Condenser People, Inc.

2323 S. Mount Prospect Road
Des Plaines, IL 60018

We are an earth friendly nationwide contractor that provides fin type coil cleaning services for the smallest to the largest coils associated with the HVAC-R Industry. For the much larger size coils we also get involved in chemical, oil refinery, and power plant projects (thru a separate division). Historically our service once completed reduced energy consumption for related equipment in between 20%-30%.

Commercial Market(s) Served: Existing Commercial Buildings  

Commercial Market Sectors Served: Commercial Real Estate, Corporate Real Estate, Federal Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Hospitality & Entertainment, K-12 Education, Local Government, Retail, Small Business, State Government

Services: Equipment Installation/Maintenance

Contact Information:
Amy Kehl
847-759-8094 (phone)
847-759-8182 (fax) (e-mail)

Martin Hadle
847-759-8094 (phone)
847-759-8182 (fax) (e-mail)