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STEP 1.3: Institute an Energy Policy

An Energy Policy provides the foundation for successful energy management. It formalizes senior management’s support and articulates the organization’s commitment to energy efficiency for employees, shareholders, the community and other stakeholders.

Based on the experience of ENERGY STAR partners, successful organizations have energy policies that:

  • State an objective — Have a clear, measurable objective that reflects the organization’s commitment, culture and priorities.
  • Establish accountability — Institute a chain-of-command, define roles in the organization, and provide the authority for personnel to implement the energy management plan.
  • Ensure continuous improvement — Include provisions for evaluating and updating the policy to reflect changing needs and priorities.
  • Promote goals — Provide a context for setting performance goals by linking energy goals to overall financial and environmental goals of the organization.


  • Have the CEO or head of the organization officially issue the policy.
  • Involve key people in policy development to ensure buy-in.
  • Tailor the policy to the organization’s culture.
  • Make it understandable to employees and public alike.
  • Consider the skills and abilities of management and employees.
  • Include detail that covers day-to-day operations.
  • Communicate the policy to all staff and employees, and encourage them to get involved.
  • Consider partnering with ENERGY STAR as a basis for your energy policy.

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