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World class research facilities...state-of-the-art equipment...prominent and award-winning scientists all distinguish the DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV) in Golden, Colorado, as leaders in photovoltaic (PV) research and as ardent supporters of the new Solar America Initiative (SAI).

Offering great appeal to government agencies, universities, and industries nationally and internationally, NREL's research facilities provide the framework for innovators to launch groundbreaking advances in PV technology and to work onsite with peer experts in research, development, and testing. NREL encourages its research colleagues around the world to pursue opportunities in working with our staff on the NREL Golden campus, which houses a multitude of PV facilities, laboratories, and test beds on 352 acres at the base of Table Mountain with offices at Denver West to the south. Following is an aerial map and a brief description of each of our PV facilities.

Arial photo of NREL Golden campus.

Solar Radiation Resource Laboratory Science and Technology Facility Solar Energy Research Facility Outdoor Test Facility Field Test Laboratory Building

Science and Technology Facility

Our newest and exciting addition, the Science and Technology Facility opened in July 2006. Its sustainable and energy efficient design will support solar cell, thin film, and nanostructure research.

Outdoor Test Facility

The Outdoor Test Facility laboratories and outdoor test beds provide the means to characterize the performance and reliability of PV cells, modules, and small systems.

Solar Energy Research Facility

Researchers at the Solar Energy Research Facility conduct research to develop advanced, solid-state materials and devices in PV and to expand the scientific foundations of renewable energy technologies in basic energy sciences.

Field Test Laboratory Building

Numerous laboratories are housed at the Field Test Laboratory for researching basic chemical and biological sciences; converting biomass to fuels and chemicals; testing PV and solar materials; and evaluating buildings and thermal systems.

Solar Radiation Research Laboratory

The Solar Radiation Research Laboratory provides a unique outdoor research facility for supporting renewable energy conversion technologies and climate change studies for the U.S. Department of Energy.