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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 375. Percentage distribution of 1999-2000 bachelor's degree recipients 1 year after graduation, by field of study, time to completion, enrollment status, employment status, occupational area, job characteristics, and annual salaries: 2001
                                    |              |                                                                              |                                                                                           |
                                    |              |                             Professional/technical fields                    |                                          Arts and sciences                                |
                                    |              |______________________________________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________________________|
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |  Public affairs|              |   Mathematics|              |                |              |              |
                                    |    All fields|  Business and|              |              |          Health|             and|    Biological|  and physical|        Social|                |              |              |
Status                              |      of study|    management|     Education|   Engineering|     professions| social services|      sciences|      sciences|      sciences|         History|    Humanities|    Psychology|  Other fields
1                                   |             2|             3|             4|             5|               6|               7|             8|             9|            10|              11|            12|            13|            14
     Total 1999-2000 graduates .....|  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) | 100.0    (†) |  100.0     (†) |  100.0     (†) |  100.0   (†) | 100.0    (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0     (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†)
Time between high school            |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
   graduation and degree completion |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  4 years or less ..................|   32.7 (0.79)|   28.2 (1.72)|   25.6 (1.80)|   23.0 (2.26)|   26.2   (2.05)|   27.6   (2.58)|   44.5 (2.40)|   32.5 (2.42)|   44.7 (2.37)|   42.5   (4.42)|   38.1 (2.07)|   42.8 (2.37)|   31.3 (1.55)
  More than 4, up to 5 years .......|   22.9 (0.59)|   19.7 (1.40)|   25.8 (1.67)|   32.4 (2.49)|   21.5   (1.75)|   23.1   (2.70)|   24.6 (2.27)|   22.2 (2.00)|   22.1 (1.98)|   18.3   (2.95)|   20.2 (1.50)|   18.4 (1.86)|   26.3 (1.38)
  More than 5, up to 6 years .......|   10.8 (0.48)|   10.0 (1.14)|   14.2 (1.14)|   15.3 (1.14)|   11.1   (1.14)|    9.1   (1.14)|    6.5 (1.14)|   11.8 (1.14)|    9.5 (1.14)|    7.4   (1.14)|   11.6 (1.14)|    8.5 (1.14)|   11.2 (1.14)
  More than 6, up to 10 years ......|   14.8 (0.56)|   15.3 (1.49)|   15.7 (1.66)|   15.4 (2.13)|   14.9   (1.59)|   15.7   (2.93)|   16.6 (2.18)|   15.0 (2.06)|   11.5 (1.43)|   12.3   (2.74)|   15.4 (1.55)|   14.0 (1.78)|   14.3 (1.40)
