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Modeling and Tools for Project and Facility Planning

NREL develops models and tools that can be used to evaluate renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies for projects and facility planning. The following is a list of models and tools that apply to this area.

Federal Renewable Energy Screening Assistant (FRESA)

The FRESA Web site performs screenings for building- and facility-scale applications of several energy resources. FRESA performs a general, Level 1 screening and a more specific, Level 2 screening for building- and facility-scale applications. Building-scale applications are small in scale; FRESA currently screens for photovoltaics (PV), solar hot water heating, and wind energy at the building-scale. Facility-scale applications are technologies that can meet the energy needs of an entire facility; FRESA currently screens for photovoltaics (PV) and wind energy at the facility-scale. Note that if your facility is only made up of one building, then your facility-scale inputs will be the same as your building-scale inputs.

More Information

For more information, see our models and tools publications. You also can find more models and tools on NREL's Energy Analysis Web Site.