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STEP 4.1: Define Technical Steps and Targets

Define Technical Steps

Evaluate technical assessments and audit results

Identify gaps between current performance and goals, by reviewing the results of the technical assessments and audits or progress evaluations.

Determine technical steps

Identify the steps necessary for upgrading and moving facilities from current performance to the desired level of performance as defined by the goals.

See the ENERGY STAR Building Upgrade Manual for more guidance on developing a systematic approach to building upgrades. To find information about reducing energy use in an industrial plant see the Industry Specific Resources in the ENERGY STAR Industrial Energy Management Information Center.

Define Targets

  • Create performance targets for each facility, department, and operation of the organization to track progress towards achieving goals.
  • Set timelines for actions, including regular meetings among key personnel to evaluate progress, completion dates, milestones and expected outcomes.
  • Establish a tracking system to track and monitor the progress of action items. This system should track and measure energy use and project/program activities. (Also see Tracking Performance)