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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 127. Length of school year and selected statistics on mathematics education for students in public schools, by region and state: 1996
                      |    Math    |                |High school|Percent of  | Percent of 8th-grade students re
                      |    units   |  Length of     | exit exam |8th-grade   |_________________________________
   Region and state   |    required| school year    |  required |students    |           |         | Watching
                      |    for     |  (in days)     |   for     |with 4 or   | Spending  |Positive | 6 or more
                      |    gradu-  |                | graduation|more hours  |30 minutes |attitudes| hours of
                      |    ation   |________________|  in 1998  |of math     |  or more  | towards | tele-
                      |    in 1998 |1992 |     1998 |           |instruction |  on math  | math\2\ | vision
                      |            |     |          |           |each week   | homework  |         | each day
                      |            |     |          |           |            |each day\1\|         |
          1           |      2     |  3  |    4     |    5      |     6      |    7      |    8    |    9
    Total ............|        --- | --- |      --- |       --- |   34  (3.5)|        59 |      81 |   14 (0.6)
        Region        |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
  Northeast ..........|        --- | --- |      --- |       --- |   25  (8.6)|        60 |      83 |   16 (1.7)
  Southeast ..........|        --- | --- |      --- |       --- |   47  (4.7)|        58 |      82 |   18 (1.3)
  Central ............|        --- | --- |      --- |       --- |   25  (7.3)|        57 |      80 |   13 (1.2)
  West ...............|        --- | --- |      --- |       --- |   36  (6.6)|        59 |      78 |   11 (0.9)
        State         |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Alabama ..............|          4 | 175 |      175 |       Yes |   46  (3.8)|        59 |      78 |   23 (1.3)
Alaska ...............|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\3\) |   34  (2.1)|        69 |      79 |    8 (0.8)
Arizona ..............|\4\       2 | 175 |\4\   175 |       --- |   33  (3.7)|        61 |      81 |   10 (0.7)
Arkansas .............|          3 | 178 |      178 |        No |   32  (4.1)|        58 |      80 |   18 (1.0)
California ...........|          2 | 180 |      175 |       Yes |   38  (3.7)|        64 |      81 |   13 (0.9)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Colorado .............|      (\5\) |(\6\)|    (\6\) |\7\     No |   26  (2.6)|        67 |      80 |    9 (0.7)
Connecticut ..........|          3 | 180 |      180 |        No |   20  (3.2)|        60 |      80 |   13 (0.8)
Delaware .............|          2 | 180 |    (\6\) |\8\     No |   23  (1.1)|        58 |      83 |   19 (0.9)
District of Columbia .|\9\       3 | 180 |\9\   180 |       --- |   31  (1.1)|        67 |      82 |   35 (1.1)
Florida ..............|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   38  (3.2)|        59 |      81 |   17 (1.2)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Georgia ..............|\9\       3 | 180 |\9\   180 |       Yes |   54  (3.6)|        62 |      81 |   21 (1.2)
Hawaii ...............|          3 | 180 |      184 |       Yes |   17  (1.0)|        65 |      78 |   16 (1.1)
Idaho ................|          2 | 180 |      180 |\8\     No |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Illinois .............|          2 | 180 |      180 |    (\10\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Indiana...............|          2 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   20  (3.9)|        61 |      81 |   13 (0.9)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Iowa .................|      (\5\) | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |   19  (3.8)|        57 |      83 |    9 (0.8)
Kansas ...............|          2 | 180 |      186 |     (\8\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Kentucky .............|          3 | 175 |      175 |     (\8\) |   41  (3.9)|        58 |      84 |   16 (0.8)
Louisiana ............|          3 | 180 |      175 |       Yes |   44  (4.1)|        48 |      79 |   27 (1.0)
Maine ................|          2 | 175 |      175 |     (\3\) |   17  (2.6)|        64 |      81 |    8 (0.8)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Maryland .............|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   44  (4.0)|        58 |      80 |   20 (1.2)
Massachusetts ........|      (\5\) | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   26  (3.1)|        63 |      81 |    9 (0.9)
Michigan .............|      (\5\) | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   40  (4.2)|        64 |      80 |   13 (1.1)
