Resistant Packaging (9999)
Minoxidil Preparations with more than 14 mg of Minoxidil Per Package; 63 FR 13019, March 17, 1998
Portable Document Format Hearing on Child Sleepwear 4/22/99 (1644)
Public Hearing on Proposed Revocation of Amendments to Children's Sleepwear Standards (1 of 2)
Portable Document Format Hearing on Child Sleepwear 4/22/99 (1644)
Public Hearing on Proposed Revocation of Amendments to Children's Sleepwear Standards (2 of 2)
Portable Document Format Opporunity for Oral Presentation
Proposed Rule for Bunk Beds; Opporunity for Oral Presentations of Comments
Portable Document Format Identification of Purchasers of Certain Products
Identification of Purchasers of Certain Products
Portable Document Format Products Containing Methacrylic Acid
Requirements for Child-Resistant Packaging; Household Products Containing Methacrylic Acid
Portable Document Format Sleepwear Revocation (1644)
Additional Comments on Sleepwear Revocation
Portable Document Format ATVs (3285)
March 1999 Recommendation on Resolution Commending Bombardier Inc. for ATV Safety Actions
Portable Document Format Bunk Beds (0661)
May 1999 Comments on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Bunk Beds
Portable Document Format Sleepwear (1644)
Revocation of Sleepwear Amendments; Request for Oral Proceeding
Portable Document Format Multi-purpose Lighers (1604)
Proposed oral statements for January 20, 1999 hearing
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (1 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (2 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (3 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (4 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (5 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (6 of 7)
Portable Document Format Petroleum Distillates
September 1997 comments on advanced notice of proposed rulmaking for petroleum distillates and other hydrocarbons (7 of 7)
Portable Document Format Multi-purpose lighters (1604)
December 17, 1998 Comments on proposed rulmaking for multi-purpose lighters (1 of 3)
Portable Document Format Multi-purpose lighters (1604)
December 17, 1998 Comments on proposed rulmaking for multi-purpose lighters (2 of 3)
Portable Document Format Multi-purpose lighters (1604)
December 17, 1998 Comments on proposed rulmaking for multi-purpose lighters (3 of 3)
Portable Document Format Multi-purpose lighters (1604)
November 18, 1998 Proposed rule for multi-purpose lighters; opportunity for oral presentations of comments
Portable Document Format Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) (0921)
November 19, 1998 Petition to ban polyvinyl chloride from all toysand products intended for children under the age of five (1 of 2)
Portable Document Format Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) (0921)
November 19, 1998 Petition to ban polyvinyl chloride from all toysand products intended for children under the age of five (2 of 2)
Portable Document Format All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) (3287)
10/98 Public Comments on All-Terrain Vehicle Proposed Resolution FR Vol. 63, No. 172, September 9, 1998

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