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Airborne PM - Northwest Research Center for Particulate Air Pollution and Health

Grant Number R827355

Other views: Selected publication types Journal articles Publications submitted after final report Redisplay this page with Reference Title, Journal, and Author Columns Display this page in RIS format

  • Abstract (7)
  • Book Chapter (1)
  • Dissertation/Thesis (6)
  • Journal Article (94)
  • Meeting (5)
  • Presentation (76)
  • Report (2)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Abstract Leaman SM, Vliet PA, Luchtel DL, Rosenfeld ME, Kavanagh TJ. Effects of particulate matter on glutamate cysteine ligase in RAW cells. Toxicological Sciences 2004;78(1S):1387. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (2004)
    R827355C005 (Final)
    not available
    Abstract McConnachie L, Hudson FN, Ware CB, Fernandez C, Vliet PA, White CC, Kavanagh, TJ. Generation and characterization of a glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit null mouse. Toxicological Sciences 2004;78(1S):2018. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (2004)
    R827355C005 (Final)
    not available
    Abstract Newsom S, Goss C, Schildcrout J, Sheppard L, Kaufman J. The effect of ambient air pollution on pulmonary health in the cystic fibrosis population. Pediatric Pulmonology 2002;34(S24):324. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
    not available
    Abstract Peck EC, Trenga CA, Beyer RP, Bammler TK, Srinouanprachanh S, Sullivan JH, Farin FM, Kaufman JD. Gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy human volunteers exposed to diesel exhaust. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2006;3:A385. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C006 (Final)
    not available
    Abstract Peretz A, Sullivan JH, Trenga CA, Shepherd K, Mieras J, Kaufman JD. A pilot study of the effect of diesel exhaust on exhaled NO measures in healthy adults. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2005;2:A168. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C006 (Final)
    R830954 (2005)
    not available
    Abstract Sullivan J, Hubbard R, Shepherd K, Trenga C, Liu LJS, Koenig JQ, Chandler WL, Kaufman J. Effect of particulate matter on blood measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2004;169:A885. R827355C009 (2003)
    R827355C009 (Final)
    not available
    Abstract Trenga CA, Sullivan JH, Hubbard R, Jarvis SS, Curtis HM, Sands FN, Gould T, Stewart J, Shepherd K, Larson TV, Kaufman JD. Results from a pilot study of diesel exhaust exposure health effects in humans. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2005;2:A266. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C006 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter Fuentes M, Guttorp P, Sampson PD. Using transforms to analyze space-time processes. In: Finklestadt B, Held L, Isham V, eds. Statistical Methods for Spatio-Temporal Systems (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Chapter 3, pp. 77-150, 2006. R827355 (Final)
  • Other: CRC Press URL
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  • Dissertation/Thesis Elleman R. Aerosol size distribution modeling for the Pacific Northwest. Ph.D. Dissertation. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, 2007. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C004 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Fu C. Development of a transgenic mouse model to study the toxicity of particulate matter. Masters Thesis. Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2001. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (2001)
    R827355C005 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Ghatpande P. Short-term effects of particulate matter on cardiopulmonary system of C57/BL6 and ApoE knockout mice. Masters Thesis. Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2001. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (2001)
    R827355C005 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Harb K. Cardiopulmonary effects of 300 ppb nitrogen dioxide in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma patients. Masters Thesis. Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2002. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Smith LM. Effects and mechanisms of cardiopulmonary toxicity of Seattle particulate matter in the apolipoprotein E knockout transgenic mouse. Masters Thesis. Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, 2004. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Wang H. The cardio-respiratory effects of 300 ppb nitrogen dioxide in health elderly subjects. Masters Thesis. Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, 2001. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Allen RW, Mar T, Koenig J, Liu L-J S, Gould T, Simpson C, Larson T. Changes in lung function and airway inflammation among asthmatic children residing in a woodsmoke-impacted urban area. Inhalation Toxicology 2008;20(4):423-433. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: InformaWorld PDF
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  • Journal Article Allen R, Box M, Liu L-JS, Larson TV. A cost-effective weighing chamber for particulate matter filters. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2001;51(12):1650-1653. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2001)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Entrepreneur Full Text
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  • Journal Article Allen R, Larson T, Sheppard L, Wallace L, Liu L-JS. Use of real-time light scattering data to estimate the contribution of infiltrated and indoor-generated particles to indoor air. Environmental Science & Technology 2003;37(16):3484-3492. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2003)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Allen R, Wallace L, Larson T, Sheppard L, Liu L-JS. Estimated hourly personal exposures to ambient and nonambient particulate matter among sensitive populations in Seattle, Washington. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2004;54(9):1197-1211. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2003)
    R827355C003 (2004)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Entrepreneur Full Text
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  • Journal Article Allen R, Wallace L, Sheppard L, Larson T, Liu L-JS. Evaluation of the recursive model approach for estimating particulate matter infiltration efficiencies using continuous light scattering data. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2007;17(5):468-477. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: NATURE Full Text
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  • Other: NATURE PDF
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  • Journal Article Bayer-Oglesby L, Schindler C, Hazenkamp-von Arx ME, Braun-Fahrländer C, Keidel D, Rapp R, Künzli N, Braendli O, Burdet L, Liu L-JS, Leuenberge P, Ackermann-Liebrich U, SAPALDIA Team. Living near main streets and respiratory symptoms in adults; the Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;164(12):1190-1198. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Oxford Journals Full Text
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  • Other: Oxford Journals PDF
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  • Journal Article Claiborn CS, Finn D, Larson TV, Koenig JQ. Windblown dust contributes to high PM2.5 concentrations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2000;50(8):1440-1445. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2001)
    R827355C003 (1999)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Claiborn CS, Larson T, Sheppard L. Testing the metals hypothesis in Spokane, Washington. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002;110(Suppl 4):547-552. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (2002)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R828678C010 (2002)
    R828678C010 (2003)
    R828678C010 (2004)
    R828678C010 (2005)
    R828678C010 (2006)
