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California Portland Cement Company

Sustained Excellence
California Portland Cement Company
Glendora, California

California Portland Cement Company (CPC) manufactures cement, concrete, concrete products, and aggregates in the western United States. This is the second time CPC has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition. The award honors CPC's multi-faceted energy strategy, championed by the company's CEO, who personally defined the 2007 corporate vision to "continue to be THE leader in energy efficiency within the construction materials industry and set an example for all industrial companies in the United States." Key accomplishments include:

  • Reducing energy intensity in 2007 by 2.5 percent from 2006 levels for a savings of nearly 363 trillion Btu and $1.8 million.
  • Saving more than $6 million since the program began in earnest in 2003, the equivalent in sales to an additional 3 months of a single plant's production.
  • Earning the ENERGY STAR for its Colton and Mojave plants.
  • Establishing a new executive-level position for a Director of Energy Services and an Energy Steering Committee consisting of senior executives, energy managers, chief engineers, and plant management. CPC assigned the 16 energy managers the responsibility of accomplishing the goals of the energy program at all major plants and in all divisions.
  • Involving customers in the company's energy program so that they can share approaches and best practices.

The energy performance of all of CPC's cement plants rates in the top 25 percent of cement facilities nationally. CPC has achieved this high level through practices such as assessing plants every 2 months, using Toyota's "treasure hunt" approach to plant assessment. CPC's implementation of careful plant process controls combined with decisions to invest in new kiln and grinding technologies addresses the areas with the highest energy consumption and potential for reducing energy use. The company occupies a unique position in its industry by also investing in renewable wind power on its property.

Recognizing the environmental benefits of its efforts, CPC shares its energy management expertise extensively outside its business. CPC works with other cement companies to help them develop energy programs. CPC also proudly displays ENERGY STAR signage at its plants and informs others how they can improve energy efficiency in their communities and homes.

CPC is also working to achieve its aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal established under EPA's Climate Leaders program.