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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 368. Federal science and engineering obligations to colleges and universities, by agency and state: Fiscal year 1998
[In thousands of dollars]
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |Department |   National   |           |
                      |            |Department |Department |Department |Department |Environmental|    of     |  Aeronautics | National  |
 State or other area  |   Total    |    of     |    of     |    of     |    of     | Protection  |Health and |      and     |  Science  |Other\1\
                      |            |Agriculture|  Defense  | Education |  Energy   |   Agency    |   Human   |     Space    |Foundation |
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             | Services  |Administration|           |
          1           |     2      |     3     |     4     |     5     |     6     |      7      |     8     |      9       |    10     |   11
   United States\2\ ..|$20,053,569 |  $851,302 |$2,011,409 |  $241,204 |$3,226,512 |    $186,019 |$8,597,770 |   $2,035,790 |$2,517,278 |$386,285
Alabama ..............|    262,235 |    24,156 |    16,520 |     4,553 |     4,490 |         171 |   156,636 |       35,615 |    15,823 |   4,271
Alaska ...............|     35,945 |     4,113 |       936 |       346 |        50 |         780 |     2,380 |       10,254 |     9,422 |   7,664
Arizona ..............|    246,955 |    10,029 |    20,155 |     3,240 |     4,523 |       5,846 |    79,280 |       22,201 |    95,954 |   5,727
Arkansas .............|     64,146 |    23,724 |     3,406 |     3,644 |       100 |         381 |    24,876 |        1,562 |     5,258 |   1,195
California ...........|  4,689,616 |    32,887 |   246,602 |    29,186 | 1,346,955 |      26,989 | 1,246,649 |    1,293,857 |   425,339 |  41,152
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Colorado .............|    432,698 |    10,709 |    18,823 |     7,709 |    11,209 |       6,942 |   156,247 |       56,088 |   125,223 |  39,748
Connecticut ..........|    291,633 |     5,757 |     9,981 |     2,006 |    10,721 |         475 |   231,160 |        4,440 |    24,844 |   2,249
Delaware .............|     41,037 |     5,274 |     8,529 |       920 |     1,323 |       1,604 |     6,752 |        2,301 |    12,635 |   1,699
District of Columbia .|    146,930 |     1,786 |    19,251 |     5,113 |     1,896 |       2,343 |    90,023 |        7,453 |    10,574 |   8,491
Florida ..............|    388,166 |    22,134 |    56,239 |    11,458 |    20,811 |       1,946 |   158,825 |       27,255 |    72,005 |  17,493
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Georgia ..............|    353,350 |    29,630 |    65,872 |     3,596 |     8,196 |       3,658 |   172,144 |       14,319 |    47,206 |   8,729
Hawaii ...............|     74,294 |    11,544 |     4,349 |     1,463 |     2,669 |          56 |    19,587 |       10,544 |    15,356 |   8,726
Idaho ................|     24,741 |     7,736 |     2,799 |     1,066 |     3,046 |         107 |     1,965 |          850 |     3,575 |   3,597
Illinois .............|  1,104,382 |    24,730 |    46,218 |    11,082 |   551,679 |       4,392 |   302,766 |       11,168 |   144,887 |   7,460
Indiana...............|    222,459 |    20,914 |    14,700 |       774 |    18,395 |       2,139 |   107,857 |        4,252 |    51,257 |   2,171
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Iowa .................|    207,073 |    26,836 |     5,063 |     1,585 |    28,493 |       2,009 |   112,983 |        9,548 |    17,092 |   3,464
Kansas ...............|    101,723 |    13,571 |     5,519 |     9,708 |     4,185 |       4,162 |    43,160 |        4,552 |    15,298 |   1,568
Kentucky .............|     95,886 |    21,840 |     3,270 |     2,383 |     2,946 |       1,359 |    51,064 |        1,825 |    10,640 |     559
Louisiana ............|    161,415 |    22,277 |    28,021 |     1,858 |     8,250 |       7,458 |    65,114 |        5,371 |    16,200 |   6,866
Maine ................|     23,886 |     7,326 |     3,357 |       545 |        73 |         779 |     2,870 |        1,068 |     5,063 |   2,805
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Maryland .............|    992,768 |    14,363 |   314,636 |     3,787 |    11,586 |       6,381 |   423,224 |      136,102 |    57,293 |  25,396
Massachusetts ........|  1,221,356 |    10,098 |   397,423 |     7,353 |    82,338 |       5,434 |   489,859 |       45,750 |   173,439 |   9,662
Michigan .............|    510,168 |    26,620 |    34,000 |     7,511 |    17,435 |      15,571 |   290,378 |       12,868 |    94,999 |  10,786
Minnesota ............|    230,314 |    20,192 |    15,577 |     1,530 |     6,870 |       1,890 |   141,731 |        3,877 |    37,057 |   1,590
Mississippi ..........|     98,356 |    31,093 |    11,428 |     1,584 |     7,779 |         323 |    17,042 |       12,892 |    10,204 |   6,011
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Missouri..............|    341,020 |    24,726 |    10,592 |     4,863 |     4,373 |       2,991 |   257,803 |        5,382 |    28,134 |   2,156
Montana ..............|     47,224 |     9,482 |     4,541 |     2,394 |       985 |         962 |     7,006 |        2,530 |    12,535 |   6,789
