NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Polar Regions Research

Application Instructions

Submission Tips:
    1. Print and read the latest Program Solicitation.
    2. Prepare all documents according to guidelines in program solicitation and the NSF Proposal and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPP).
    3. Use an accepted typeface listed below to prepare all documents, and then upload in FastLane.
    4. Begin application early.
    5. Do a spell check and a grammar check on all documents.
    6. Submit before the deadline.

Document Preparation Guidelines:
  1. Prepare all documents according to guidelines in the Program Solicitation and the NSF Proposal and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPP).
  2. Prepare all documents on a word processor with one of the approved typefaces identified below, and a black font color.
  3. NSF approved typefaces:
    1. Font size of 10 points or larger with these font types:
      1. Arial10
      2. Courier New
      3. Palatino Linotype
    2. Font size of 11 points or larger with these font types:
      1. Times New Roman
      2. Computer Modern family of fonts
  4. A font size of less than 10 points may be used:
    1. For mathematical formulas or equations, figure, table or diagram captions
    2. When using a Symbol font to insert Greek letters or special characters.
    3. The text MUST BE READABLE.
  5. These requirements apply to all uploaded sections of a proposal, including supplementary documentation.
  6. A symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters but the font size requirement still applies.
  7. All documents must have a 1 inch margin top, bottom, and sides.

Instructions for uploading a word processing file in FastLane:
Within the form, click on Browse and find your document. Double click on document. Select Upload File. A screen will tell you when the document has been successfully uploaded. Click on the Proofread PDF button. View the converted file, click on the upper right X to close the window, and then click on either Accept or Cancel. If you accept the document, you can now either select Display Current Project Description to view the document or select Go Back and return to Form Preparation

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  1. Fellowships.

    1. Eligibility. An individual is eligible if all the following criteria are met:
      1. Candidate is a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident alien in the United States.
      2. Candidate has earned the doctoral degree in an appropriate scientific field or will complete a doctoral degree no more than 1 year after the proposal deadline date.
      3. Candidate has not participated in postdoctoral training for a combined full-time-equivalent duration of more than three years or provides a statement that justifies further postdoctoral training.
      4. Candidate proposes a sponsoring U.S. organization that differs from the doctoral-granting institution or provides a statement that justifies continuing at his or her doctoral-granting institution.
      5. Candidate proposes a research and training plan that falls within the program areas supported by the NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) (described in Antarctic Research and Arctic Research Opportunities).
      6. Candidate has not previously held a Federal research grant with the exception of graduate fellowships and other sources of individual student support.
      7. Candidate submits a research plan that has not been submitted in another proposal to any Federal agency.

    2. Deadline Dates. 5:00PM Local Time. January 11, 2008 and August 18, 2008.

    3. You must register as an Individual Researcher.  Select GO next to Individual Registration. Fill in the required fields. Click on the Submit button. As soon as you select Approve on the next screen, your password will be activated. There is no need for you to mail or FAX a signed copy of the registration to NSF. The first time you use your password, you will be asked to change it.

    4. Read Program Solicitation.  Read the requirements for each document. Prepare all documents using an acceptable type font listed above..

    5. Begin Proposal.  Access www.fastlane.nsf.gov. Select Proposal, Awards & Status. Within the PI/Co-PI Login box, type in your Last Name, NSF ID and password. Click on the Login button. Select Proposal Functions. Select Proposal Preparation. A screen containing your information appears. Make sure your organization is you as an Individual and your organization id begins with a "P". Update if necessary by selecting Edit PI Information. Select Prepare Proposal . On the Proposal Actions screen, select Create New Proposal .

    6. Prepare Cover Sheet. DO THIS FORM FIRST.  Select GO next to Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet Components Form screen appears first. Select GO next to Program Solicitation/Announcement. Click on Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research to highlight. Click on Select.

    7. Select Program. The next screen will show a Divisions box and a Programs box. You can either skip Divisions (the program is cross-division), or highlight ANT - Antarctic Sciences Section and click Select Division. Then, in the Programs box, highlight POLAR POST DOC and click Select Program. In the Current List of Selected NSF Units, you should see ANT - POLAR POST DOC. Select Go Back. You are returned to the Cover Sheet Components Form.