    R828678C010 (2007)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Clark M, Paulsen M, Smith KR, Canuz E, Simpson CD. Urinary methoxyphenol biomarkers and woodsmoke exposure: comparisons in rural Guatemala with personal CO and kitchen CO, levoglucosan, and PM2.5. Environmental Science & Technology 2007;41(10):3481-3487. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Corey LM, Baker C, Luchtel DL. Heart-rate variability in the apolipoprotein E knockout tansgenic mouse following exposure to Seattle particulate matter. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 2006;69(10):953-965. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C005 (2004)
    R827355C005 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Journal Article Delfino RJ, Quintana PJE, Floro J, Gastañaga VM, Samimi BS, Kleinman MT, Liu L-JS, Bufalino C, Wu C-F, McLaren CE. Association of FEV1 in asthmatic children with personal and microenvironmental exposure to airborne particulate matter. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(8):932-941. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2003)
    R827355C003 (2004)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Dhammapala R, Claiborn C, Corkill J, Gullett B. Particulate emissions from wheat and Kentucky bluegrass stubble burning in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Atmospheric Environment 2006;40(6):1007-1015. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Dhammapala R, Claiborn C, Simpson C, Jiminez J. Emission factors from wheat and Kentucky bluegrass stubble burning: comparison of field and simulated burn experiments. Atmospheric Environment 2007;41(7):1512-1520. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Dhammapala R, Claiborn C, Jimenez J, Corkill J, Gullet B, Simpson C, Paulsen M. Emission factors of PAHs, methoxyphenols, levoglucosan, elemental carbon, and organic carbon from simulated wheat and Kentucky bluegrass stubble burns. Atmospheric Environment 2007;41(12):2660-2669. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Dills RL, Zhu X, Kalman DA. Measurement of urinary methoxyphenols and their use for biological monitoring of wood smoke exposure. Environmental Research 2001;85(2):145-158. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Dills RL, Paulsen M, Ahmad J, Kalman DA, Elias FN, Simpson CD. Evaluation of urinary methoxyphenols as biomarkers of woodsmoke exposure. Environmental Science & Technology 2006;40(7):2163-2170. Erratum in: Environmental Science & Technology 2007;41(8):3030. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Doherty SP, Prophete C, Maciejczyk P, Salnikow K, Gould T, Larson T, Koenig J, Jaques P, Sioutas C, Zelikoff JT, Lippmann M, Cohen MD. Detection of changes in alveolar macrophage iron status induced by select PM2.5-associated components using iron-response protein binding activity. Inhalation Toxicology 2007;19(6-7):553-562. R827351 (Final)
    R827352 (Final)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Abstract: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Journal Article Dominici F, Sheppard L, Clyde M. Health effects of air pollution: a statistical review. International Statistical Review 2003;71(2):243-276. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2002)
    R827355C009 (2003)
  • Abstract: Blackwell-Synergy Abstract
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  • Other: Blackwell-Synergy PDF
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  • Journal Article Goss CH, Newsom SA, Schildcrout JS, Sheppard L, Kaufman JD. Effect of ambient air pollution on pulmonary exacerbations and lung function in cystic fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2004;169(7):816-821. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (2003)
    R827355C009 (2003)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ATS Full Text
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  • Other: ATS PDF
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  • Journal Article Goswami E, Larson T, Lumley T, Liu L-JS. Spatial characteristics of fine particulate matter: identifying representative monitoring locations in Seattle, Washington. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2002;52(3):324-333. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2001)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: University of Basel PDF
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  • Journal Article Gould T, Larson T, Stewart J, Kaufman JD, Slater D, McEwen N. A controlled inhalation diesel exhaust exposure facility with dynamic feedback control of PM concentration. Inhalation Toxicology 2008;20(1):49-52. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C006 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Journal Article Haneuse S, Wakefield J, Sheppard L. The interpretation of exposure effect estimates in chronic air pollution studies. Statistics in Medicine 2007;26(16):3172-3187. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: InterScience PDF
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  • Journal Article Hopke PK, Ito K, Mar T, Christiansen WF, Eatough DJ, Henry RC, Kim E, Laden F, Lall R, Larson TV, Liu H, Neas L, Pinto J, Stölzel M, Suh H, Paatero P, Thurston GD. PM source apportionment and health effects: 1. Intercomparison of source apportionment results. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2006;16(3):275-286. R827353 (Final)
    R827353C017 (Final)
    R827354 (Final)
    R827354C001 (Final)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: NATURE Full Text
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  • Other: NATURE PDF
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  • Journal Article Ito K, Christiansen WF, Eatough DJ, Henry RC, Kim E, Laden F, Lall R, Larson TV, Neas L, Hopke PK, Thurston GD. PM source apportionment and health effects: 2. An investigation of intermethod variability in associations between source-apportioned fine particle mass and daily mortality in Washington, DC. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2006;16(4):300-310. R827351 (Final)
    R827351C001 (Final)
    R827353 (Final)
    R827353C015 (Final)
    R827354 (Final)
    R827354C001 (Final)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827997 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: Medscape
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  • Journal Article Janes H, Sheppard L, Lumley T. Case-crossover analyses of air pollution exposure data: referent selection strategies and their implication for bias. Epidemiology 2005;16(6):717-726. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Wolters Kluwer Full Text
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  • Other: Wolters Kluwer PDF
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  • Journal Article Janes H, Sheppard L, Lumley T. Do subject characteristics modify the effects of particulate air pollution on daily mortality among the elderly? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2005;47(6):543-545. (This publication is a comment on Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;46(11):1115-1122.). R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Wolters Kluwer Full Text
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  • Other: Wolters Kluwer PDF
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  • Journal Article Janes H, Sheppard L, Lumley T. Overlap bias in the case-crossover design, with application to air pollution exposures. Statistics in Medicine 2005;24(2):285-300. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: The Berkeley Electronic Press PDF
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  • Journal Article Jansen KL, Larson TV, Koenig JQ, Mar TF, Fields C, Stewart J, Lippmann M. Associations between health effects and particulate matter and black carbon in subjects with respiratory disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(12):1741-1746. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2004)
    R827355C002 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Jimenez JR, Claiborn CS, Dhammapala RS, Simpson CD. Methoxyphenols and levoglucosan ratios in PM2.5 from wheat and Kentucky bluegrass stubble burning in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Environmental Science & Technology 2007;41(22):7824-7829. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Jimenez J, Wu C-F, Claiborn C, Gould T, Simpson CD, Larson T, Liu L-JS. Agricultural burning smoke in eastern Washington—Part I: Atmospheric characterization. Atmospheric Environment 2006;40(4):639-650. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2004)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Jimenez J, Claiborn C, Larson T, Gould T, Kirchstetter TW, Gundel L. Loading effect correction for real-time aethalometer measurements of fresh diesel soot. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2007;57:868-873. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Entrepreneur Full Text
