Quality Assurance | Region 10 | US EPA

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Quality Assurance

The QA Mission: To assure that all data delivered is of known quantity
and quality which meets the needs and objectives of the client.

U.S. EPA Region 10 Quality Assurance contact Analytical Methods
This is not a link to on-line analytical methods but to a listing of EPA documents that contain the methods and information about where you can obtain the hard copy documents. Electronic copies of the EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statements of Work are located here. Data Review Guidelines
Electronic copies of the EPA Contract Laboratory Program Functional Guidelines for Data Validation, regional documents on data review of explosives, TCLP, and dioxin/furan analyses. QA Reference Documents
This page provides links to National QA References documents and other EPA Program/Region QA-Related documents, Region 10 QA documents and references, and links to the Superfund Contract Lab Program (CLP) User's Guides. Other Environmental QA links
Standard Reference Materials and Performance Evaluation Samples (PES); Links to other EPA offices, State Environmental Agencies, and other QA-related entities.

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