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News Releases from Region 1

Yale Graduate Student Awarded EPA Research Grant

Release date: 10/08/2008

Contact Information: David Deegan, (617) 918-1017

(Boston, Mass. – Oct. 8, 2008) – A doctoral student at Yale University studying ways to make recycling more effective was chosen as one of four students in New England and 32 nationwide to receive an EPA STAR fellowship to complete their masters or doctorate degrees and work on solutions to important environmental challenges.

Matthew Eckelman of New Haven, Conn., received the fellowship to model and map emissions for nine different metals to land and air and link to measures of environmental impact.

"Remarkable young people like Matthew are doing work that will help create a cleaner, healthier environment," said Robert Varney, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office. "We are proud to support these fellows as they pursue the kind of studies that can make an environmental difference."

Eckelman’s spatial modeling research will explore questions including:
- Where should we focus recycling efforts to maximize material recovery while minimizing energy use?
- What are the carbon implications of recycling different metals using various technologies?
- How do metal use, loss, and recovery differ among world regions?

EPA supports fellowship programs as a way to address our country's environmental workforce needs. EPA's STAR graduate fellowship program supports promising masters and doctoral candidates. A total of 879 applicants competed this year for 32 fellowships.

Another 22 new students nationally and two in New England were awarded “Greater Research Opportunities” fellowships, which help students complete their graduate and undergraduate degrees. EPA's Greater Research Opportunities fellowship program helps build environmental studies programs at universities with limited funding for research and development. A total of 156 applicants competed this year.

Since the fellowship program began in 1995, EPA has awarded more than 2,200 fellowships. All applications for EPA's fellowship programs are peer reviewed. Graduate fellows receive up to $37,000 a year to complete their degrees. The undergraduate program pays tuition and a stipend for the junior and senior years of study and includes a summer internship at an EPA facility. The undergrad fellowship provides up to $17,000 per year of academic support and up to $7,500 of internship support for summer.

EPA is now accepting applications from students for GRO undergraduate fellowships. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or be lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.

More information:

2008 Fellowship Awardees (http://www.epa.gov/ncer/08fellowships)

STAR & GRO Fellowship programs and application opportunities (http://www.epa.gov/ncer/fellow)

Matthew Eckelman’s research (http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract/8875)