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  • Journal Article Karr C. Bronchiolitis poses significant public health burden. Pediatric Annals 2004;33(7):454-449. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Karr C, Lumley T, Shepherd K, Davis R, Larson T, Ritz B, Kaufman J. A case crossover study of wintertime ambient air pollution and infant bronchiolitis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(2):277-281. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Karr C, Lumley T, Schreuder A, Davis R, Larson T, Ritz B, Kaufman J. Effect of subchronic and chronic exposure to ambient air pollutants on infant bronchiolitis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2007;165(5):553-560. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
  • Full-text: Oxford Journals Full Text
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  • Abstract: Oxford Journals Abstract
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  • Other: Oxford Journals PDF
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  • Journal Article Kim E, Larson TV, Hopke PK, Slaughter C, Sheppard LE, Claiborn C. Source identification of PM2.5 in an arid Northwest U.S. City by positive matrix factorization. Atmospheric Research 2003;66(4):291-305. R827354 (Final)
    R827354C001 (Final)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (2002)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
    R828678C010 (2003)
    R828678C010 (2004)
    R828678C010 (2005)
    R828678C010 (2006)
    R828678C010 (2007)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Kim E, Hopke PK, Larson TV, Covert DS. Analysis of ambient particle size distributions using Unmix and positive matrix factorization. Environmental Science & Technology 2004;38(1):202-209. R827354 (Final)
    R827354C001 (Final)
    R827354C002 (2004)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C004 (2003)
    R827355C008 (2002)
    R827355C008 (2003)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Kim E, Hopke PK, Larson TV, Maykut NN, Lewtas J. Factor analysis of Seattle fine particles. Aerosol Science and Technology 2004;38(7):724-738. R827354 (Final)
    R827354C001 (Final)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C004 (2003)
    R827355C008 (2003)
    R827355C008 (Final)
  • Full-text: InformaWorld Full Text
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  • Abstract: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Other: InformaWorld PDF
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  • Journal Article Koenig JQ, Jansen K, Mar TF, Lumley T, Kaufman J, Trenga CA, Sullivan J, Liu L-JS, Shapiro GG, Larson TV. Measurement of offline exhaled nitric oxide in a study of community exposure to air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;(13)111:1625-1629. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2002)
    R827355C002 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Koenig JQ, Mar TF, Allen RW, Jansen K, Lumley T, Sullivan JH, Trenga CA, Larson TV, Liu L-JS. Pulmonary effects of indoor-and outdoor-generated particles in children with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(4):499-503. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2003)
    R827355C002 (2004)
    R827355C002 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2004)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Larson TV, Gould T, Simpson CD, Liu L-JS, Claiborn C, Lewtas J. Source apportionment of indoor, outdoor, and personal PM2.5 in Seattle, Washington, using positive matrix factorization. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2004;54(9):1175-1187. R826371C004 (Final)
    R826788 (2000)
    R826788 (Final)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
    R827355C008 (2003)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: AWMA PDF
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  • Journal Article Larson TV, Covert DS, Kim E, Elleman R, Schreuder AB, Lumley T. Combining size distribution and chemical species measurements into a multivariate receptor model of PM2.5. Journal of Geophysical Research 2006;111:D10S09. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C004 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: AGU Abstract
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  • Journal Article Levy D, Sheppard L, Checkoway H, Kaufman J, Lumley T, Koenig J, Siscovick D. A case-crossover analysis of particulate matter air pollution and out-of-hospital primary cardiac arrest. Epidemiology 2001;12(2):193-199. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (2000)
    R827355C001 (2001)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Wolters Kluwer Full Text
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  • Other: Wolters Kluwer PDF
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  • Journal Article Levy D, Lumley T, Sheppard L, Kaufman J, Checkoway H. Referent selection in case-crossover analyses of acute health effects of air pollution. Epidemiology 2001;12(2):186-192. R825173 (1999)
    R825173 (2000)
    R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (2000)
    R827355C001 (2001)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Wolters Kluwer Full Text
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  • Other: Wolters Kluwer PDF
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  • Journal Article Lippmann M, Frampton M, Schwartz J, Dockery D, Schlesinger R, Koutrakis P, Froines J, Nel A, Finkelstein J, Godleski J, Kaufman J, Koenig J, Larson T, Luchtel D, Liu L-J S, Oberdorster G, Peters A, Sarnat J, Sioutas C, Suh H, Sullivan J, Utell M, Wichmann E, Zelikoff J. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Particulate Matter Health Effects Research Centers Program: a midcourse report of status, progress, and plans. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(8):1074-1092. R827351 (2002)
    R827351 (Final)
    R827352 (Final)
    R827352C002 (Final)
    R827352C014 (Final)
    R827353 (Final)
    R827353C006 (Final)
    R827353C015 (Final)
    R827354 (Final)
    R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Associated PubMed link
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Journal Article Liu L-JS, Slaughter JC, Larson TV. Comparison of light scattering devices and impactors for particulate measurements in indoor, outdoor, and personal environments. Environmental Science & Technology 2002;36(13):2977-2986. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Liu L-JS, Box M, Kalman D, Kaufman J, Koenig J, Larson T, Lumley T, Sheppard L, Wallace L. Exposure assessment of particulate matter for susceptible populations in Seattle. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(7):909-918. R827355 (2004)
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    R827355C009 (2002)
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  • Journal Article Lumley T, Sheppard L. Assessing seasonal confounding and model selection bias in air pollution epidemiology using positive and negative control analyses. Environmetrics 2000;11(6):705-717. R825173 (1999)
    R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (2000)
    R827355C001 (2001)
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  • Abstract: InterScience Abstract
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  • Journal Article Lumley T, Levy D. Bias in the case-crossover design: implications for studies of air pollution. Environmetrics 2000;11(6):689-704. R825173 (1999)
    R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: InterScience Abstract
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  • Journal Article Lumley T, Sheppard L. Time series analyses of air pollution and health: straining at gnats and swallowing camels? (Commentaries) Epidemiology 2003;14(1):13-14. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2002)