  More than 10 years ...............|   18.9 (0.62)|   26.8 (1.78)|   18.6 (1.79)|   13.9 (1.81)|   26.3   (1.77)|   24.6   (2.71)|    7.8 (1.44)|   18.4 (2.13)|   12.2 (1.52)|   19.5   (3.47)|   14.8 (1.45)|   16.4 (1.92)|   17.0 (1.45)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
Enrollment status                   |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  Enrolled full-time ...............|   14.2 (0.49)|    7.0 (0.91)|    6.8 (1.00)|    9.7 (1.47)|   16.4   (1.35)|   11.5   (1.86)|   41.5 (2.79)|   17.2 (2.00)|   23.9 (2.00)|   16.7   (2.48)|   14.7 (1.24)|   23.3 (2.02)|   11.1 (0.97)
  Enrolled part-time ...............|    6.5 (0.31)|    5.4 (0.80)|   11.2 (1.15)|    8.9 (1.55)|    5.6   (1.00)|    7.6   (1.76)|    4.0 (0.92)|    7.2 (1.40)|    4.7 (0.90)|   12.2   (3.20)|    6.5 (0.94)|    7.7 (1.15)|    5.0 (0.72)
  Not enrolled .....................|   79.4 (0.54)|   87.6 (1.09)|   82.0 (1.45)|   81.4 (2.03)|   78.1   (1.62)|   80.9   (2.34)|   54.6 (2.73)|   75.6 (2.38)|   71.5 (2.14)|   71.1   (3.67)|   78.9 (1.53)|   69.0 (2.13)|   83.9 (1.18)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
Employment status                   |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  Employed .........................|   87.4 (0.44)|   91.8 (1.05)|   93.9 (0.91)|   93.0 (1.39)|   88.5   (1.25)|   90.9   (1.90)|   70.2 (2.49)|   88.4 (1.59)|   81.2 (1.70)|   88.7   (2.27)|   85.2 (1.49)|   80.8 (1.97)|   87.0 (1.02)
    Full time ......................|   76.5 (0.54)|   85.5 (1.29)|   84.0 (1.44)|   86.0 (1.78)|   74.8   (1.67)|   85.1   (2.21)|   52.6 (2.78)|   80.7 (2.02)|   66.0 (2.18)|   76.8   (2.99)|   67.5 (1.83)|   64.0 (2.50)|   78.6 (1.27)
    Part time ......................|   10.9 (0.42)|    6.2 (0.90)|    9.8 (1.15)|    6.9 (1.23)|   13.7   (1.29)|    5.8   (1.23)|   17.6 (1.88)|    7.7 (1.23)|   15.2 (1.71)|   11.9   (2.11)|   17.7 (1.55)|   16.8 (1.92)|    8.4 (0.86)
  Unemployed\1\ ....................|    6.2 (0.33)|    5.4 (0.90)|    2.2 (0.49)|    4.4 (1.06)|    4.9   (0.90)|    4.9   (1.32)|    6.7 (1.31)|    4.4 (1.06)|    7.8 (1.08)|    5.5   (1.80)|    8.1 (1.07)|    9.8 (1.58)|    7.8 (0.78)
  Not in labor force\2\ ............|    6.4 (0.32)|    2.9 (0.59)|    4.0 (0.74)|    2.7 (0.83)|    6.6   (0.89)|    4.2   (1.04)|   23.2 (2.26)|    7.3 (1.26)|   11.0 (1.40)|    5.8   (1.47)|    6.7 (0.93)|    9.5 (1.38)|    5.2 (0.74)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
Unemployment rate\3\ ...............|    4.0 (0.33)|    2.9 (0.65)|    2.6 (1.38)|    2.9 (0.86)|    3.1   (0.78)|    3.5   (1.01)|    8.6 (2.08)|    2.8 (1.09)|    6.1 (1.25)|    7.2   (2.06)|    4.9 (1.02)|    3.9 (0.92)|    3.9 (0.69)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
   Total employed ..................|  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0     (†) |  100.0     (†) | 100.0    (†) | 100.0    (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0     (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†) |  100.0   (†)
Occupation                          |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  Business management ..............|   25.3 (0.57)|   55.4 (1.78)|    4.2 (0.83)|   11.1 (1.85)|   10.8   (1.37)|   19.0   (2.68)|   15.2 (2.12)|   14.6 (2.17)|   33.7 (2.07)|   22.5   (4.14)|   18.1 (1.65)|   19.8 (2.24)|   22.9 (1.51)
