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Digest of Education Statistics
2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 177. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by level of enrollment, sex, attendance status, and type and control of institution: 2000

    Attendance status,    |              Total              |          Undergraduate          |     First-professional   |           Graduate
   and type and control   |_________________________________|_________________________________|__________________________|______________________________
      of institution      |   Total   |   Men    |  Women   |   Total   |   Men    |  Women   | Total  |  Men   | Women  |  Total   |  Men   |  Women
            1             |     2     |    3     |    4     |     5     |    6     |    7     |   8    |   9    |   10   |    11    |   12   |    13
    Total ................|15,312,289 |6,721,769 |8,590,520 |13,155,393 |5,778,268 |7,377,125 |306,625 |163,885 |142,740 |1,850,271 |779,616 |1,070,655
  Full-time ..............| 9,009,600 |4,111,093 |4,898,507 | 7,922,926 |3,588,246 |4,334,680 |273,571 |145,397 |128,174 |  813,103 |377,450 |  435,653
  Part-time ..............| 6,302,689 |2,610,676 |3,692,013 | 5,232,467 |2,190,022 |3,042,445 | 33,054 | 18,488 | 14,566 |1,037,168 |402,166 |  635,002
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Total 4-year ...........| 9,363,858 |4,163,169 |5,200,689 | 7,207,289 |3,219,748 |3,987,541 |306,625 |163,885 |142,740 |1,849,944 |779,536 |1,070,408
    Full-time ............| 6,792,551 |3,115,252 |3,677,299 | 5,705,882 |2,592,407 |3,113,475 |273,571 |145,397 |128,174 |  813,098 |377,448 |  435,650
    Part-time ............| 2,571,307 |1,047,917 |1,523,390 | 1,501,407 |  627,341 |  874,066 | 33,054 | 18,488 | 14,566 |1,036,846 |402,088 |  634,758
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Total 2-year ...........| 5,948,431 |2,558,600 |3,389,831 | 5,948,104 |2,558,520 |3,389,584 |       |       |       |      327 |     80 |      247
    Full-time ............| 2,217,049 |  995,841 |1,221,208 | 2,217,044 |  995,839 |1,221,205 |       |       |       |        5 |      2 |        3
    Part-time ............| 3,731,382 |1,562,759 |2,168,623 | 3,731,060 |1,562,681 |2,168,379 |       |       |       |      322 |     78 |      244
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
Public, total ............|11,752,786 |5,132,407 |6,620,379 |10,539,322 |4,622,098 |5,917,224 |124,114 | 63,137 | 60,977 |1,089,350 |447,172 |  642,178
  Full-time ..............| 6,371,226 |2,899,900 |3,471,326 | 5,796,867 |2,627,210 |3,169,657 |118,006 | 60,098 | 57,908 |  456,353 |212,592 |  243,761
  Part-time ..............| 5,381,560 |2,232,507 |3,149,053 | 4,742,455 |1,994,888 |2,747,567 |  6,108 |  3,039 |  3,069 |  632,997 |234,580 |  398,417
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Public 4-year ..........| 6,055,398 |2,691,718 |3,363,680 | 4,842,261 |2,181,489 |2,660,772 |124,114 | 63,137 | 60,977 |1,089,023 |447,092 |  641,931
    Full-time ............| 4,371,218 |2,008,618 |2,362,600 | 3,796,864 |1,735,930 |2,060,934 |118,006 | 60,098 | 57,908 |  456,348 |212,590 |  243,758
    Part-time ............| 1,684,180 |  683,100 |1,001,080 | 1,045,397 |  445,559 |  599,838 |  6,108 |  3,039 |  3,069 |  632,675 |234,502 |  398,173
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Public 2-year ..........| 5,697,388 |2,440,689 |3,256,699 | 5,697,061 |2,440,609 |3,256,452 |       |       |       |      327 |     80 |      247
    Full-time ............| 2,000,008 |  891,282 |1,108,726 | 2,000,003 |  891,280 |1,108,723 |       |       |       |        5 |      2 |        3
    Part-time ............| 3,697,380 |1,549,407 |2,147,973 | 3,697,058 |1,549,329 |2,147,729 |       |       |       |      322 |     78 |      244
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
Private, total ...........| 3,559,503 |1,589,362 |1,970,141 | 2,616,071 |1,156,170 |1,459,901 |182,511 |100,748 | 81,763 |  760,921 |332,444 |  428,477
  Full-time ..............| 2,638,374 |1,211,193 |1,427,181 | 2,126,059 |  961,036 |1,165,023 |155,565 | 85,299 | 70,266 |  356,750 |164,858 |  191,892
  Part-time ..............|   921,129 |  378,169 |  542,960 |   490,012 |  195,134 |  294,878 | 26,946 | 15,449 | 11,497 |  404,171 |167,586 |  236,585