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  • Full-text: Wolters Kluwer Full Text
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  • Journal Article Mar TF, Norris GA, Koenig JQ, Larson TV. Associations between air pollution and mortality in Phoenix, 1995-1997. Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(4):347-353. R827355 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Mar TF, Larson TV, Stier RA, Claiborn C, Koenig JQ. An analysis of the association between respiratory symptoms in subjects with asthma and daily air pollution in Spokane, Washington. Inhalation Toxicology 2004;16(13):809-815. R827355 (2004)
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    R827355C002 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Mar TF, Jansen K, Shepherd K, Lumley T, Larson TV, Koenig JQ. Exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma and short-term PM2.5 exposure in Seattle. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(12):1791-1794. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Mar TF, Koenig JQ, Jansen K, Sullivan J, Kaufman J, Trenga CA, Siahpush SH, Liu L-JS, Neas L. Fine particulate air pollution and cardiorespiratory effects in the elderly. Epidemiology 2005;16(5):681-687. R827355 (Final)
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    R827355C002 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Mar TF, Ito K, Koenig JQ, Larson TV, Eatough DJ, Henry RC, Kim E, Laden F, Lall R, Neas L, Stolzel M, Paatero P, Hopke PK, Thurston GD. PM source apportionment and health effects. 3. Investigation of inter-method variations in associations between estimated source contributions of PM2.5 and daily mortality in Phoenix, AZ. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2006;16(4):311-320. R827351 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Maykut NN, Lewtas J, Kim E, Larson TV. Source apportionment of PM2.5 at an urban IMPROVE site in Seattle, Washington. Environmental Science & Technology 2003;37(22):5135-5142. R827355 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Miller KA, Siscovick DS, Sheppard L, Shepherd K, Sullivan JH, Anderson GL, Kaufman JD. Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of cardiovascular events in women. The New England Journal of Medicine 2007;356(5):447-458. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Moolgavkar SH, Hazelton W, Leubeck G, Levy D, Sheppard L. Air pollution, pollens, and admissions for chronic respiratory disease in King County, Washington. Inhalation Toxicology 2000;12(Suppl 1 to Issue 1):157-171(15). R825266 (Final)
    R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
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  • Abstract: Ingenta Connect Abstract
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  • Journal Article Needham LL, Ozkaynak H, Whyatt RM, Barr DB, Wang RY, Naeher L, Akland G, Bahadori T, Bradman A, Fortmann R, Liu L-JS, Morandi M, O’Rourke MK, Thomas K, Quackenboss J, Ryan PB, Zartarian V. Exposure assessment in the National Children’s Study: introduction. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(8):1076-1082. R827355 (Final)
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    R831710 (2005)
    R832141 (2006)
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  • Journal Article Norris G, Larson T, Koenig J, Claiborn C, Sheppard L, Finn D. Asthma aggravation, combustion, and stagnant air. Thorax 2000;55(6):466-470. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (1999)
    R827355C002 (2001)
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  • Journal Article Pang Y, Gundel LA, Larson T, Finn D, Liu L-JS, Claiborn CS. Development and evaluation of a personal particulate organic and mass sampler. Environmental Science & Technology 2002;36(23):5205-5210. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2002)
    R827355C003 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Pang Y, Eatough NL, Modey WK, Eatough DJ. Evaluation of the RAMS continuous monitor for determination of PM2.5 mass including semi-volatile material in Philadelphia, PA. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2002;52(5):563-572. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Peretz A, Sullivan JH, Leotta DF, Trenga CA, Sands FN, Allen J, Carlsten C, Wilkinson CW, Gill EA, Kaufman JD. Diesel exhaust inhalation elicits acute vasoconstriction in vivo. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008;116(7):937-942. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Prophete C, Maciejczyk P, Salnikow K, Gould T, Larson T, Koenig J, Jaques P, Sioutas C, Lippmann M, Cohen M. Effects of select PM-associated metals on alveolar macrophage phosphorylated ERK1 and -2 and iNOS expression during ongoing alteration in iron homeostasis. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2006;69(10):935-951. R827351 (Final)
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    R827351C010 (Final)
    R827352 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Quintana PJE, Valenzia JR, Delfino RJ, Liu L-JS. Monitoring of 1-min personal particulate matter exposures in relation to voice-recorded time-activity data. Environmental Research 2001;87(3):199-213. R827355 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Schildcrout JS, Sheppard L, Lumley T, Slaughter JC, Koenig JQ, Shapiro GG. Ambient air pollution and asthma exacerbations in children: an eight-city analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;164(6):505-517. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Schreuder AB, Larson TV, Sheppard L, Claiborn CS. Ambient woodsmoke and associated respiratory emergency department visits in Spokane, Washington. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 2006;12(2):147-153. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C008 (Final)
    R828678C010 (2007)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Lumley T. Comments on “Combining evidence on air pollution and daily mortality from the 20 largest U.S. cities: a hierarchical modelling strategy” by Dominici F, M. Samet JM, Zeger SL. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 2000;163(3):297. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract: Blackwell-Synergy Abstract
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Damian D. Estimating short-term PM effects accounting for surrogate exposure measurements from ambient monitors. Environmetrics 2000;11(6):675-687. R827355 (2001)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: InterScience Abstract
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Kaufman J. Sorting out the role of air pollutants in asthma initiation. (Editorials) Epidemiology 2000;11(2):100-101. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (1999)
    R827355C001 (2001)
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Levy D, Checkoway H. Correcting for the effects of location and atmospheric conditions on air pollution exposures in a case-crossover study. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2001;11(2):86-96. R825173 (1999)
    R825173 (2000)
    R827355 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L. Insights on bias and information in group-level studies. Biostatistics 2003;4(2):265-278. R827355 (2004)
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    R827355C009 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Wakefield JC. Discussion of “Statistical issues in studies of the long-term effects of air pollution: the Southern California Childrens’ Health Study” by Berhane K, Gauderman WF, Stram DO, Thomas DC. Statistical Science 2004;19(3):438-441. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
  • Abstract: Project Euclid Abstract
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L. Acute air pollution effects: consequences of exposure distribution and measurements. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2005;68(13-14):1127-1135. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