Minnesota ............|     (\11\) | 175 |    (\12\)|       Yes |   23  (3.6)|        59 |      82 |    8 (0.9)
Mississippi ..........|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   49  (3.8)|        58 |      81 |   29 (1.3)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Missouri .............|          2 | 174 |      174 |     (\8\) |   34  (4.5)|        61 |      78 |   15 (0.9)
Montana ..............|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |   24  (3.0)|        61 |      82 |    6 (0.6)
Nebraska .............|      (\5\) |(\5\)|    (\6\) |     (\7\) |   26  (3.1)|        62 |      84 |    9 (0.7)
Nevada ...............|          2 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
New Hampshire ........|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
New Jersey ...........|\9\       3 | 180 |\9\   180 |       Yes |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
New Mexico ...........|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   28  (2.6)|        65 |      79 |   11 (0.8)
New York .............|\9\       2 | 180 |\9\   180 |       Yes |   15  (2.2)|        58 |      79 |   14 (1.0)
North Carolina .......|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   49  (3.5)|        66 |      83 |   16 (0.7)
North Dakota .........|          2 | 180 |      173 |     (\3\) |   29  (2.8)|        64 |      83 |    8 (0.6)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Ohio .................|          2 | 182 |      182 |       Yes |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Oklahoma .............|          2 | 175 |      180 |     (\8\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Oregon ...............|          2 |(\6\)|    (\6\) |     (\3\) |   23  (3.9)|        59 |      76 |   11 (1.1)
Pennsylvania .........|      (\4\) | 180 |      180 |     (\3\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Rhode Island .........|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |   30  (0.8)|        58 |      78 |   11 (0.7)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
South Carolina .......|\9\       3 | 180 |\9\   180 |       Yes |   43  (3.7)|        60 |      83 |   24 (1.2)
South Dakota .........|          2 | 175 |      175 |     (\8\) |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---
Tennessee ............|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   51  (4.3)|        61 |      80 |   18 (0.9)
Texas ................|          3 | 175 |      187 |       Yes |   34  (3.4)|        63 |      83 |   16 (1.0)
Utah .................|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |   21  (1.5)|        55 |      78 |    5 (0.5)
                      |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Vermont ..............|    (\5,9\) | 175 |\9\   175 |       --- |   21  (2.1)|        65 |      83 |    9 (0.7)
Virginia .............|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   34  (3.6)|        58 |      80 |   19 (1.2)
Washington ...........|          2 | 180 |      180 |\8\     No |   32  (3.0)|        58 |      77 |    9 (0.7)
West Virginia ........|          3 | 180 |      180 |       Yes |   25  (3.1)|        55 |      80 |   16 (0.9)
Wisconsin ............|          2 | 180 |      180 |     (\8\) |   32  (4.0)|        60 |      82 |    9 (0.9)
Wyoming ..............|          3 | 175 |      175 |     (\8\) |   19  (1.1)|        58 |      80 |    9 (0.7)
    Outlying areas    |            |     |          |           |            |           |         |
Guam .................|        --- | --- |    (\8\) |    (\10\) |   68  (1.5)|        67 |      80 |   17 (1.3)
Virgin Islands .......|          2 | 180 |      180 |       --- |(\10\)  --- |    (\10\) |  (\10\) |(\10\) ---

---Not Available.
\1\Percent of students who report spending 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and over 1 hour on mathematics homework each day. No standard errors are reported here for aggregated data.
\2\Percent of students agreeing or strongly agreeing with this statement: "Mathematics is useful for solving everyday problems." No standard errors are reported here for aggregated data.
\3\Policy under development.
\4\1994 data.
\5\Local board determines policy.
\6\No statewide policy.
\7\Local boards set requirement.
\8\No policy beyond course credits.
\9\1996 data.
\10\Not a participting jurisdiction in the NAEP 1996 state assessment. program in mathematics.
\11\Standards-based system.
\12\Varies by district.

NOTE: Data are for 1996 unless otherwise specified. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP 1996 Mathematics: Cross-State Data Compendium for the Grade 4 and Grade 8 Assessment, by Educational Testing Service, 1996, and Council of Chief State School Officers, Key State Education Policies on K-12 Education, December 1998. (This table was prepared May 1999.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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