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U.S. Geological Survey
Bulletin 2188

Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area

A Field-Trip Guidebook

Edited by Philip W. Stoffer and Leslie C. Gordon


Satellite image of San Francisco Bay Area
Satellite image of San Francisco Bay Area processed by Michael J. Rymer, USGS. This image shows San Francisco Peninsula and Bay (top left), the Santa Cruz Mountains (lower center), Santa Clara Valley ("Silicon Valley") (center), Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay (bottom), and the Diablo Range (upper right). The San Andreas Fault crosses this image from lower right to upper left. Data from Landsat 5, path 44, row 34, bands 7,4, and 2 in a respective red, green, and blue assemblage. Date of imagery November 30, 1991.

Read the preface

This report consists of six field trip guides and five articles available here as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Each guide and article can be downloaded separately here or the entire field guide can be downloaded as one document.

Files available for download:

Cover and title page (5.6 MB)

Field-trip guides

The Geology from Santa Cruz to Point Año Nuevo—The San Gregorio Fault Zone and Pleistocene Marine Terraces (7 MB)

A Geologic Excursion to the East San Francisco Bay Area (29.5 MB)

Geology of the Golden Gate Headlands (11.4 MB)

San Andreas Fault and Coastal Geology, from Half Moon Bay to Fort Funston—Crustal Motion, Climate Change, and Human Activity (4.7 MB)

Elements of Engineering Geology on the San Francisco Peninsula—Challenges When Dynamic Geology and Society’s Transportation Web Intersect (20 MB)

The   Calaveras and San Andreas Faults in and Around Hollister (5.8 MB)


And the Fog Will Burn Off By Noon—A Brief Introduction to the Weather of the San Francisco Bay Area (396 KB)

Consumer Uses of Industrial Minerals in the San Francisco Bay Area—Houses to Interstates (1.7 MB)

A Brief History of Population Growth in the Greater San Francisco Bay Region (1.2 MB)

Resource Directory For Discovering Native Americans and Archaeology in the San Francisco Bay Area (412 KB)

Information Resources About the Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area   (428 KB)

Download the entire field guide (except for cover and front matter) as one PDF file (85 MB)

For questions about the content of this report, contact Phil Stoffer

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Please send comments and suggestions, or report problems, to: Michael Diggles
Created: November 9, 2001 (cad)
Updated: July 6, 2007 (bwr, mfd)