    R827355C009 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Sheppard L, Slaughter JC, Schildcrout J, Liu L-JS, Lumley T. Exposure and measurement contributions to estimates of acute air pollution effects. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2005;15(4):366-376. R827355 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Simpson CD, Dills RL, Katz BS, Paulsen M, Kalman DA. Determination of levoglucosan in atmospheric fine particulate. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2004;54(6):689-694. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Simpson CD, Paulsen M, Dills RL, Liu L-JS, Kalman DA. Determination of methoxyphenols in ambient atmospheric particulate matter: tracers for wood combustion. Environmental Science & Technology 2005;39(2):631-637. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2004)
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    R829584 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Slaughter JC, Lumley T, Sheppard L, Koenig JQ, Shapiro GG. Effects of ambient air pollution on symptom severity and medication use in children with asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2003;91(4):346-353. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2003)
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    R827355C009 (2002)
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  • Journal Article Slaughter JC, Koenig JQ, Reinhardt TE. Association between lung function and exposure to smoke among firefighters at prescribed burns. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2004;1(1):45-49. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Slaughter JC, Kim E, Sheppard L, Sullivan JH, Larson TV, Claiborn C. Association between particulate matter and emergency room visits, hospital admissions and mortality in Spokane, Washington. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2005;15(2):153-159. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Su JG, Buzzelli M, Brauer M, Gould T, Larson TV. Modeling spatial variability of airborne levoglucosan in Seattle, Washington. Atmospheric Environment 2008;42(22):5519-5525. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Sullivan JH, Schreuder AB, Trenga CA, Liu SL, Larson TV, Koenig JQ, Kaufman JD. Association between short term exposure to fine particulate matter and heart rate variability in older subjects with and without heart disease. Thorax 2005;60(6):462-466. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
    R827355C009 (2003)
    R827355C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: INIST-CNRS Abstract
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  • Journal Article Sullivan JH, Hubbard R, Liu L-JS, Shepherd K, Trenga CA, Koenig JQ, Chandler WL, Kaufman JD. A community study of the effect of particulate matter on blood measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population. Environmental Health 2007;6(3). R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Sullivan J, Ishikawa N, Sheppard L, Siscovick D, Checkoway H, Kaufman J. Exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and primary cardiac arrest among persons with and without clinically recognized heart disease. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;157(6):501-509. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C001 (2002)
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  • Journal Article Sullivan J, Sheppard L, Schreuder A, Ishikawa N, Siscovick D, Kaufman J. Relation between short-term fine particulate matter exposure and onset of myocardial infarction. Epidemiology 2005;16(1):41-48. R827355 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Thurston GD, Ito K, Mar T, Christensen WF, Eatough DJ, Henry RC, Kim E, Laden F, Lall R, Larson TV, Liu H, Neas L, Pinto J, Stotzel M, Suh H, Hopke PK. Workgroup report: workshop on source apportionment of particulate matter health effects--Inter-Comparison of results and implications. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(12):1768-1774. R827351 (Final)
    R827351C001 (Final)
    R827353 (Final)
    R827353C015 (Final)
    R827354 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Trenga CA, Koenig JQ, Williams PV. Dietary antioxidants and ozone-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness in adults with asthma. Archives of Environmental Health 2001;56(3):242-249. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2001)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Trenga CA, Sullivan JH, Schildcrout JS, Shepherd KP, Shapiro GG, Liu L-JS, Kaufman JD, Koenig JQ. Effect of particulate air pollution on lung function in adult and pediatric subjects in a Seattle panel study. Chest 2006;129(6):1614-1622. R827355 (Final)
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    R827355C009 (Final)
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  • Full-text: Chest Journal Full Text
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  • Journal Article Wallace LA, Mitchell H, O’Connor GT, Neas L, Lippmann M, Kattan M, Koenig J,Stout JW, Vaughn BJ, Wallace D, Walter M, Adams K, Liu L-JS. Particle concentrations in inner-city homes of children with asthma: the effect of smoking, cooking and outdoor pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(9):1265-1272. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2002)
    R827355C003 (Final)
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  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Journal Article Ward TJ, Hamilton Jr RF, Dixon RW, Paulsen M, Simpson CD. Characterization and evaluation of smoke tracers in PM: results from the 2003 Montana wildfire season. Atmospheric Environment 2006;40(36):7005-7017. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C010 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Wu C-F, Delfino RJ, Floro JN, Samimi BS, Quintana PJE, Kleinman MT, Liu L-JS. Evaluation and quality control of personal nephelometers in indoor, outdoor, and personal environments. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2005;15(1):99-110. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2003)
    R827355C003 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Wu C-F, Delfino RJ, Floro JN, Quintana PJ, Samimi BS, Kleinman MT, Allen RW, Liu L-JS. Exposure assessment and modeling of particulate matter for asthmatic children using personal nephelometers. Atmospheric Environment 2005;39(19):3457-3469. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (2004)
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  • Journal Article Wu C-F, Jimenez J, Claiborn C, Gould T, Simpson CD, Larson T, Liu L-JS. Agricultural burning smoke in eastern Washington: Part II. Exposure assessment. Atmospheric Environment 2006;40(28):5379-5392. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Wu C-F, Larson TV, Wu S-Y, Williamson J, Westberg HH, Liu L-JS. Source apportionment of PM2.5 and selected hazardous air pollutants in Seattle. The Science of the Total Environment 2007;386(1-3):42-52. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C003 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Yu O, Sheppard L, Lumley T, Koenig JQ, Shapiro GG. Effects of ambient air pollution on symptoms of asthma in Seattle-area children enrolled in the CAMP study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(12):1209-1215. R827355 (Final)
    R827355C002 (2001)
    R827355C002 (Final)
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  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Meeting Claiborn C, Pang Y, Gundel L, Larson T, Liu LJS. Comparison of indoor, outdoor, and personal fine particulate organic and elemental carbon measurements in Seattle. In: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355C003 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Larson T, Allen R, Liu LJS. Indoor and outdoor contributions to indoor light scattering coefficient at 30 residences in Seattle, WA. In: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355C003 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Maykut NN, Lewtas J, Larson T. Source apportionment of PM2.5 and carbon in Seattle using chemical mass balance and positive matrix factorization. In: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Pang Y, Claiborn C, Gundel L, Larson T. Development and evaluation of novel denuder inlet sampler. In: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Sheppard L. Application of the random component superposition model to PM2.5 exposure distribution. In: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Assessment, October 2000. R827355 (2001)
    not available

