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Executive Orders

Executive Order 13101

Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition — Issued September 14, 1998. EO 13101 replaces EO 12873 by mandating the incorporation of waste prevention and recycling in federal agencies' daily operations through the acquisition and use of environmentally preferable products and services. The implementation of cost-effective procurement preference programs will increase and expand markets for recovered materials through greater federal government preference and demand for such products. Administered by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive.

Executive Order 13123

Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management — Issued June 3, 1999. EO 13123 requires federal agencies to employ life-cycle, cost-effective energy measures to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions attributed to facility energy use by 30 percent by 2010 (from 1990 levels). Agencies are mandated to select ENERGY STAR labeled and energy-efficient products and to strive to meet the ENERGY STAR Building criteria for energy performance and indoor environmental quality in their eligible facilities. To learn more, visit the FEMP Web site.

Executive Order 13134

Developing and Promoting Biobased products and Bioenergy — Issued August 12, 1999. EO 13134 develops a comprehensive national strategy, including research, development, and private sector incentives, to stimulate the creation and early adoption of technologies needed to make biobased products and bioenergy cost-competitive in large national and international markets.

Executive Order 13148

Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management — Issued April 22, 2000. EO 13148 encourages integrating environmental accountability into agency day-to-day decision-making and long-term planning processes, across all agency missions, activities, and functions. It stresses that environmental management considerations must be a fundamental and integral component of Federal Government policies, operations, planning, and management.

Executive Order 13150

Federal Workforce Transportation — Issued April 21, 2000. EO 13150 helps to reduce federal employees' contribution to traffic congestion and air pollution. Employees' commuting costs are excluded from taxable wages if these costs are incurred through the use of mass transportation and vanpools.