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Title:  The Condition of Education in Brief 2005
Description: The Condition of Education 2005 in Brief contains a summary of 19 of the 40 indicators in The Condition of Education 2005. The topics covered include: public and private enrollment in elementary/secondary education, the racial/ethnic distribution of public school students, students' gains in reading and mathematics achievement through 3rd grade, trends in student achievement from the National Assessment of Education Progress in reading and mathematics, international comparisons of mathematics literacy, annual earnings of young adults by education and race/ethnicity, status dropout rates, immediate transition to college, availability of advanced courses in high school, inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms, school violence and safety, faculty salary and total compensation, early development of children, expenditures per student in elementary and secondary education, and public effort to fund postsecondary education.
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Cover Date: June 2005
Web Release: June 1, 2005
Print Release: June 1, 2005
Publication #: NCES 2005095
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Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Andrea Livingston, MPR, Inc.; John Wirt
Type of Product: Compendium
Survey/Program Areas: Annual Reports Program (Annual)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Compendium, please contact:
Michael Planty.
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