    Allen R, Jansen K, Koenig J, Larson T, Liu S, Lumley T, Mar T, Shepherd K, Sullivan J, Trenga C. An example of the use of ambient and nonambient PM exposure estimates: associations between exposure and pulmonary health indicators among children with asthma. To be presented at the International Society of Exposure Analysis 14th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 17-21, 2004 (abstract).

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Allen R, Covert D, Larson T, Liu S. Indoor-outdoor relationships of accumulation mode particles at five residences in Seattle. To be presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 4-8, 2004 (abstract).

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available
    Presentation Allen R, Larson T, Liu L-JS. Estimated hourly exposure to indoor- and outdoor-generated particles among sensitive populations in Seattle. Poster presented at the American Association for Aerosol Science's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Allen R, Larson T, Liu LJS. The use of light scattering data to estimate the contribution of indoor- and outdoor-generated particles to indoor air. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Monterey, CA, June 30-July 5, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Allen R, Larson T, Wallace L, Liu L-JS. The use of light-scattering data to estimate the contribution of indoor- and outdoor-generated particles to indoor and personal air. Presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Tacoma, WA, November 6-8, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Claiborn C, Pang Y, Finn D, Gundel L, Larson T, Liu S. The fine particulate organic carbon measurement artifact and its implications for exposure assessment. Poster presented at the 2002 International Society of Exposure Analysis/International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference, Linking Exposures and Health: Innovations and Interactions, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Claiborn CS, Pang Y, Gundel L, Larson T, Liu L-JS. The indoor, fine particulate organic carbon measurement artifact in Seattle. Presented at the Indoor Air 2002: the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Monterey, CA, June 30-July 5, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Claiborn C, Finn D, Larson TV, Koenig JQ. Windblown dust contributes to high PM2.5 concentrations. Pollution exposure substudy. Presented at the PM 2000 Meeting in Charleston, SC, January 2000. R827355C003 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Corkill J, Dhammapala R, Claiborn C, Simpson C. Chemical composition of agricultural field smoke. Presented at the Pacific Northwest International Section/Air and Waste Management Association Conference, Tacoma, WA, November 5-8, 2002. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Covert D. Aerosol characterization. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research Particulate Matter Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003. R827355C004 (2003)
    not available

