Technical resources. EPA provides guidance for implementing technical specifications and assists in developing regional variations. EPA also provides extensive guidance and training, including the Thermal Bypass Checklist Guide, through its Web site.

Marketing resources. EPA provides resources for recruiting builders and promoting ENERGY STAR qualified homes, including trainings, fact sheets, brochures, and partner recognition.

Best Practices Guide PDF (683KB), Appendices PDF icon (3.92MB), and Checklist PDF (69KB). Provides in-depth best practices, case studies, and a summary checklist for utilities planning to implement an ENERGY STAR Homes program, focusing on program design, marketing, implementation, and evaluation.

Builder Recruitment Handbook. Learn how to recruit and maintain relationships with builders.

New Homes Partner Locator. Contact homebuilders, home energy raters, lenders, and program sponsors involved in promoting energy efficiency in homes.

Newsletters. Quarterly updates that provided key programmatic, marketing and technical updates along with other useful information for Partners.

Recognition. EPA provides partners with recognition through various awards for their partnership and for meeting program milestones.

Advanced Lighting Package (ALP). An ENERGY STAR ALP designation identifies homes equipped with a comprehensive set of ENERGY STAR qualified light fixtures. The ALP can be promoted to manufacturers, builders, lighting showrooms, and distributors to spur long-term change in the preference for energy-efficient lighting.

Indoor Air Package (IAP). EPA created the Indoor Air Package to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality and energy efficiency, and is now available for all interested ENERGY STAR Partners.