BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

U.S. Mission to the European Union

WEEE/RoHS: Country-by-Country

Country Information

WEEE and RoHS rules, while laid down at European level, are put into national law at national level. When exporting to Europe, it is essential to comply with national law in each relevant country. The EU law simply serves as a template for national laws, which may differ considerably.

For the latest WEEE implementation information by country, please click on the relevant country below.

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia
Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia
Finland France Germany Greece
Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia
Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands
Norway Poland Portugal Romania
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
Switzerland  Turkey  United Kingdom  

Some of the country-specific pages linked above also provide information on additional WEEE/RoHS resources.

NB Please note that Croatia, Norway, and Switzerland are not part of the EU. They may nevertheless have legislation implementing EU WEEE & RoHS rules, or similar legislation.

Need More?

For futher information and assistance, click here.