    Covert D, Schreuder A, Lumley T, Larson T, Kim E. Aerosol number-size distributions at an urban location: long term data from Seattle, WA. Presented at Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloqium on PM and Human Health, American Association for Aerosol Research, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003.

    R827355C009 (2003)
    not available

    Doherty SP, Prophete C, Zelikoff J, Maciejczyk P, Salnikow K, Gould T, Larson T, Jaques P, Koenig J, Sioutas C, Lippmann M, Cohen M. Effects of select particulate matter (PM)-associated metals on macrophage iron homeostasis. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 43rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, Baltimore, MD, March 21-25, 2004, Abstract No. 879 (abstract).

    R827355C002 (2003)
    not available
    Presentation Gundel LA, Jimenez J, Kirchstetter W, Dod RL, Pang Y, Claiborn CS. Insights from thermal analysis of individual organic compounds, mixtures, black carbon surrogates, airborne particulate matter and extracts. Presented at the International Workshop for the Development of Research Strategies for the Sampling and Analysis of Organic and Elemental Carbon Fractions in Atmospheric Aerosols, Durango, CO, March 3-5, 2003. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Gundel LA, Pang Y, Gould T, Liu L-JS, Claiborn CS. Particulate carbon and gas/particle partitioning of aromatic hydrocarbons in Seattle. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Science's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Jimenez J, Claiborn CS. Air quality impacts of agricultural field burning in Pullman. Presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Tacoma, WA, November 6-8, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Larson T, Liu LJS, Allen R, Lewtas J, Wallace L. Indoor-outdoor-personal relationships of selected fine particle trace elements in Seattle, WA. Poster presented at the 2002 International Society of Exposure Analysis/International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference, Linking Exposures and Health: Innovations and Interactions, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Larson T, Liu L-JS, Gould T, Simpson C, Claiborn C. Source apportionment of personal exposure to PM2.5 using CMB and PMF. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Levy D, Checkoway, Kaufman J, Sheppard, L, Lumley T, Koenig J, Siscovik D. A case-crossover analysis of fine particulate matter air pollution and out-of-hospital primary cardiac arrest pollution exposure substudy. Presented at the PM 2000 Meeting in Charleston, SC, January 2000. R827355C001 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Lewtas J, Myers S, Simpson C, Dills R, Kalman D. Development of urinary metabolite markers to assess population exposure to PM2.5 from various combustion sources. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Liu LJ-S, Marquist C, Trenga C, Dhammapala R, Jimenez J, Claiborn C. Assessing exposure and health impacts from agricultural field burning in Pullman. Presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Tacoma, WA, November 6-8, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Liu L-JS. Health effect assessment of agricultural burning smoke in Pullman. Presented at the Washington Department of Ecology, Spokane, WA, April 17, 2003. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Liu LJ-S. Panelist on the "personal exposure" plenary section. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Science's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Liu L-JS. Potential public health benefits of a lower fine particulate standard and health effect assessment of agricultural burning smoke in Pullman. Presented at the Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA, March 13, 2003. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Liu LJS, Kalman D, Kaufman J, Koenig J, Larson T, Sheppard L, Lewtas J, Wallace L. Characterization of particulate matter and co-pollutants exposures for compromised and healthy elderly adults in Seattle, WA, 1999-2000. Presented at the 2002 International Society of Exposure Analysis/International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference, Linking Exposures and Health: Innovations and Interactions, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Liu LJS, Allen R. Contribution of indoor and outdoor particulate sources to personal particulate exposures among compromised and healthy subjects in Seattle, WA. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Monterey, CA, June 30-June 5, 2002. R827355C003 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Liu S, Box M. Particulate matter exposure assessment for compromised elderly adults. Presented at the 2000 ISEA Meeting, October 2000. R827355C003 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Luchtel D. Mechanisms of toxicity of particulate matter using transgenic mouse strains. Presented at the Semiahoo Occupational Health and Safety Meeting, January 10, 2003. R827355C005 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Luchtel D. Murine models of particulate matter toxicity. Presented at the PM Center Directors Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July 9, 2002. R827355C005 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Lumley T, Levy D, Sheppard L. Design bias in case-crossover analyses of acute health effects pollution exposure substudy. Presented at the PM 2000 Meeting in Charleston, SC, January 2000. R827355C001 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Lumley T. Issues in selecting and fitting models. Presented at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop on GAM-Related Statistical Issues, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Lumley T. Using source apportionment in health effects models. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2003. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Mar TF, Norris GA, Koenig JQ, Larson TV. Further analysis of the associations between mortality and air pollution source factors in Phoenix, 1995-1997. Poster presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2003. R827355C002 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Mar TF, Koenig JQ, Larson TV, Sheppard L, Stier RA, Claiborn CS. The association between air pollution and peak expiratory flow in asthmatics in Spokane, Washington. Presented at the PM 2000: Particulate Matter and Health Conference, Charleston, SC, January 2000. R825173 (1999)
    R827355C002 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Mar T. Associations between source contributions and mortality in Phoenix, AZ. Presented at the Workshop on Particulate Matter Source Apportionment and Health Effects, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the PM Centers, Harriman, NY, May 29-30, 2003. R827355C002 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Maykut NN, Lewtas J, Larson T. Source apportionment of PM2.5 and carbon in Seattle using chemical mass balance and positive matrix factorization. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355 (2001)
    not available

    Miller KA, Siscovick DS, Sheppard L, Anderson GL, Kaufman JD. Air pollution and cardiovascular disease in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study (WHI-OS). Presented at the American Heart Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 3-6, 2004.

    R827355C001 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Newsom SA, Goss CH, Schildcrout JS, Sheppard L, Kaufman JD. The effect of ambient air pollution on pulmonary health in the cystic fibrosis population. Presented at the 16th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 3-6, 2002. R827355C001 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Schildcrout J. Spatial-temporal distribution of fine particulate matter in Seattle, WA. Poster presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/International Society of Exposure Analysis Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Air pollution study designs. Presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/International Society of Exposure Analysis Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Application of the random component superposition model to PM2.5 exposure distributions. Presented at the ISEA 2000 Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000. R827355C003 (1999)
    R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Exposures in ecologic time series studies. Presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/International Society of Exposure Analysis Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Interpreting epidemiological studies of acute and long-term exposure to particulate matter for policy development. Presented at the Network for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management Colloquium, Baltimore, MD, November 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Modeling issues in acute effect studies. Presented at the Haagen-Smit Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, May 2003. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Reanalyses for Seattle, WA, non-elderly hospital admissions. Presented at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop on GAM-Related Statistical Issues, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 2002. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Use of case-crossover analyses in air pollution research. Presented at the International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region Meeting, Tampa, FL, March 2003. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard L. Use of case-crossover analyses in air pollution research. Presented at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, March 2003. R827355C009 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sheppard S, Levy D, Checkoway H. Teasing apart the role of location and atmospheric conditions in air pollution exposures for health effect analyses: results from the CABS air pollution exposure substudy. Presented at the PM 2000 Meeting in Charleston, SC, January 2000. R827355C001 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Simpson C, Gould T, et al. Exposure assessment of forest fire smoke in susceptible adults using urinary biomarkers and real-time air monitoring data. Presented at the 12th Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Simpson C, Gould T, Kalman D, Liu L-JS. Exposure assessment of forest fire smoke in susceptible adults using urinary biomarkers and real-time air monitoring data. Presented at the Pacific Northwest International Section/Air and Waste Management Association Conference, Tacoma, WA, November 5-8, 2002. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Simpson C, et al. Levoglucosan and methoxyphenol measurement in atmospheric particulate from Seattle, WA. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research, Charlotte, NC, October 2002. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Simpson C, Dills R, Paulsen M, Liu LJS, Kalman D. Methoxyphenols as atmospheric tracers of woodsmoke particulate. Presented at the American Association of Aerosol Research Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 15-19, 2001. R827355 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Simpson C, Dills R, et al. Use of methoxyphenols in biological and environmental monitoring of woodsmoke exposure. Presented at the 12th Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C010 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Sullivan J, Ishikawa N, Trenga C, Liu S, Koenig J, Chandler W, Kaufman J. Effect of fine PM on measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population. Poster presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis/International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Linking Exposures and Health: Innovations and Interactions, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C002 (2001)
    R827355C002 (2002)
    not available

    Sullivan J, Ishikawa N, Sheppard L, Schreuder A, Kaufman J. Relation between short-term fine PM exposure and onset of myocardial infarction in a community-based myocardial infarction treatment trial. Presented at the American Thoracic Society 99th International Conference, Seattle, WA, May 16-21, 2003.

