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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 92088 National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 First Follow-up: Student Component Data File User's Manual Volume II
These NELS:88 files contain data on NELS:88 first follow-up students and schools. The student file also contains dropout data for those students who left school. The user manual will familiarize data users and others with the procedures followed for data collection and processing and provide necessary documentation for use of the files. Volume II of this 2 volume user manual series on the First Follow-UP: Student Component Data File is a companion to User’s Manual Volume I NCES 92-030. Volume I includes technical information and Appendices A through L. Volume II includes questionnaires used in the survey in appendices M though W.
NCES 2001072 The Condition of Education, 2001
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2001 print edition includes 59 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. Also in the 2001 edition is a special focus essay on the access, persistence, and success of first-generation students in postsecondary education.
NCES 97885 Essential Skills in Mathematics: A Comparative Analysis of American and Japanese Assessments of Eighth-Graders
This report uses data from examinations given in Japan and the United States to assess the essential components of the taught curriculum in each country. Students in each country were assessed using examinations designed specifically for students in that country. This report compares the nature of these examinations, the expectations based on the curriculum, and student perfomances on the included items. This comparison, combined with an accompanying analysis of the curricular intents for American eighth-graders and their Japanese counterparts in grade two of lower secondary school, provides a rich picture of the differences in student performance and curricular emphases and expectations that mark this study.
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