Nebraska .............|     66,331 |    16,403 |     4,460 |       861 |       705 |           0 |    25,259 |        2,342 |    12,736 |   3,565
Nevada ...............|     36,607 |     4,066 |     1,559 |       112 |     5,903 |       1,504 |     9,891 |          869 |     8,615 |   4,088
New Hampshire ........|     78,832 |     4,211 |     6,103 |       318 |       739 |       1,041 |    37,529 |       10,760 |    12,417 |   5,714
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
New Jersey ...........|    307,373 |    11,233 |    25,490 |     1,175 |    68,061 |       6,969 |   107,611 |       10,208 |    70,304 |   6,322
New Mexico ...........|    788,736 |     9,086 |    25,191 |     1,581 |   656,894 |       3,243 |    36,401 |       35,653 |    19,194 |   1,493
New York .............|  1,275,168 |    31,098 |    64,395 |    14,637 |    63,580 |       5,272 |   844,982 |       31,252 |   208,684 |  11,268
North Carolina .......|    603,062 |    35,884 |    52,067 |    15,044 |    11,136 |      14,997 |   393,380 |       10,285 |    51,067 |  19,202
North Dakota .........|     34,853 |    11,362 |     1,535 |       364 |     6,360 |       1,100 |     3,685 |        3,064 |     5,972 |   1,411
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Ohio .................|    427,418 |    21,228 |    40,514 |     6,163 |     9,477 |       4,689 |   275,909 |       16,908 |    45,773 |   6,757
Oklahoma .............|     97,515 |    21,562 |     8,043 |     2,139 |     3,481 |       1,859 |    30,049 |        8,581 |    16,066 |   5,735
Oregon ...............|    200,106 |    16,565 |    16,654 |     8,961 |     3,802 |       7,118 |    92,598 |        5,569 |    33,702 |  15,137
Pennsylvania .........|    982,249 |    24,428 |   154,137 |     9,931 |    22,631 |       6,521 |   620,297 |       18,150 |   119,395 |   6,759
Rhode Island .........|     74,965 |     6,360 |     8,609 |       248 |     2,351 |         827 |    28,346 |        3,546 |    20,090 |   4,588
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
South Carolina .......|    135,938 |    15,948 |    21,743 |     2,503 |    20,528 |         787 |    48,938 |        2,649 |    19,929 |   2,913
South Dakota .........|     18,090 |     8,011 |       582 |       432 |        50 |         275 |       607 |        1,364 |     6,154 |     615
Tennessee ............|    250,327 |    22,676 |     9,278 |     6,616 |    28,546 |       1,806 |   151,843 |        5,133 |    19,547 |   4,882
Texas ................|    845,965 |    39,109 |    96,154 |     9,826 |    21,524 |      11,961 |   524,393 |       44,420 |    86,175 |  12,403
Utah .................|    165,549 |     8,794 |    29,070 |     4,777 |     4,506 |       1,540 |    77,455 |       12,660 |    25,533 |   1,214
                      |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
Vermont ..............|     46,682 |     7,268 |     1,544 |     1,946 |       716 |          44 |    29,317 |          399 |     4,786 |     662
Virginia .............|    353,056 |    20,164 |    27,410 |     5,964 |    89,577 |       1,810 |   134,552 |       25,833 |    37,432 |  10,314
Washington ...........|    431,776 |    18,581 |    33,991 |     5,906 |    21,959 |       5,216 |   265,480 |       11,697 |    55,082 |  13,864
West Virginia.........|     90,840 |     8,915 |     2,527 |       678 |     2,501 |           5 |    11,986 |       18,690 |    42,414 |   3,124
Wisconsin ............|    312,879 |    20,471 |     9,969 |     9,414 |    19,145 |         287 |   186,038 |       11,142 |    50,965 |   5,448
Wyoming ..............|     19,476 |     4,332 |     2,577 |       351 |       964 |           0 |     1,843 |          692 |     7,934 |     783
   Outlying areas ....|     76,238 |    20,770 |     2,179 |     1,439 |       889 |           0 |    31,281 |        5,308 |    13,952 |     420
American Samoa .......|      1,197 |     1,059 |         0 |        90 |        48 |           0 |         0 |            0 |         0 |       0
Guam .................|      3,654 |     2,674 |       163 |         0 |         0 |           0 |       377 |           80 |       160 |     200
Puerto Rico ..........|     66,712 |    12,874 |     2,016 |     1,349 |       841 |           0 |    30,522 |        5,228 |    13,712 |     170
Trust Territory of    |            |           |           |           |           |             |           |              |           |
   the Pacific .......|      3,312 |     3,232 |         0 |         0 |         0 |           0 |         0 |            0 |        80 |       0
Virgin Islands .......|      1,363 |       931 |         0 |         0 |         0 |           0 |       382 |            0 |         0 |      50

\1\Includes U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of the Interior, Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, General Services Administration, Office of Justice programs, Social Security Administration, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
\2\Dollars reflect actual obligations during the fiscal year regardless of when the funds were actually spent by a recipient institution. Data include obligations to federally funded research and development centers administered by colleges and universities.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, Fiscal Year 1998. (This table was prepared March 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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