    R827355C009 (2003)
    not available
    Presentation Sullivan J, Ishikawa N, Sheppard L, Kaufman J. Relation between short-term fine PM exposure and onset of myocardial infarction in a community-based myocardial infarction treatment trial. Presented at the 99th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Seattle, WA, May 16-21, 2003. R827355C001 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Swartz E, Stockburger L, McGaughy G, McDonald-Buller E, Allen D, Michele C, Lane DA, Pang Y, Gundel LA. Inter-site comparison of ambient aerosol in the Houston area during TEXAQS-2000. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Aerosol Research, Charlotte, NC, October 7-11, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Swartz E, Lane DA, Michele C, Pang Y, Dod R, Stockburger L, Gundel LA. Semi-volatile organic species during the Texas Air Quality Study-2000: particulate carbon and gas/particle partitioning of hydrocarbons. Presented at the American Association for Aerosol Science's Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2002. R827355C003 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Trenga CA, Slaughter C, Goldman B, Budge M, Sullivan J, Kaufman JD, Sheppard L, Liu L-JS, Shapiro GG, Koenig JQ. Effect of fine particulate (PM2.5) air pollution exposure on pulmonary function in pediatric subjects with asthma. Poster presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis/International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Linking Exposures and Health: Innovations and Interactions, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-15, 2002. R827355C002 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Yu O, Sheppard L, Lumley T, Koenig JQ, Shapiro GG. Effects of ambient carbon monoxide and atmospheric particles on asthma symptoms: results from the CAMP Air Pollution Asthma Study. Presented at the PM 2000 Meeting, Charleston, SC, January 2000. R827355C002 (1999)
    not available

    Allen R, Larson T, Wallace L, Liu L-JS. The use of light scattering data to estimate the contribution of indoor- and outdoor-generated particles to indoor and personal air. Presented at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Joint Meeting With the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, Vancouver, BC, August 11-15, 2002.

    R827355 (2003)
    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Allen R, Larson T, and Liu LJS. Estimating the outdoor and indoor contribution to personal particulate matter exposures. Presented at the Air & Waste Management Association’s 96th Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, June 22-26, 2003.

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Delfino RJ, Floro J, Wu CF, Liu LJS, Quintana PJE, Samimi BS, Kleinman MT, McLaren C. Association of FEV1 in asthmatic children with personal and microenvironmental exposure to airborne particulate matter. Presented at the American Thoracic Society 99th International Conference, Seattle, WA, May 16-21, 2003.

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Trenga CA, Schildcrout J, Goldman B, Sullivan J, Kaufman JD, Sheppard L, Liu LJS, Shapiro GG, Koenig JQ. The effect of fine particulate air pollution exposure on pulmonary function in pediatric subjects with asthma. Presented at the American Thoracic Society 99th International Conference, Seattle, WA, May 16-21, 2003.

    R827355C009 (2003)
    not available

    Wu CF, Cullen AC, Williamson J, Westberg HH, Liu LJS. Spatial and temporal variation of air toxics and the associated population risks in the Seattle area. Poster presented at the International Society of Exposure Analysis 13th Annual Conference, Stresa, Italy, September 21-25, 2003.

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Allen R, Larson T, Wallace L, and Liu LJS. The estimated contribution of indoor- and outdoor-generated particles to personal PM exposure. Presented at the International Society of Exposure Analysis 13th Annual Conference, Stresa, Italy, September 21-25, 2003.

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available

    Wu CF, Delfino RJ, Floro JN, Samimi BS, Quintana PJE, Kleinman MT, Liu LJS. Microenvironmental modeling of personal exposures to particulate matters among asthmatic children. Poster presented at Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure, and the Fourth Colloqium on PM and Human Health, American Association for Aerosol Research, Pittsburgh, PA, March 31-April 4, 2003.

    R827355C003 (2003)
    not available
    Presentation Pang Y, Strand T, Liu L-J S, Larson T, Claiborn C. Comparison of indoor and outdoor fine particulate organic and elemental carbon measurements in Seattle. Presented at the 2000 PNWIS/AWMA 40th Annual Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, November 8-10, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Larson T, Allen R, Liu L-J S. Indoor and outdoor contributions to indoor light scattering coefficient at ten residences in Seattle, WA. Presented a the ISEA 2000 Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Larson T, Allen R, Liu L-JS. Indoor and outdoor contributions to indoor light scattering coefficient. Presented at the 2000 ISEA Meeting, October 2000. R827355C003 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Larson T, Tuttle L, Liu L-J S. Measurement of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 and light scattering coefficient at selected residences in Seattle, WA. Presented at the 2000 PNWIS/AWMA 40th Annual Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, November 8-10, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Liu L-J S, Box MG. Particulate matter exposure assessment for compromised elderly adults. Presented at the ISEA 2000 Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Liu L-J S, Larson T, Koenig J, Kalman D, Sheppard L. Particulate matter exposure assessment for compromised elderly adults. Presented at the 2000 PNWIS/AWMA 40th Annual Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, November 8-10, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Lumley T, Liu L-J S, Larson T. Spatial distribution of PM in Seattle, WA. Presented at the ISEA 2000 Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Lumley T, Liu L-JS, Larson T. Spatial distribution of PM in Seattle. To be presented at the 2000 ISEA Meeting, October 2000. R827355C003 (1999)
    not available
    Presentation Trenga CA, Slaughter C, Sullivan J, Jansen K, Liu L-J S, Sheppard L, Koenig JQ. Symptoms, medication use and personal particulate matter exposure in subjects with and without COPD. Presented at the 2000 PNWIS/AWMA 40th Annual Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, November 8-10, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Presentation Dills R, Paulsen M, Simpson C, Liu L-J S, Kalman D. Urinary biomarkers for atmospheric wood smoke exposure-a field study. Presented at the 2000 PNWIS/AWMA 40th Annual Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, November 8-10, 2000. R827355C003 (2000)
    not available
    Report Mar TF, Norris GA, Larson TV, Wilson WE, Koenig JQ. Air pollution and cardiovascular mortality in Phoenix, 1995-1997. In: Revised Analyses of Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution and Health. Health Effects Institute, Boston, MA. 2003:177-182. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    not available
    Report Sheppard L. Ambient air pollution and nonelderly asthma hospital admissions in Seattle, Washington, 1987-1994. In: Revised Analyses of Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution and Health. Health Effects Institute, Boston, MA. 2003:227-230. R827355 (2004)
    R827355 (Final)
    R827355C009 (Final)
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