    8. Prepare Remainder of Cover Sheet.  Select GO next to Remainder of the Cover Sheet. A screen appears saying Your Cover Sheet has been filled out and saved. Select OK to continue. The Form Preparation returns. Only the forms pertaining to this fellowship are now showing.

    9. Back to top

    10. Prepare the Project Summary.  250-word limit. Select GO next to Project Summary. Either copy-and-paste the text into the box and click on the Save button or upload the file. Select Go Back to return to Form Preparation.

    11. Prepare Project Description.  10-page limit. Select GO next to Project Description. Upload file. Read Instructions for Proposing Fieldwork in Polar Regions in Section V Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions in the program solicitation. The Project Description must include the following components of your research and training plan:
      1. Research objectives, methods and significance.
      2. Training objectives and a personal statement of career goals.
      3. Relation of the proposed research and training plan to the candidate's doctoral thesis and training.
      4. An explanation of how the described fellowship activities will enhance the candidate's skill development and achievement of career goals.
      5. Justification for the choice of sponsoring scientist(s) and host organization(s), including identification of collaborating scientist(s) and mentors, the relation of the proposed work to current research and activities at the host organization(s), and a description of available facilities and resources.
      6. If the plan includes components such as fieldwork, teaching, undergraduate mentoring, industry collaborations, or outreach, the proposal must state how these activities will be performed during the tenure of the fellowship.
      7. Proposals with multiple sponsoring scientists and/or research/training sites should identify a lead sponsor and must declare a primary host organization to receive the institutional allowance.

    12. References Cited.   Select GO next to References Cited. Your document includes a complete list of references to source materials used or cited in preparing the Project Description. Upload file. Select Go Back to return to Form Preparation.

    13. Curriculum Vitae (CV).   2-page limit. Select GO next to Biological Sketches. This document also includes a list of publications with full title and complete references. Upload file. Select Go Back to return to Form Preparation.

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    14. Prepare Budget.  2-page limit. The document should account for the proposed duration of the fellowship and list and justify the estimated costs as enumerated in Section IV Award Information of the Program Solicitation. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Upload file.

    15. Sponsoring Scientist Statement.  4-page limit, single-spaced. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Upload file. The document is a single statement, regardless of the number of sponsors and/or research and training sites proposed. It includes:

      1. An explanation of how the candidate's research and training plan fits into the current program(s) of the sponsor(s) and the host organization(s).
      2. A mentoring plan to develop the candidate's skills and future independent research career, and
      3. A descriptive list of personnel with whom the Fellow would work and collaborate.

    16. Sponsoring Scientist(s) Biographical Sketch(es).  2-page limit for each sponsoring scientist. Include information requested in the Grants Proposal Guide plus a list of the sponsor's previous trainees (graduate and postdoctoral students) over the last five years. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Upload each file.

    17. Add/Delete Letter of Reference Writers.  3 reference reports are required. -- 1 from doctoral advisor who can provide personal knowledge of the candidate's abilities and potential for career advancement and 2 from other scientists who know you well. References should comment specifically on the candidate's ability to pursue and benefit from the proposed activities in the research and training plan. Select GO next to Add/Delete Letter of Reference Writers. Select Add References. Type in all the information. The fields preceded by an asterisk are required. Select Add Reference to save the reference information. The next screen will ask if you want an e-mail sent to this person with the Temporary Proposal Number and password. You will have to select Yes or No. If you do not select Yes, make sure to contact each Letter of Reference Writer and give each the Temporary Proposal Number and the Password.

    18. Back to top

    19. Status: Letters of Reference.  Check this function to see if each Letter of Reference Writer has begun and then submitted his/her comments. The Letter of Reference Writer should submit as soon as possible. The Letter of Reference Writer clicks on Postdoctoral Fellowships and Other Programs and then clicks on Letter of Reference Writer under Who You Are? The Temporary Proposal Number and password are needed to login.

