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Find ENERGY STAR Qualified CFLs: Advanced Search

Find ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs by searching by model number, product attributes, specialty products, or which fixture(s) you want to use a CFL in.

Model Number:
Enter only the first few digits for best results - all similar model numbers will be found.


Manufacturer Name:
Model Type:
Retail Product Number(s):
Wattage: watts
Light Output: lumens
Bulb Life:
To select one or more lifetimes, hold down the control or shift button while clicking the mouse
Color Temperature:
To select one or more color temperatures, hold down the control or shift button while clicking the mouse
Residential or Commercial Product?
Product Availability:
Date Qualified:
From:   To:
Specialty Products:
 3-Way CFL   Dimmable CFL   Bug Light CFL 
What fixture(s) do you want to use your qualified CFL in?

ceiling mounted fixture
Ceiling-Mounted Fixture

Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan

Pendant fixture
Pendant Fixture

Table Fixture
Table or Floor Lamp

Decorative Vanity fixture

Decorative/Vanity Fixture

wall sconce fixture
Wall Sconce Fixture

Recessed Can fixture

Recessed Can Fixture

Outdoor flood light

Outdoor Flood Light

Outdoor Enclosed Fixture (post or porch fixture)

Display Columns
To display more fields, hold down the control or shift button while clicking the mouse

Feedback about this search can be sent to cfl@energystar.gov