Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

For nearly 200 years, BGE has been meeting the energy needs of Central Maryland. BGE serves more than one million business and residential electric customers and more than 600,000 gas customers in an economically diverse, 2,300-square-mile area encompassing Baltimore City and all or part of 10 Central Maryland counties. Today, we are building on this proud tradition to create a promising future for our employees and our customers. On May 3, 1999, Constellation Energy Group began operations as the holding company for BGE and its affiliates. The creation of Constellation Energy Group increases our opportunities and strengthens our ability to compete with energy companies across the nation. On July 1, 2000 the company moved from being a vertically integrated utility that both produces and delivers electricity to one that delivers electricity produced by others - much as it already did for the natural gas side of the business.

Take the ENERGY STAR Pledge

Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR:

2008-2009 Goal: 10,396,000 lbs.
Current Total: 702,316 lbs.
% to Goal: 7%

Questions about your Goal?

If you have questions about setting or changing your goal, please email

Cumulative Savings

These savings numbers include member organizations savings.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (lbs.) 702,316
Dollars $55,504
kWh 391,739
BTUs 857,087,729

Past Success:

The Change a Light Campaign

Cumulative Total Pledge [2007 – 2008]
# of Pledges 2,652
# of Bulbs 24,478
Energy Savings 6,902,796 kWh
Cost Savings $641,960
*Greenhouse Gas 10,011,502 lbs.

* pounds of emissions prevented