Shipment of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV)

The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) allows for the shipment of any number of POVs within the Continental United States, when agency criteria are met. Shipment of a privately owned vehicle (POV) is not an entitlement; it is a discretionary allowance and should only be authorized when advantageous, cost effective and beneficial to the Government.

Agency management objectives should ensure that:

· The POV shipment will make the employee more effective at the new duty station.

· You will benefit from the employee's accelerated arrival at the new official duty station.

· A comparison of the cost of transportation of the employee and family plus shipment of the POV versus per diem and other expenses incurred while driving the POV is done.

Before authorizing shipment of a POV it is recommended that you:

· Establish that the POV is in working order (i.e., State inspected), which is the basis for shipping the POV, and that the employee will use the POV for work purposes.

· Establish that the value of the POV is more than the cost to ship the POV.

· Take into consideration that the current industry trend is to establish mileage thresholds for shipment of a POV and generally allow shipment of only one or two POVs.

· Do not authorize shipment of a POV for employees relocating fewer than 500 miles.

· Ensure that transportation of a POV always originates and terminates at the destinations specified in the FTR. (This is a regulatory requirement.)

· Only authorize shipment of a POV to minimize costs and promote an efficient workforce by providing an employee use of his/her POV when it mutually benefits the Government and the employee.

· Always ensure that taxpayer dollars are used wisely.