  Education ........................|   18.1 (0.56)|    3.2 (0.65)|   81.9 (1.67)|    3.0 (1.01)|    7.6   (1.08)|   11.0   (2.69)|   12.6 (1.91)|   11.7 (1.90)|   13.5 (1.69)|   24.0   (3.90)|   24.5 (1.72)|   21.9 (2.36)|   14.2 (1.26)
  Engineering ......................|    4.8 (0.31)|    1.2 (0.33)|     #    (†) |   53.0 (3.11)|     #      (†) |    0.7   (0.47)|    1.2 (0.81)|    9.2 (1.40)|    0.5 (0.24)|     #      (†) |    0.5 (0.37)|     #    (†) |    3.9 (0.76)
  Health professions ...............|    7.8 (0.38)|    1.0 (0.36)|    1.6 (0.51)|    0.4 (0.30)|   61.8   (2.27)|    4.3   (1.15)|   15.6 (1.96)|    2.0 (0.77)|    3.4 (0.96)|    2.0   (1.97)|    1.5 (0.42)|    7.9 (1.28)|    3.6 (0.67)
  Other profession\4\ ..............|   11.2 (0.42)|    2.3 (0.51)|    1.5 (0.37)|   13.5 (2.08)|    5.7   (1.06)|   26.7   (2.78)|   32.7 (2.82)|   16.7 (1.82)|   15.2 (1.78)|    9.1   (2.34)|   10.8 (1.28)|   21.2 (2.09)|   14.7 (1.19)
  Computer science/programming .....|    6.8 (0.37)|    9.0 (1.05)|    1.2 (0.41)|   10.1 (1.93)|    0.8   (0.33)|    2.3   (1.00)|    2.3 (0.70)|   35.9 (2.42)|    4.9 (1.22)|    1.8   (0.97)|    5.4 (0.99)|    2.1 (0.73)|    4.8 (0.94)
  Administrative/clerical/support ..|    5.4 (0.33)|    5.7 (0.91)|    3.5 (0.74)|    1.6 (0.60)|    2.8   (0.70)|    5.1   (1.30)|    5.0 (1.40)|    3.0 (0.82)|    8.8 (1.27)|    7.6   (2.15)|    8.6 (1.05)|    5.9 (1.39)|    5.1 (0.73)
  Mechanic/operator/laborer ........|    3.3 (0.27)|    3.8 (0.78)|    1.1 (0.41)|    3.6 (1.08)|    2.0   (0.74)|    2.0   (0.96)|    6.1 (1.72)|    1.8 (0.68)|    1.2 (0.57)|    8.3   (2.47)|    4.7 (0.85)|    2.0 (1.01)|    4.8 (0.75)
  Sales ............................|    6.8 (0.38)|   12.2 (1.21)|    1.0 (0.45)|    1.3 (0.53)|    2.9   (0.69)|    2.2   (0.79)|    3.3 (1.08)|    2.0 (0.96)|    4.0 (0.91)|   11.1   (2.44)|    6.8 (1.07)|    4.3 (0.93)|   12.3 (1.13)
  Service ..........................|    8.1 (0.41)|    5.1 (0.83)|    3.3 (0.86)|    1.7 (0.57)|    4.4   (1.05)|    5.4   (1.61)|    5.0 (1.09)|    1.5 (0.54)|   11.1 (1.75)|   12.2   (2.84)|   18.5 (1.60)|   11.3 (1.74)|   10.7 (1.15)
  Military/protective service ......|    2.4 (0.24)|    1.2 (0.41)|    0.8 (0.47)|    0.6 (0.36)|    1.2   (0.47)|   21.5   (2.89)|    1.0 (0.47)|    1.7 (0.62)|    3.6 (0.81)|    1.5   (0.88)|    0.6 (0.29)|    3.5 (1.02)|    2.9 (0.64)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
Job characteristics                 |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  Job is start of career ...........|   71.4 (0.67)|   75.7 (1.60)|   86.6 (1.41)|   89.1 (1.61)|   73.4   (1.88)|   75.8   (2.62)|   60.0 (3.28)|   76.3 (2.37)|   62.4 (2.54)|   58.9   (4.08)|   61.7 (1.98)|   56.6 (2.84)|   68.1 (1.62)
  Job closely related to            |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
     bachelor's degree .............|   54.0 (0.72)|   55.8 (1.66)|   82.7 (1.48)|   69.3 (2.85)|   74.6   (1.95)|   59.3   (2.93)|   47.1 (3.06)|   66.3 (2.62)|   29.0 (2.09)|   24.8   (3.78)|   41.3 (1.95)|   35.8 (2.82)|   47.0 (2.14)
