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Biological Sciences (BIO) Discoveries

NSF's public investment in science, engineering, education and technology helps to create knowledge and sustain prosperity. Read here about the Internet, microbursts, Web browsers, extrasolar planets, and more... a panoply of discoveries and innovations that began with NSF support.

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Image shows circle of bright red and green lights. Of Plants and Pathogens: A Model Relationship
Pathogen genome reveals secrets of infection
Released  February 28, 2006
Robyn Hannigan in labcoat with bubbles RISE Program Proves that Undergraduate Research Experiences Help Recruit Minority Scientists
Mentorship is thriving at Arkansas State University, where geochemist Robyn Hannigan has established a program to immerse minority and female students in the study of environmental science. The result has been a double success for science and education.
Released  November 8, 2005
Image shows two molecules binding to a larger molecule. Molecules in Motion: Computer Simulations Lead to a Better Understanding of Protein Structures
A California researcher is using the world's most powerful supercomputers to simulate the behavior of molecules. The work could have significant health benefits.
Released  July 29, 2005
snake attacking frog eggs Snake Attack on Frog Eggs Provokes Premature Hatching
Developing tadpoles dive to stay alive
Released  June 3, 2005
Vault cross section Vaults: From Biological Mystery to Nanotech Workhorse?
Natural nano-capsules show promise for drug delivery, electrical switches and circuits
Released  May 11, 2005
Wood frog Frozen Frogs Don't Croak
"Freeze-tolerant" amphibians hold promise for organ transplant technology
Released  April 26, 2005
A piece of the RNA domain in human telomerase The First Key Piece of Telomerase
UCLA biochemists map a knot of RNA that's critical to the enzyme's functioning
Released  March 14, 2005
Star-nosed mole News of This Speedy Mole Travels Fast
Researchers need high-speed camera to catch the star-nosed mole devouring its food.
Released  March 8, 2005
Gene networks cartoon New Method Will Aid Genome Researchers
Computer program helps scientists perform genome-wide analyses systematically and fast
Released  February 10, 2005
Student looking through large telescope Real Science for Younger Scientists
Real scientific projects go beyond "cookbook curriculum" and engage students in the unknown.
Released  November 8, 2004
Photo of threespine stickleback fish Stickleback Study Sheds Light on Species Formation
As a boy growing up in Vancouver, British Columbia, Jeffrey McKinnon collected threespine stickleback fish. The biologist's fascination became a global scientific pursuit, which today is helping to explain how ecology drives species formation.
Released  October 20, 2004
turtle in a cloth harness Geomagnetic Landmarks Give Turtles Sense of Where They Are, Where to Go
How sea turtles navigate across vast expanses of featureless ocean to reach feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery. Now, clues are surfacing to indicate turtles rely partly upon invisible landmarks created by the Earth’s magnetic field.
Released  July 30, 2004
panda Worldwide Biodiversity Threats Tied to Growth in Households
Taking a fresh look at world population dynamics, scientists have uncovered evidence that increasing numbers of households -- even where populations are declining -- are having a vast impact on the world's biodiversity and environment.
Released  July 30, 2004
graphic of a virus infecting a cell RNA Lariat May Tie Up Loose Ends to Decades-Old Mystery of Retrovirus Life Cycle
Studies on common baker's yeast have led to the discovery of what may be a long-sought mechanism in the life cycle of retroviruses, a finding that could help pinpoint targets for new classes of drugs to fight HIV.
Released  July 30, 2004
Ken Dial with an adult chukar partridge Young Birds' Flapping May Explain How Dinosaurs Learned to Fly
Two-legged dinosaurs may have used their forelimbs as wing-like structures to propel themselves up steep inclines long before they could fly. This theory may link two current and opposing explanations for how reptiles evolved into flying birds.
Released  July 30, 2004
several views of pterosaur skulls Pterosaur Heads Were Uniquely Adapted for Flight
Taking a high-tech look at fossil skulls, scientists examined the brains of ancient pterosaurs. They found key structures to be specialized and enlarged, a discovery that could revise views of how vision, flight and the brain itself evolved.
Released  July 30, 2004
the plant Arabidopsis thaliana and background representing DNA sequence A Small Plant's Genome Has Huge Impact
Completing the first-ever plant genome means knowing plants well, really well.
Released  July 23, 2004
Approaching wildfire threatens a subdivision Improving Fire Forecasts
Can mathematics help prevent forest fires? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. A statistician has combined unprecedented amounts of historical and environmental data to create statistical models that promise more accurate estimates of fire hazards.
Released  July 21, 2004
photo of adult and two juvenile baboons Baboon Fathers Really Do Care About Their Kids
In a finding that surprised researchers, a recent three-year study of five baboon groups at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya reveals that baboon fathers overwhelmingly side with their offspring when intervening in disputes.
Released  July 20, 2004
Blue Mountains funnel-web spider Spider Venom Could Yield Eco-Friendly Insecticides
You could call Glenn King "The Spider Man." The University of Connecticut research scientist is mapping spider toxins at the molecular level. His work may result in an insecticide that takes out agricultural pests without harming other insects.
Released  May 3, 2004
Microscopic images of bacteria Bacteria May Thrive in Antarctica's Buried Lake Vostok
Two investigations suggest that bacteria may thrive in Lake Vostok, a suspected lake thousands of meters below the Antarctic ice sheet -- and that microbes could thrive in similarly hostile solar system outposts, such as Jupiter's icy moon, Europa.
Released  December 9, 2003

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