National Endowment for the Arts  
About Us
  Partnership Agreements  

From the Chairman

The National Endowment for the Arts is committed to bringing the best of the arts to all Americans. Our grants range from supporting new presentations of theatrical classics and contemporary art to providing arts workshops in schools -- across all fifty states in communities large and small.

State arts agencies and regional arts organizations are our primary partners in serving the American people through the arts. These agencies are vital to the health of the arts in America for several reasons.

  • They are a major source of funding for the arts with aggregate state arts appropriations of approximately $360 million annually.
  • They foster excellence through their support of arts organizations and artists.
  • Through support of community programs, artist residencies, touring, and other activities, state arts agencies make arts programs available to Americans in every Congressional district throughout the nation.
  • State arts agencies work with thousands of organizations and school districts to help all children experience the magic of artistic creation.
  • Through initiatives administered by regional arts organizations, state arts agencies and regional arts organizations work together to support multi-state touring programs that give our citizens greater access to excellence in the arts.

State arts agencies and regional arts organizations greatly extend the reach of the National Endowment for the Arts and its impact on thousands of communities. These guidelines are intended to advance our agency’s goals and respond to the needs of citizens throughout the nation.

Through support of the arts at the state and regional levels, the Arts Endowment continues to make excellent art and arts education available throughout the United States.

Dana Gioia

Individuals Apply for a Grant