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Frequently Asked Questions

Claims Management Branch

  1. What is the first step I should take when I notice I'm missing my property?
  2. What is the first step I should take when I notice my property has been damaged?
  3. I have suffered a personal injury at a TSA checkpoint. What should I do?
  4. I don't want to file a claim with TSA, but I'd like to file a complaint or suggestion. How can I do this?
  5. How can I tell if TSA or my air carrier is responsible for my damaged or missing property?
  6. Why did my air carrier tell me to contact TSA?
  7. How long do I have to file a claim with TSA?
  8. Under what authority does TSA adjudicate claims?
  9. I have insurance for my property. Should I file a claim with my insurance company?
  10. What are the key items to include with my claim in order to have it processed quickly and efficiently?
  11. Where should I send my claim forms?
  12. My damaged or missing property is critical life-supporting property. How can I get my claim expedited for this reason?
  13. What should I expect after I file my claim with TSA?
  14. What situations could delay the adjudication of my claim?
  15. How does TSA process my claim?
  16. How can I check the status of my claim?
  17. My contact information has changed since I filed my claim. How can I get my records updated?
  18. I have additional information to support my claim. Where can I send it?
  19. I don't believe I am receiving proper customer service? What can I do?
  20. TSA approved my claim. What is the form I received with my approval letter?
  21. TSA offered me a settlement for my claim. What is the reason for the settlement offer and how should I proceed?
  22. TSA denied my claim. What are my options?
  23. It has been a long time since I filed my claim and I haven't heard from TSA. What should I do?