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Frequently Asked Questions

Claims Management Office

TSA offered me a settlement for my claim. What is the reason for the settlement offer and how should I proceed?

TSA has offered you an amount that is less than you claimed. This could be due to substantiation, current market value, depreciation, or other reasons. In order to proceed, you must fill out the form that is attached to your settlement letter. The first part of the form asks you to check one of three options:

Accept the resolution amount stated in the letter and follow the directions for payment below.

Reject the amount stated in this letter, but request re-evaluation of the resolution amount. In order to have the amount re-evaluated, you must include some additional evidence to support your request.

Reject this offer completely. In this case, your claim will be denied.

If you accept our offer, you will need to fill out the remainder of the form. This is required in order to have the Coast Guard Finance Center and the U.S. Treasury make payment.

The key items on the form are:

Your Social Security number. This is mandatory in order to have your payment processed. If you fax this form back to TSA, the fax will be received in a very secure manner and remain secured throughout the payment process. If you are not comfortable with including your Social Security number on the form, please contact the Claims Management Office to make other arrangements for transferring this information.

If by electronic funds transfer, we will require your bank name and address, your bank account number, the bank routing number, and the account type. If you fax this form back to TSA, the fax will be received in a very secure manner and remain secured throughout the payment process. If you are not comfortable with including your banking information on the form, please contact the Claims Management Office to make other arrangements for transferring this information.

Please take note of the Privacy Statement at the bottom of the form.

For faster service, please fax the form back to TSA at: 571-227-4175.

NOTE: All payment forms that include a claimant's Social Security number and banking information are secured within the TSA Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. The fax number above connects with a fax machine within a secured room and all information is secured 24/7 by the Claims Management Finance Specialist.