    20. Supplementary Docs.  More than one document can be uploaded within this form. DO NOT include any documents not specifically required. Click on GO button next to Supplementary Docs. Click on the Go Back button to return to the Form Preparation screen. Documents to be uploaded into Supplementary Docs:

      1. Budget Statement.
      2. Sponsoring Scientist(s) Statement.
      3. Sponsoring Scientist(s) Biographical Sketch(es).

    21. Submit Proposal.  When the application is completed, print out entire proposal. When satisfied that all documents are within the page limits and print out well, return to the Proposal Actions screen and click on the Submit button. The screen shows the question, Do you wish to proceed with the submission? Click on the Continue button. If some parts of the proposal have not been saved, they will be listed next along with a Go Back button. Otherwise, the screen will state, All required forms are saved, you can submit proposal. Scroll down and read the information under Certification for Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant. Keep scrolling down and reading until the Sign and Submit button appears. Click on the Sign and Submit button. The next screen will show your official NSF proposal number. Use this number for all correspondence with NSF about your application.

      If you do not see the Submit button, click on the Allow SRO Access button. Click on the GO button next to Allow SRO to view, edit, and submit proposal. Return to the FastLane homepage. Click on Research Administration (in the upper left corner of the screen). On the login screen, type your last name, NSF ID, and password. Click on the Login button. Click on the GO button next to Submit Proposal to NSF. Highlight your application in the upper box. Click on the Submit button. Scroll down the screen and review the Cover Sheet information. Continue scrolling down until you see the question, Submit to NSF? Click on the Yes button. The next screen will show your official NSF proposal number. Use this number for all correspondence with NSF about your application.

      If you cannot see the status of this proposal number on FastLane within two weeks, contact the NSF program office.
  2. Back to top

  3. Travel Grant

    1. Eligibility. An individual is eligible if all the following criteria are met:
      1. Candidate is a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident alien in the United States.
      2. Candidate has earned the doctoral degree in an appropriate scientific field or will complete a doctoral degree no more than 1 year after the proposal deadline date.
      3. Candidate has not participated in postdoctoral training for a combined full-time-equivalent duration of more than three years or provides a statement that justifies further postdoctoral training.
      4. Candidate proposes a sponsoring U.S. organization that differs from the doctoral-granting institution or provides a statement that justifies continuing at his or her doctoral-granting institution.
      5. Candidate proposes a research and training plan that falls within the program areas supported by the NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) (described in Antarctic Research and Arctic Research Opportunities).
      6. Candidate has not previously held a Federal research grant with the exception of graduate fellowships and other sources of individual student support.
      7. Candidate submits a research plan that has not been submitted in another proposal to any Federal agency.

    2. Deadline Date. Any time between September and March each year.

    3. You must register as an Individual Researcher.  Select GO next to Individual Registration. Fill in the required fields. Click on the Submit button. As soon as you click on the Approve button on the next screen, your password will be activated. There is no need for you to mail or FAX a signed copy of the registration to NSF. The first time you use your password, you will be asked to change it.

    4. Read Program Solicitation.  Read the requirements for each document. Prepare all documents using approved type fonts listed above.

    5. Begin Proposal.  Access www.fastlane.nsf.gov. Select Proposal, Awards & Status. Within the PI/Co-PI Login box, type in your Last Name, NSF ID, and password. Click on the Login button. Select Proposal Functions. Select Proposal Preparation. A screen containing your information appears. Make sure your organization is you as an Individual and your organization ID begins with a "P". Update if necessary by selecting Edit PI Information. Select Prepare Proposal. On Proposal Actions, select Create New Proposal.

    6. Prepare Cover Sheet. Do this form first.  Select GO next to Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet Components Form appears first. Select GO next to Program Solicitation/Announcement. Select Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research to highlight. Click on Select button.

    7. Select Program. The next screen will show both the Program Solicitation and the NSF Unit of Consideration. Click on POSTDOC/TRAVEL to highlight. Click on Select Program. Select Go Back. You are returned to the Cover Sheet Components Form.

    8. Prepare Remainder of Cover Sheet.  Select GO next to Remainder of the Cover Sheet. A screen appears saying Your Cover Sheet has been filled out and saved. Click on the OK button to continue. The Form Preparation screen returns. Only the forms pertaining to this fellowship are now showing.

