RSA MIS User Guide

Table of contents

The initial 2003 version of the RSA Management Information System (MIS) supported the capability to enter the data recorded on the RSA-113, Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report; the RSA-2, Annual Program Cost Report; and the SF-269, Financial Status Report for the RSA formula grant programs. Since then we have added many other programs and forms to the system.

Getting Started

The RSA-MIS is a web-based application, and may be accessed by any computer connected to the internet. You may use any web-browser to access the system. It has been tested with Internet Explorer version 6 and 7, Mozilla Firefox, and Avant 11.5.

To get to the system, enter the following address in your address bar. If you create a bookmark or 'favorite' for the MIS, make sure the web address is '' without any extra characters.

For people without a user ID

There is a lot of information available in the RSA-MIS even to people who do not have a user ID. If you don't need to enter information into the system, you don't need a user ID. If you're interested in looking at and reading information in the system, you can skip the rest of this page and continue to the Using the MIS Main Menu.

Obtaining a user ID

If you need to enter information into the system, and if you have never obtained a user ID, click on the words Info for new users on the left menu bar on the main RSA-MIS screen.

Read the entire page, then click on the button at the bottom and follow the on-screen and e-mail prompts. Basically, you will fill out a form on-line and a copy will be sent to you via email. Obtain a signature from the Authorizing Official at your agency, then FAX the form to us. Allow 1-2 business days for us to complete granting access.

Forget your password or user ID?

It's OK... we all forget things from time to time.

We can send you your user ID, but since e-mail is not secure we cannot send your password.

From the main MIS screen, click on the words "Forget your user ID or password? Click Here." On the following screen, enter your user ID (if you remember it) or your e-mail address, then click the 'Send me my ID and reset my password' button. To prevent someone else from taking your ID, we will lock your user account and we will send an e-mail to the address we have on file. This e-mail will have a clickable link. When you get the e-mail, click on the link in the e-mail to unlock your account and reset your password. Note: you have 24 hours from the time the e-mail is sent. If you don't receive an e-mail after about 15 minutes, check your spam folder. If problems persist, click on the Technical Support link on the main MIS page.


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Using the MIS Main Menu

The following options are available from the RSA-MIS Main Menu to all users, even if you are not logged in.

The following options require a user ID. If you need access to these, please see the section on obtaining a user ID.

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Entering information into the MIS

To enter information into the MIS, click on DATA ENTRY on the MIS Main Menu.

You will see a list of grants to which you have been given access. If nothing shows up, click the word LOGOFF on the menu bar on the left, then log in again. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

For each Performance Report you've been given access to (such as the SF-269 or the CAP) you will see a box with the State, Grantee Name, PR Award Number, Award FY, Report though date, and Status. These will be listed most recent report first, including reports have not yet been entered.


Performance reports are tagged with a status in the MIS. Here's a list of the statuses we use and what they mean.

Details on Specific Forms

Specific detailed information about entering the following reports is also available.


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Getting information out of the MIS

The RSA-MIS offers several ways to get to information about RSA grantees. All of these are available to the public (you don't need a user ID to run these!). Among them are


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How to use Ad hoc query

The Ad hoc query tool allows you to retrieve exactly the information you want from the MIS. Follow these steps.

  1. Select Ad hoc query from the Main Menu.

  2. Select one of the forms from the list. The list consists of all the forms that have published data, and will change from time to time as data is published.

  3. Choose the columns you wish to query by checking the box. If you wish to limit the selection, enter the criteria in the input boxes. In setting the criteria, you may use the abbreviation in the 'Abbr' column (with the square brackets) in your comparisons or any numeric expression. When done, click the Run Query button at the bottom of the screen.

  4. The MIS will display all the data that meets the criteria you entered. You will then have the options to Format for printing or to Save to MS Excel.


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How to use Quick tables

Quick Tables lets you create a custom report from RSA data. The reports are pre-designed and may include graphs, though you have the capability to add a graph even if it isn't included by default. Here's how to use Quick Tables.

  1. Select Quick tables from the Main Menu.

  2. Choose the type of table (or tables) you would like to create from the list. The list contains the most frequently used tables. If you wish you may expend the list by clicking one of the More like this links. For any table listed, you can click the View a sample link to preview the table. (Tip: right-click on the link and choose "Open in New Window" from the pop-up menu.) When you're done, click the Next Step button at the bottom of the screen. (You may have to scroll down to find the bottom of the screen. To get there fast, hold down the CONTROL key and press the END key.)

  3. The next screen will list each of the tables you have chosen. For each of the tables, you have one to five options for running the report, and you may choose one (or more) of the options listed for your table.

    • National totals, for several fiscal years
    • National averages, by fiscal year
    • Totals and Averages by type of grantee, for the latest fiscal year
    • Data for one grantee, for several fiscal years
    • Data for one grantee compared to its peers, for the latest fiscal year

    Click the Next step button when done.

  4. If you have selected Data for one grantee for your table(s), the MIS will ask you to select a grantee from the dropdown list. Click the Next step button when done.

  5. If you have selected Compare to peers for your table(s), the MIS will ask you to select the peer agencies from a listbox. Hold down the CONTROL key and click on a name to select or deselect it. Click the Next step button when done.

  6. When the report displays, you may choose output options.

    • You can re-run the same report for a different grantee.
    • You can format the report for printing
    • You can send the report to MS Word (no graphs will be generated)
    • You can send the report to MS Excel (no graphs will be generated)

    You may change how the report looks by clicking the "Customize this report" link (we suggest only advanced users try this option).


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Last Modified: 10/24/2008