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Boise, Idaho - Irrigated lawns meet arid surroundings

Water Policies: Encouraging Conservation

In a state facing widespread water woes, Cambria, California, is unique. The coastal town of 6,200 people, located halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, gets all of its water from the groundwater basins of two relatively small creeks that are recharged annually by rainfall. Read full article...

The Omega Center for Sustainable Living

The Challenge of Creating Living Buildings

Skip Backus, executive director of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, discovered something in the process of researching materials for the new building on campus. “We don’t make anything in this country anymore,” he said.
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Cimarron EcoSmart Toilet

Green Building Information

Case Studies

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This photo shows the building from the Southeast after renovation.Editors' Pick:

New Holland Apartments, Danville, IL

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Energy Use Reporting Mandated in California
California's new energy reporting requirement for commercial buildings will affect the real estate industry and will likely improve building performance.

Green Building Products
The 3rd edition of Green Building Products lists over 1,600 green products.
Green Building Products cover