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Search Results: (1-12 of 12 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2008314 2003-2004 Private School Universe Survey (PSS) Data File User's Manual and Survey Documentation
This manual describes the 2003-2004 Private School Universe Survey (PSS) data collection activities, processing, and data files. The 2003-2004 PSS public-use data file user's manual is also included.
NCES 2006033 ECLS-K Fifth Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the spring fifth grade wave of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.
NCES 2006066 Impact of Monetary Incentives and Mailing Procedures: An Experiment in a Federally Sponsored Telephone Survey
The National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) includes a series of random digit dial (RDD) surveys developed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to collect information on important educational issues through telephone surveys of households in the United States. This report describes an experiment conducted in NHES:2003. The goal of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of various levels of incentives in gaining increased initial cooperation, refusal conversion, and overall unit response rates. Approximately 79,000 telephone numbers were included in the experiment. The results of the experiment indicate that small cash incentives, used during initial contact stages of the interview process (the Screener stage), can be effective in improving unit response, at least for NHES collections.
NCES 2005071 National Household Education Surveys Program: 2001 Methodology Report
This report documents the design and collection of the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) of 2001. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the collection and the report. Chapter 2 discusses the design of the questionnaires. Chapter 3 presents the sample design. Chapter 4 provides information about the data collection. Chapter 5 focuses on unit response rates. Item response rates and imputation are discussed in chapter 6. Chapter 7 contains information about weighting and variance estimation. Chapter 8 provides a comparison of estimates to extant data sources. Chapter 9 summarizes the re-interview study.
NCES 200203 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 1999–2000 (NPSAS:2000), CATI Nonresponse Bias Analysis Report
Because the student telephone interview response rates for NPSAS:2000 were less than 70 percent in some institutional sectors, an analysis was conducted to determine if Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) estimates were significantly biased due to CATI nonresponse. Considerable information was known for CATI nonrespondents and these data were used to analyze and reduce the bias. The distributions of several variables using the design-based, adjusted weights for study respondents (study weights) were found to be biased before CATI nonresponse adjustments. The CATI nonresponse and poststratification procedures, however, reduced the bias for these variables; and the remaining relative bias ranged from 0 to 0.35 percent.
NCES 2000076 National Household Education Survey of 1999: Data File User's Manual, Volume I
This manual provides documentation and guidance for users of the three public release data files of the NHES:1999: the Parent Interview file, the Youth Interview file, and the Adult Education Interview file. Information about the purpose of the study, the data collection instruments, the sample design, data collection and data processing procedures, and a brief guide to the data files is contained in Volume I of this manual. A reference guide to NHES:1999 variables in previous NHES data files is also provided. Volumes II through IV of the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual each contain a guide to a data file and codebook, a discussion of data considerations and anomalies and, in appendixes, the file layout, derived variable specifications, cross references of NHES:1999 variables with variables in previous NHES files, the codebook for one of the data files from the NHES:1999, and directions and sample code for linking the NHES:1999 files.
NCES 2000077 National Household Education Survey of 1999: Data File User's Manual, Volume IV - Adult Education Interview Data File
Volume IV is meant to be read in conjunction with the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. More information about the purpose of the study, the sample design, the other survey components, the data collection instruments, and data collection and data processing procedures is contained in the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. Information about the Parent Interview public data file and the Youth Interview public data file can be found in Volumes II and III of the manual, respectively.
NCES 2000081 National Household Education Survey of 1999: Data File User's Manual, Volume II - Parent Interview Data File
The NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume II-Parent Interview Data File, provides documentation and guidance for users of the public release data file for the Parent Interview of the 1999 National Household Education Survey (NHES:1999). This volume contains a description of the data file and a discussion of data considerations and anomalies. Included as appendixes are the public file layout, SAS code for creating derived variables, crosswalks of items asked in the NHES:1999 Parent Interview and previous NHES administrations, the codebook for the Parent Interview public data file, and directions and code for linking data files. Volume II is meant to be read in conjunction with the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. More information about the purpose of the study, the sample design, the other survey components, the data collection instruments, and data collection and data processing procedures is contained in the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. Information about the Youth Interview public data file and the Adult Education Interview public data file can be found in Volumes III and IV of the manual, respectively.
NCES 2000082 National Household Education Survey of 1999: Data File User's Manual, Volume III - Youth Interview Data File
The NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume III -Youth Interview Data File, provides documentation and guidance for users of the public release data file for the Youth Interview of the 1999 National Household Education Survey (NHES:1999). This volume contains a description of the data file and a discussion of data considerations and anomalies. Included as appendixes are the public file layout, SAS code for creating derived variables, crosswalks of items asked in the 1999 Youth Interview and the NHES:1996 Youth Civic Involvement Interview, the codebook for the Youth Interview public data file, and directions and code for linking data files. The youth service activity coding manual is also included. Volume III is meant to be read in conjunction with the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. More information about the purpose of the study, the sample design, the other survey components, the data collection instruments, and data collection and data processing procedures is contained in the NHES:1999 Data File User's Manual, Volume I. Information about the Parent Interview public data file and the Adult Education Interview public data file can be found in Volumes II and IV of the manual, respectively.
NCES 2000078 National Household Education Survey of 1999: Methodology Report
This report provides a complete and detailed description of the design, implementation, and release of the 1999 National Household Education Survey. Information included in the report covers such topics as how topics were selected, questionnaires designed, interviewers trained, samples designed, data collected, data cleaned, the data documentation, and how to properly analyze the data.
NCES 97948 An Overview of Response Rates in the National Household Education Survey: 1991, 1993, 1995, and 1996
This report presents descriptive information on response rates for the four NHES administrations in the context of the populations of interest and the survey procedures used for each cycle. Following an overview of the NHES, response rates at the screening level are addressed, followed by a discussion of response rates to the interviews conducted with or about persons sampled within households (extended interviews).
NCES 97336 National Household Education Survey of 1993: Adjusting for Coverage Bias Using Telephone Service Interruption Data
The National Household Education Survey (NHES) is a data collection system of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which has as its legislative mission the collection and publication of data on the condition of education in the Nation. This report is a continuation of research on issues related to biases that result from the inability to survey persons who live in households without telephones.
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