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Publications for Center:

Center for Environmental Science

Grant Number CR830890

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  • Book Chapter (1)
  • Dissertation/Thesis (2)
  • Journal Article (1)
  • Presentation (5)
  • Reference Type Reference Title Journal Author Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Book Chapter Formation and effects of smog. None Gaffney JS, Marley NA, Frederick JE Gaffney JS, Marley NA, Frederick JE. Formation and effects of smog. Environmental and Ecological Chemistry Section, Atmospheric Chemistry, In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO. Sabljic A, ed. Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers. 2002:22. CR830890C004 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Climatic effects of urbanization: urban, suburban and rural microclimates in the Chicago region. None Barzyk TM Barzyk TM. Climatic effects of urbanization: urban, suburban and rural microclimates in the Chicago region. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Chicago, IL, June 2006, 171 pp. CR830890C006 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis A case study addressing the influence of the urban boundary layer on UVB transmission. None Winiecki S

    Winiecki S. A case study addressing the influence of the urban boundary layer on UVB transmission. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, August 2004, 125 pp.

    CR830890C002 (2004)
    CR830890C003 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Ultraviolet radiation and clouds: couplings to tropospheric air quality. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH Winiecki S, Frederick JE. Winiecki S, Frederick JE. Ultraviolet radiation and clouds: couplings to tropospheric air quality. Journal of Geophysical Research 2005;110(D22):D22202, doi:10.1029/2005JD006199. CR830890C003 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation The energetics of urban microclimates. None Barzyk TM, Frederick JE Barzyk TM, Frederick JE. The energetics of urban microclimates. Presented at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 28–February 3, 2006, paper J3.6. CR830890C006 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Urban microclimates: physical mechanisms and significance. None Frederick JE

    Frederick JE. Urban microclimates: physical mechanisms and significance. Presented at the 2004 Chicago Joint Conference on the Environment, Chicago, IL, April 6-7, 2004.

    CR830890C001 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Megacities as sources of black carbon. None Gaffney JS, Marley NA Gaffney JS, Marley NA. Megacities as sources of black carbon. Presented at the Sixth Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry: Air Quality in Megacities, 84th National Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle, WA, January 10-16, 2004, paper J2.3, Combined Preprints CD-ROM Volume, 6 pp. CR830890C004 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Black carbon in urban areas: measurements on holidays demonstrate impact of diesel soot. None Gaffney JS, Marley NA, Grams B, Hernandez U, Frederick J, Barzyk T Gaffney JS, Marley NA, Grams B, Hernandez U, Frederick J, Barzyk T. Black carbon in urban areas: measurements on holidays demonstrate impact of diesel soot. Presented at the Seventh Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry as part of the 85th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 9-13, 2005, paper. 3.6 CD Preprint Volume, 4 pp. CR830890C001 (2004)
    CR830890C004 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Rainwater interactions with natural radionuclides on carbonaceous soot. None Gaffney JS, Krzeminska-Flowers M, Marley NA, Orlandini KA Gaffney JS, Krzeminska-Flowers M, Marley NA, Orlandini KA. Rainwater interactions with natural radionuclides on carbonaceous soot. Presented at the Seventh Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry as part of the 85th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 9-13 2005, paper 2.2 CD Preprint Volume, 3 pp. CR830890C004 (Final)
    not available

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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