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Private 4-year .........| 3,308,460 |1,471,451 |1,837,009 | 2,365,028 |1,038,259 |1,326,769 |182,511 |100,748 | 81,763 |  760,921 |332,444 |  428,477
    Full-time ............| 2,421,333 |1,106,634 |1,314,699 | 1,909,018 |  856,477 |1,052,541 |155,565 | 85,299 | 70,266 |  356,750 |164,858 |  191,892
    Part-time ............|   887,127 |  364,817 |  522,310 |   456,010 |  181,782 |  274,228 | 26,946 | 15,449 | 11,497 |  404,171 |167,586 |  236,585
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Private 2-year .........|   251,043 |  117,911 |  133,132 |   251,043 |  117,911 |  133,132 |       |       |       |         |       |        
    Full-time ............|   217,041 |  104,559 |  112,482 |   217,041 |  104,559 |  112,482 |       |       |       |         |       |        
    Part-time ............|    34,002 |   13,352 |   20,650 |    34,002 |   13,352 |   20,650 |       |       |       |         |       |        
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  Not-for-profit, total ..| 3,109,419 |1,355,376 |1,754,043 | 2,213,180 |  945,483 |1,267,697 |180,868 | 99,843 | 81,025 |  715,371 |310,050 |  405,321
    Full-time ............| 2,272,698 |1,018,063 |1,254,635 | 1,794,516 |  785,043 |1,009,473 |154,680 | 84,815 | 69,865 |  323,502 |148,205 |  175,297
    Part-time ............|   836,721 |  337,313 |  499,408 |   418,664 |  160,440 |  258,224 | 26,188 | 15,028 | 11,160 |  391,869 |161,845 |  230,024
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
    Not-for-profit 4-year | 3,050,575 |1,328,927 |1,721,648 | 2,154,336 |  919,034 |1,235,302 |180,868 | 99,843 | 81,025 |  715,371 |310,050 |  405,321
      Full-time ..........| 2,226,028 |  996,113 |1,229,915 | 1,747,846 |  763,093 |  984,753 |154,680 | 84,815 | 69,865 |  323,502 |148,205 |  175,297
      Part-time ..........|   824,547 |  332,814 |  491,733 |   406,490 |  155,941 |  250,549 | 26,188 | 15,028 | 11,160 |  391,869 |161,845 |  230,024
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
    Not-for-profit 2-year |    58,844 |   26,449 |   32,395 |    58,844 |   26,449 |   32,395 |       |       |       |         |       |        
      Full-time ..........|    46,670 |   21,950 |   24,720 |    46,670 |   21,950 |   24,720 |       |       |       |         |       |        
      Part-time ..........|    12,174 |    4,499 |    7,675 |    12,174 |    4,499 |    7,675 |       |       |       |         |       |        
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
  For-profit, total ......|   450,084 |  233,986 |  216,098 |   402,891 |  210,687 |  192,204 |  1,643 |    905 |    738 |   45,550 | 22,394 |   23,156
    Full-time ............|   365,676 |  193,130 |  172,546 |   331,543 |  175,993 |  155,550 |    885 |    484 |    401 |   33,248 | 16,653 |   16,595
    Part-time ............|    84,408 |   40,856 |   43,552 |    71,348 |   34,694 |   36,654 |    758 |    421 |    337 |   12,302 |  5,741 |    6,561
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
    For-profit 4-year ....|   257,885 |  142,524 |  115,361 |   210,692 |  119,225 |   91,467 |  1,643 |    905 |    738 |   45,550 | 22,394 |   23,156
      Full-time ..........|   195,305 |  110,521 |   84,784 |   161,172 |   93,384 |   67,788 |    885 |    484 |    401 |   33,248 | 16,653 |   16,595
      Part-time ..........|    62,580 |   32,003 |   30,577 |    49,520 |   25,841 |   23,679 |    758 |    421 |    337 |   12,302 |  5,741 |    6,561
                          |           |          |          |           |          |          |        |        |        |          |        |
    For-profit 2-year ....|   192,199 |   91,462 |  100,737 |   192,199 |   91,462 |  100,737 |       |       |       |         |       |        
      Full-time ..........|   170,371 |   82,609 |   87,762 |   170,371 |   82,609 |   87,762 |       |       |       |         |       |        
      Part-time ..........|    21,828 |    8,853 |   12,975 |    21,828 |    8,853 |   12,975 |       |       |       |         |       |        

Not applicable.

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared May 2002.)

2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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