                                    |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
Annual salaries\5\                  |              |              |              |              |                |                |              |              |              |                |              |              |
  Less than $10,000 ................|    1.4 (0.16)|    0.4 (0.20)|    1.8 (0.57)|    0.8 (0.74)|    0.6   (0.22)|    1.1   (0.58)|    1.8 (0.69)|    0.8 (0.64)|    2.2 (0.70)|    3.3   (2.14)|    1.8 (0.42)|    5.5 (1.48)|    1.3 (0.45)
  $10,000 to $14,999 ...............|    2.6 (0.24)|    1.0 (0.41)|    1.6 (0.42)|    0.5 (0.37)|    1.3   (0.50)|    2.7   (1.44)|    4.7 (1.43)|    0.7 (0.33)|    2.9 (0.79)|    2.0   (0.85)|    5.4 (0.98)|    4.1 (1.24)|    3.0 (0.60)
  $15,000 to $19,999 ...............|    5.4 (0.34)|    1.8 (0.57)|    7.3 (1.14)|    1.4 (0.58)|    2.8   (0.76)|    8.0   (2.16)|    9.7 (2.04)|    4.2 (1.06)|    4.3 (1.03)|    8.1   (3.02)|    9.1 (1.10)|    7.8 (1.85)|    7.4 (1.01)
  $20,000 to $24,999 ...............|   11.2 (0.47)|    5.7 (0.92)|   16.4 (1.76)|    1.5 (0.64)|    6.4   (1.20)|   18.2   (2.74)|   13.7 (2.24)|    6.6 (1.41)|   13.6 (1.79)|   11.2   (2.63)|   14.7 (1.43)|   18.9 (1.99)|   15.0 (1.36)
  $25,000 to $34,999 ...............|   36.4 (0.81)|   29.3 (1.96)|   62.0 (2.18)|    5.7 (1.54)|   30.2   (2.07)|   46.2   (3.38)|   37.1 (3.43)|   24.7 (2.87)|   39.0 (2.77)|   47.2   (4.85)|   43.3 (2.25)|   41.1 (3.12)|   37.3 (2.03)
  $35,000 to $49,999 ...............|   28.0 (0.77)|   41.1 (2.01)|    9.5 (1.24)|   44.0 (3.20)|   40.3   (2.23)|   16.3   (2.39)|   25.5 (3.27)|   28.3 (2.83)|   26.7 (2.41)|   26.9   (4.48)|   20.2 (1.86)|   16.1 (2.38)|   24.4 (1.73)
  $50,000 to $74,999 ...............|   12.3 (0.54)|   15.9 (1.48)|    1.4 (0.59)|   43.1 (3.19)|   14.7   (1.73)|    4.5   (1.38)|    5.8 (1.73)|   29.5 (2.94)|    8.4 (1.58)|    1.3   (1.08)|    4.9 (1.05)|    4.8 (1.22)|    9.5 (1.25)
  $75,000 or more ..................|    2.9 (0.29)|    4.9 (0.90)|     #    (†) |    3.0 (0.93)|    3.8   (0.99)|    2.9   (1.44)|    1.7 (1.10)|    5.2 (1.13)|    2.8 (0.86)|     #      (†) |    0.7 (0.32)|    1.8 (1.13)|    2.2 (0.60)
Average annual salary\6\ ...........|$35,408(316.0)|$41,008(941.2)|$27,634(345.7)|$47,931(790.0)|$39,441(1,089.6)|$30,400(1,054.7)|$30,749(978.4)|$42,755(981.0)|$33,892(916.0)|$29,984(1,053.2)|$30,102(846.5)|$28,835(905.7)|$32,780(627.5)
†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.
\1\Percent of all persons (including those not in the labor force) who are not working, but looking for work.
\2\Percent not working and not looking for work.
\3\Percent of persons in the labor force (excluding those not in the labor force) who are not working, but looking for work.
\4\All other professional occupations excluding business, teaching, engineering, and health.
\5\Salaries for those employed full time.
\6\Respondents reporting salaries less than $1,000 or more than $500,000 were excluded.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2000/01 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:2000/01). (This table was prepared September 2003.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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