    9. Back to top

    10. NSF Form 1225.  Update your information on the PI Information screen. FastLane automatically generates this form.

    11. Prepare the Project Summary.  100-word limit. Document must summarize the travel grant request. Select GO next to Project Summary. Upload file.

    12. Prepare Project Description.  Document consists of two parts. (1) Personal Statement. 2-page limit, single-spaced. This part must describe you career goals and the rationale for selecting the proposed sponsoring scientist(s) and host organization(s). (2) Travel Plan. This part includes an itinerary of proposed travel dates and the purpose of each trip. Select GO next to Project Description. Upload file.

    13. Prepare Budget.  Itemize all costs for travel -- travel and per diem expenses incurred during visits to host organization(s) of one or two prospective sponsoring scientists. Travel grants may not exceed $3,000. Indirect costs are not allowed. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Upload file.

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    14. Statement(s) from Sponsoring Scientist(s).   A statement with a 2-page limit, single-spaced, from each prospective sponsoring scientist at the proposed host organization(s) that indicates agreement with the travel plan and support for the candidate's potential affiliation with the host organization as a postdoctoral fellow. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Upload file.

    15. Add/Delete Letter of Reference Writers.  1 reference report is required, preferable from the doctoral advisor, who can provide personal knowledge of your abilities and potential for career advancement. The letter may also comment specifically on the candidate's ability to benefit from the proposed travel and the prospective affiliation(s) with the sponsoring scientist(s) and the host organization(s) to be visited. Select GO next to Add/Delete Letter of Reference Writers. Click on Add References. Type in all the information. The fields preceded by an asterisk are required. Select Add Reference to save the reference information. The next screen will ask if you want an e-mail sent to this person with the Temporary Proposal Number and password. You will have to select Yes or No. If you do not select Yes, make sure to contact each Letter of Reference Writer and give each the Temporary Proposal Number and the Password.

    16. Back to top

    17. Status: Letters of Reference.  Check this function to see if each Letter of Reference Writer has begun and then submitted his/her comments. The Letter of Reference Writer should submit as soon as possible. The Letter of Reference Writer clicks on Postdoctoral Fellowships and Other Programs and then clicks on Letter of Reference Writer under Who You Are? The Temporary Proposal Number and password are needed to login.

    18. Supplementary Docs.  More than one document can be uploaded within this form. DO NOT include any documents not specifically required. Select GO next to Supplementary Docs. Select Go Back to return to the Form Preparation screen. Documents to be uploaded into Supplementary Docs:

      1. Budget Statement.
      2. Statement(s) from Sponsoring Scientist(s).

    19. Submit Proposal.  When the application is completed, print out entire proposal. When satisfied that all documents are within the page limits and print out well, return to the Proposal Actions screen and click on the Submit button. The screen shows the question, Do you wish to proceed with the submission? Click on the Continue button. If some parts of the proposal have not been saved, they will be listed next along with a Go Back button. Otherwise, the screen will state, All required forms are saved, you can submit proposal. Scroll down and read the information under Certification for Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant. Keep scrolling down and reading until the Sign and Submit button appears. Click on the Sign and Submit button. The next screen will show your official NSF proposal number. Use this number for all correspondence with NSF about your application.

      If you do not see the Submit button, SelectAllow SRO Access button. Select GO next to Allow SRO to view, edit, and submit proposal. Return to the FastLane homepage. Select Research Administration (in the upper left corner of the screen). On the login screen, type your last name, NSF ID, and password. Click on the Login button. Select NSF. Highlight your application in the upper box. Click on the Submit button. Scroll down the screen and review the Cover Sheet information. Continue scrolling down until you see the question, Submit to NSF? Click on the Yes button. The next screen will show your official NSF proposal number. Use this number for all correspondence with NSF about your application.

      If you cannot see the status of this proposal number on FastLane one week after the deadline date, contact the NSF program office.

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Last Modified: October 30, 2007 by Suresh Pendyala

National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: 703-292-5111
FIRS: 800-877-8339
TDD: 703-292-5090

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