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Questions and Answers

Intercity Bus Security Grant Program FY 2007

Conference Call Questions and Answers

02/16/07 Conference Call

Could you clarify if the Tier II funding minimum is $25,000 per project or for the entire application/combination of all projects?

The $25,000 funding minimum is per project.

I am able to view the required on-line forms:

However, I am unable to save these forms with information that I've input. How can I submit them if I cannot save them to the secure portal? Do I need to submit these forms? The response that I got from AskCSID said that by simply applying the applicant is agreeing to these terms. If we do need to submit them, how can we?

We will work with the help desk to ensure that these technical difficulties are addressed, enabling you to save your work in the future.

The last bullet point in the required forms and submissions list is: "Any additional Required Attachments" (p. 12). Are there any additional forms that we need to submit?

Please discuss this specific question with the person who will be contacting you.

Could you clarify the due dates for the Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)? Is it March 6? When is the draft project plan due, March 12?

Both IBSGP Tier I and Tier II applications and investment justifications are due March 6, 2007.

Are what were called "project plans" last year the same as what are being called "investment justifications" this year?


Are there are two different due dates for Tier I? Do we submit draft project plans/investment justifications on March 6, 2007, and then final projects/investment justifications at a later date?

No. Tier I IBSGP applicants must submit their applications, as well as their investment justifications through the ODP secure portal by March 6, 2007.

Regarding Tuesday's Bus Conference, what other items are on the agenda?

We will be outlining timeframes and talking about issues pertaining to Tier I applicants. I do not want to address those issues now because I don't want to confuse our Tier II callers that are now on the line.

Last year, we got a project number that would pop up when we were applying. Now, that number is not coming up. Is that going to be corrected before we submit our final projects?

We do not have a representative from G&T on the line, so we will have to get back to you on that matter.

If we registered last year, do we need to re-register?

Could you send that question to

Could you direct us to training resources that could help us plan and structure our training projects?

Please contact your local law enforcement and emergency responders. Please coordinate with them to direct your needs.

Are there any training/curriculum resources at DHS or TSA?

G&T has some training programs with curricula. Please go to their website to further explore opportunities. We will post appropriate links to G&T training materials on TSA's website. Additionally, please check out the website, HSEEP; there is a lot of information on appropriate training programs on this site.

We had a security assessment done on our facility. The assessment stated that a particular room was poorly located and created security vulnerabilities. They suggested changes. Would construction costs associated with decreasing this vulnerability be considered a construction cost or a security enhancement cost?

Please submit your question to

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02/02/07 Conference Call

Can an operator submit an application for an upgrade to a product? The upgrade has not yet been released, but will be within the calendar year.

Technically, you can submit an application for such a project, but when looking at the Investment Justification we'll be weighing them to determine how much security value they have, including determining how effectively a product addresses this. Therefore, it may be difficult to make determinations on the effectiveness of technology that has not yet been released.

Are we supposed to submit a budget on an annual basis or for the entire project over the whole period of performance?

Please submit one budget per project for the entire period of performance.

Will a grant pay for labor fees that are incurred during installation of a funded technology?

Yes, that is an eligible cost.

Looking at the form, SF 424, question 19, how do I address this?

You're not subject to state review under this grant, so please write N/A.

I'm trying to line up allowable expenses with the Appendix 6 budget detail. Does there need to be an alignment of the budget detail with the three categories listed under allowable expenses?

Please be as detailed as you can in your budget. Your costs don't have to fall under one of the created categories. If costs do not fit into one of the categories provided, please create an additional line and explain your cost.

We're planning on revising our security plan. Is this an allowable cost?

Revising a security plan can be a component of a submitted project and as such would be an allowable cost.

Is there a requirement for the length of time that data must be archived on a video recording if we're looking to install cameras?

We're focused on funding equipment with live-feed and monitoring capability and are not necessarily as concerned with the length of memory of the storage device.

Addressing the number of cameras that we would like to see be installed in a given situation, DHS does not have a position on the number of cameras that should be installed. Our primary concern is to be certain that the area is covered. When installing cameras, please ask yourself, "is the surveillance area is adequately covered"?

We're planning on building a training room to have a facility in which to train our staff. Is this an eligible project?

