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Financial Information on public elementary/secondary education

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Finance Graphs

small arrow Selected Finance Graphs Index
small arrow Current per-pupil expenditures for public elementary and secondary education in the United States: 2005–06
small arrow Current per-pupil expenditures for elementary and secondary education in the United States: 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of total current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education in the United States, by function: 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of revenues for public elementary and secondary education in the United States, by source: 2005–06
small arrow State revenue as a percentage of total revenues for public elementary and secondary education in the United States: 2005–06
small arrow States ranked by percentage of public education revenues received from state sources: 2005–06
small arrow Federal revenues as a percentage of total revenues for public elementary and secondary education in the United States: 2005–06
small arrow States ranked by percentage of public education revenues received from federal sources: 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by function: 2005–06
small arrow Expenditures in public elementary and secondary education in the United States by expenditure category: 1989–90 and 2005–06
small arrow Total revenues as a percentage of GDP: 1969–70 to 2005–06
small arrow Total revenues per pupil in constant 2006 dollars: 1969–70 to 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of total revenue for public elementary and secondary education in the midwest United States, by revenue source: 1989–90 to 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of total revenue for public elementary and secondary education in the northeast United States, by revenue source: 1989–90 to 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of total revenue for public elementary and secondary education in the southern United States, by revenue source: 1989–90 to 2005–06
small arrow Percentage distribution of total revenue for public elementary and secondary education in the western United States, by revenue source: 1989–90 to 2005–06
small arrow Percent distribution of current instruction and instruction-related expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by object: 2005–06
small arrowCollapse List of Graphs


small arrow Status of School Finance Constitutional Litigation
small arrow National Conference of State Legislatures
small arrow Advocacy Center for Children's Educational Success with Standards
small arrow School Finance Litigation in the Name of Educational Equity

Finance Data

small arrow NCES Longitudinal School District FNF File, FY 1990-02
small arrow NCES Quick Tables & Figures
small arrow Public School District Finance Peer Search
small arrow Build-A-Table Tool
small arrow Local Education Agency Finance Survey (F-33) Data Files
small arrow National Public Education Financial Survey Data Files
small arrow State Nonfiscal Public Education Survey Data Files
small arrow Links to State Education Agency Websites
small arrow CCD CD-ROM, SY 1996-97 through 1999-2000
small arrow NCES Finance Surveys

Cost Adjustments

small arrow A Comparable Wage Approach to Geographic Cost Adjustment
small arrow A Primer for Making Cost Adjustments in Education
small arrow Geographic Variations in Public Schools' Costs
small arrow Measuring Inflation in Public School Costs
small arrow An Alternative Measure of Inflation in Teacher Salaries
small arrow Adjusting for Differences in the Costs of Ed. Inputs
small arrow How Do I Order Products?

State Finance Programs

small arrow Public School Finance Programs of the United States and Canada: 1998-99


small arrow Educational Resources by States
small arrow State Education Agency Websites
small arrow ASBO International
small arrow Educational Considerations
small arrow The American Federation of Teachers
small arrow The Finance Project
small arrow The National Education Association (NEA)
