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Q : Who has to have a medical exam?

  • Adjustment of Status applicants and immigrant visa applicants. Anyone applying for adjustment of status in the United States, or for an immigrant visa at a U.S. Consular post abroad, must undergo a medical exam including a vaccination assessment. Note: If the individual is applying for registry based on his or her entry before January 1, 1972, and has been in continuous residence in the United States since that date, a medical exam is not required.
  • K and V nonimmigrant (temporary) visa applicants. Individuals applying for a K nonimmigrant visa as the fiancé(e) or the spouse or child of a U.S. citizen or for a V nonimmigrant visa as the spouse or child of a lawful permanent resident (LPR) (including those applying for V status in the United States) must undergo a medical exam, but are not required to comply with the vaccination requirements at that time. They will be required to comply with the vaccination requirements when they apply for permanent residence.
  • Refugees. Individuals outside of the United States applying for admission as refugees must undergo a medical exam, but they are not required to comply with the vaccination requirements at that time.
  • Refugee adjustment applicants. Refugees become eligible to apply for adjustment of status to permanent residents one year after their initial refugee admission. When they apply for permanent residence, they will not be required to repeat the medical exam they had overseas, unless a medical ground of inadmissibility was discovered. But, a refugee who is not required to repeat the medical exam must still comply with the vaccination requirements and submit the vaccination supplement in support of the adjustment of status application. Contact your state refugee health coordinator or local refugee resettlement agency to find out whether it is possible for you to have the vaccination sign-off done by a state or local health department.  Evidence of compliance with vaccination requirement is required when applying for adjustment of status.
  • Asylees. Individuals already in the United States who are applying for asylum are not required to have a medical exam.
  • Asylee adjustment applicants. Individuals granted asylum become eligible to apply for adjustment of status to permanent residents one year after the date of approval. When they apply for adjustment of status, they are required to undergo the entire medical exam, including the vaccination assessment.

NOTE: A medical exam is not required for other nonimmigrant visa applicants and nonimmigrants arriving at a port of entry, but the Consular officers overseas and the inspectors at the port of entry can require a medical exam if there are reasons to believe that you might be inadmissible on medical grounds.

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