Costs associated with training should be related to providing the security benefit. Paying for the cost involved in that actual training would be allowed, but in general the grant will not fund construction of such a training facility.

I have a small company. Where can we find information to determine what type of training and exercise events would be most appropriate for us?

G&T has a list of approved training and exercise programs. Please go their website at for links to training and exercise programs from the front page. In addition, Highway Watch offers training, including domain awareness training. Please search those terms on the TSA website,, and we also welcome you to inquire about more specific events through email at

In order to qualify for Tier 1, does the incorporating entity have to direct the security programs of their subsidiaries?

The entire fleet must comply with the company-wide security guidelines of the primary applicant. The direction that you take can vary from distributing security guidelines to the affiliates or being more involved to any additional extent.

Last year we installed fencing around our facility and have already paid for it. Would we be allowed to apply for a grant to recover the cost of that project?

No. If you're already spent the money and undertaken the project you cannot submit such an application.

The last point in IB 233 (PDF, 82 KB) asks for a source to allow DHS to verify the size of a company's fleet if we're trying to apply through Tier 1. Do we have to list the source or provide you with the entire piece of information?

Either would be sufficient. DHS needs to have access to a source, should we want or need to verify the data.

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01/19/07 Conference Call

Is it correct that Tier II companies must request a minimum of $25,000 for all projects that do not relate to training and exercises?

Yes, that is correct.

What is the process to apply for an FY 2007 Intercity Bus Security Grant?

To determine if you're eligible and to apply for the grant, please visit and search "intercity bus" to download the guidance and application kits.

What does "training and exercises" entail?

As an example, funding directed to be spent on "training and exercises" projects may be used to conduct events with local law enforcement and other local first responders to simulate responses to emergency situations. Please bear in mind that this is merely one example, but funding may be spent on this type of an event.

In reference to the 5 security priorities, can you explain number 2 and give an example of "use of visible, unpredictable deterrence."

For example, you could work with local police to conduct surveillance of a bus terminal or facility. That would be one example of visible, unpredictable deterrence.

Is a third party professional trainer acceptable to hire to facilitate an exercise would they have to be approved by DHS?

Please review Appendix 2 of the guidance for reference to the third party training question.

May funds be used to purchase and install onboard cameras?

Onboard cameras and surveillance systems must have a clear, demonstrable security purpose apart from other routine uses, such as reduction of liability for claims of injury and evidence for use in prosecuting criminal offenses. The primary function of any onboard camera or surveillance system purchased with FY2007 TSGP funds must be for counterterrorism and real-time response to a terrorist attack onboard a revenue service transit vehicle. For example, onboard camera or surveillance systems that allow for real-time continuous or real-time incident broadcast of video would have a clear benefit in responding to a possible terrorist attack on a transit vehicle. The ability to broadcast to a nearby police vehicle by mobile data terminal or PDA and a central command and/or dispatch center would provide the most benefit for response by maximizing first responder and key personnel access to critical information to prevent a catastrophic terrorist event. Broadcast to a nearby police vehicle only would provide limited local access and therefore less benefit for response. Onboard camera or surveillance systems with additional terrorism incident response tools, such as remote sensing (i.e. AVL or GPS), computer-aided dispatch, and remote disabling from a central control center, would increase the value and functionality of the system.

Any onboard camera or surveillance systems must be part of a comprehensive package to provide first responders and key personnel critical decision-making and response tools. An example of a comprehensive package would be wireless onboard cameras broadcast to a central command center, audio broadcast to a central command center, computer-aided dispatch systems to notify nearby police and/or other first responders by mobile data terminal or PDA, remote disabling of a transit vehicle from the central command/dispatch center, GPS tracking of revenue vehicles, and onboard vehicle driver verification. Stand-alone systems with only local recording or recording only after activation by panic button provide little benefit in the prevention of and response to a terrorist attack on a transit vehicle and will not be considered as a priority for the FY2007 TSGP.

Is a preference given to funding certain areas of the country over others?

No preference is given to one part of the Nation over another. Applications are evaluated competitively against each other, but beyond that there is not a priority to fund projects in certain parts of the country before we fund projects in other parts of the country.

Can kill switches on buses be tied to on-board cameras?

Yes, please see the answer to the above question with regard to onboard cameras and surveillance systems.

I didn't realize that funding for security cameras has been deemphasized this year. Is this true?

Please see the answer to the above question with regard to onboard cameras and surveillance systems to clarify the issue of security cameras.

Will any of these awards be partially funded?

Under the IBSGP you're allowed to submit three (3) projects. A review panel may evaluate your proposals and award all, 2 projects, 1 project, or none, so partial funding is a possibility, yes.

In the last 3 or 4 years, there have been very few companies in FTA Region 10 that have received funding. Why is most of the funding going to the Eastern and Central United States?

We certainly don't discriminate or focus the funding by region. All applications are evaluated based on risk and project effectiveness, among a number of factors.

We put together a proposal for FY 2006. Can we find out why we didn't receive funding last year so that we can realize our mistakes and try to improve our applications for this cycle?

The total amount of funds that have been requested in the project plans submitted through the grant program have far exceeded the funds that were available to award. Unfortunately, many acceptable projects go unfunded due to the limited available funds. Grant awards go to those projects that best meet the evaluation criteria outlined in the IBSGP Program Guidance and Application Kit including addressing the funding priorities, cost effectiveness, ability to reduce risk of catastrophic events, sustainability without additional Federal funds and leveraging of other funding, and completing the proposed project within submitted timeframes.

Projects that best met the above criteria and were awarded funds fell largely in one of these four categories: Global Positioning System (GPS) and remote disabling devices (kill switches); facility perimeter security enhancements; emergency communications; and training and exercises. The largest category of projects that did not receive funding was onboard cameras that did not demonstrate a clear security purpose.

We've received several ABA grants and have a lot of experience in writing grant applications. How can we improve our application this year?

Remember, you must tie your projects back to the National Preparedness Goal and other Funding Priorities. If you email and request to be informed of the reason for your denial of funding in FY 2006 we'll respond to your individual requests.

We're located within a UASI, so does that mean that all of our trips are trips to a UASI jurisdiction?

It appears that you would qualify for the grant, but remember that you must embark or disembark passengers to be considered as making a trip to a UASI jurisdiction.

Where can we find a list of the UASI areas?

There is a list on page 38 of the grant guidance.

For large, Tier I companies, do applications have to include all of the affiliates and subsidiaries or may they file separately?

Please submit the question and we'll be able to provide you with the most complete answer.

When parties submit to questions to AskCSID, are general questions posted to the website?

They will be posted to the TSA and G&T websites which are:,,

We've received funding in the past for facility security enhancements. Can we ask for more funding to enhance facility security at the same locations we've put money to in the past?

Yes, you may request funding for such a project and it will be evaluated against all other applications that have been received for that fiscal year.

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Using The Investment Justification Template

I received the Investment Justification template and have begun to complete the required sections, but I have run into some problems as described below. Tab - Background: Though my narrative seems to be within the allowable page lengths, 2 of the blocks (Area of Operations and Passenger Traffic for Each Terminal) show a series of (#) signs after I enter the narrative data. When I double click the cursor, the data appears to be there. However, the screen view (and a print-out) shows only the # signs. Tab - Inv. #1: The pull down tab for the FY07 Urban Area contains only 3 such areas, none of which are the right one for out system. The space won't allow me to type in the information. Tab - Inv. #2: The pull down tab for the FY07 Urban Area contains no such areas. The space won't allow me to type in the information.

If you find that you're having difficulty entering information into the "FY07 Urban Area" cell, please leave it blank. The cell is intended to determine which urban area your organization is based in, rather than determining which urban areas your bus company services. However, because the cell is linked to the answer you provide in the "State/Territory" cell, it may not be possible to select an urban area from the imbedded drop-down list, as some states do not contain a determined UASI jurisdiction. Information regarding the UASI jurisdictions to which your company provides service is critical to the evaluation of your investment justifications, and there is an appropriate location to include such information on the "Background" tab.

If Excel returns an invalid entry error after entering data into any particular cell, e.g. ########, you may have to alter the height of the row to accommodate every character. Please do not insert rows into the template; doing so may alter the calculation of formulas that are currently residing in hidden rows. Bear in mind that TSA and G&T will be viewing the IJ for the first time in its electronic version. Therefore, if data for an entry does not appear to be completely viewable in the cell, but is fully captured in the entry box at the top of the screen, we will be able to see what has been written.

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