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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 369. Appropriations for Title I and Title VI, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1994, by state or other area and type of appropriation: 1999-2000 and 2000-01 [In thousands]

                            |            |                                     Title I,\2\ for school year 2000-01\3\    |     Title VI\4\
                            |  Title I   |_______________________________________________________________________________|____________________
                            |   total,   |   Total   |  Local education grants            |Neglected | Migrant |Other\5\ |  1999   |   2000
           State            |school year |           |____________________________________|   and    |children |         | appro-  |  appro-
       or other area        |1999-2000\1\|           |  Total\6\  |   Basic   |Concentra- |delinquent|         |         |priations|priations
                            |            |           |            |  grants   |   tion    | children |         |         |   for   |   for
                            |            |           |            |           |  grants   |          |         |         |1999-2000| 2000-01
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
             1              |      2     |     3     |     4      |     5     |     6     |    7     |    8    |    9    |   10    |    11
   Total\7\ ................| $8,289,582 |$8,500,086 | $7,807,397 |$6,578,695 |$1,146,813 |  $42,000 |$354,689 |$296,000 |$375,000 | $365,750
Alabama ....................|    133,972 |   137,037 |    129,133 |   108,479 |    20,655 |      506 |   2,921 |   4,477 |   5,520 |    5,266
Alaska .....................|     27,672 |    26,916 |     19,089 |    16,079 |     3,011 |      170 |   6,628 |   1,029 |   1,862 |    1,816
Arizona ....................|    130,818 |   134,330 |    121,897 |   101,967 |    19,930 |    1,715 |   6,343 |   4,375 |   6,408 |    6,443
Arkansas ...................|     85,004 |    86,627 |     79,071 |    67,442 |    11,629 |      274 |   4,485 |   2,797 |   3,443 |    3,278
California .................|  1,065,523 | 1,119,928 |    972,870 |   833,272 |   139,598 |    3,522 | 107,211 |  36,325 |  44,575 |   43,634
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Colorado ...................|     78,218 |    80,052 |     71,304 |    60,668 |    10,636 |      315 |   6,052 |   2,381 |   5,258 |    5,280
Connecticut ................|     74,468 |    76,604 |     70,351 |    59,917 |    10,434 |      883 |   2,804 |   2,566 |   4,078 |    4,144
Delaware ...................|     22,269 |    22,764 |     21,268 |    16,447 |     4,822 |      109 |     319 |   1,066 |   1,862 |    1,816
District of Columbia .......|     26,910 |    27,684 |     25,547 |    21,837 |     3,710 |      356 |     443 |   1,338 |   1,862 |    1,816
Florida ....................|    391,594 |   401,481 |    363,366 |   309,157 |    54,209 |    1,266 |  23,565 |  13,284 |  17,857 |   17,779
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Georgia ....................|    218,637 |   226,462 |    210,268 |   180,821 |    29,447 |    2,337 |   6,253 |   7,604 |  10,131 |   10,030
Hawaii .....................|     21,021 |    22,149 |     20,158 |    17,291 |     2,867 |      102 |     834 |   1,055 |   1,862 |    1,816
Idaho ......................|     28,500 |    28,904 |     23,516 |    19,861 |     3,655 |      108 |   4,164 |   1,115 |   1,862 |    1,816
Illinois ...................|    337,019 |   341,790 |    326,711 |   278,814 |    47,897 |    1,747 |   1,621 |  11,712 |  16,090 |   15,647
Indiana ....................|    122,821 |   125,342 |    116,422 |   101,953 |    14,469 |      750 |   4,051 |   4,120 |   7,726 |    7,575
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Iowa .......................|     55,659 |    56,614 |     53,287 |    47,051 |     6,236 |      343 |   1,121 |   1,862 |   3,838 |    3,647
Kansas .....................|     67,096 |    69,683 |     56,306 |    48,828 |     7,478 |      359 |  10,995 |   2,023 |   3,604 |    3,495
Kentucky ...................|    141,131 |   142,853 |    127,790 |   108,142 |    19,649 |      646 |   9,934 |   4,484 |   4,992 |    4,798
Louisiana ..................|    198,517 |   201,813 |    191,236 |   161,738 |    29,498 |      909 |   2,842 |   6,826 |   6,216 |    5,949
Maine ......................|     36,798 |    37,596 |     31,963 |    27,453 |     4,511 |      133 |   4,238 |   1,262 |   1,862 |    1,816
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Maryland ...................|    105,879 |   108,414 |    102,604 |    87,769 |    14,834 |    1,678 |     472 |   3,660 |   6,531 |    6,538
Massachusetts ..............|    159,039 |   162,717 |    153,374 |   126,656 |    26,718 |      935 |   2,703 |   5,706 |   7,456 |    7,311
Michigan ...................|    351,442 |   356,370 |    334,366 |   278,187 |    56,179 |      732 |   9,612 |  11,660 |  13,123 |   12,948
Minnesota ..................|     92,688 |    93,893 |     87,986 |    76,903 |    11,083 |      224 |   2,538 |   3,145 |   6,625 |    6,454
Mississippi ................|    128,450 |   130,421 |    124,796 |   106,154 |    18,642 |      316 |   1,005 |   4,304 |   3,907 |    3,739
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Missouri ...................|    138,513 |   142,176 |    134,785 |   114,383 |    20,403 |      866 |   1,581 |   4,944 |   7,367 |    7,040
Montana ....................|     27,542 |    28,302 |     26,320 |    22,393 |     3,927 |       62 |     744 |   1,176 |   1,862 |    1,816
Nebraska ...................|     37,699 |    38,392 |     32,207 |    28,851 |     3,356 |      224 |   4,621 |   1,340 |   2,342 |    2,235
Nevada .....................|     23,883 |    24,814 |     23,322 |    20,455 |     2,867 |      154 |     232 |   1,107 |   2,217 |    2,367
New Hampshire ..............|     20,503 |    21,100 |     19,698 |    15,856 |     3,842 |      256 |     100 |   1,047 |   1,862 |    1,816
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
New Jersey .................|    182,896 |   187,507 |    177,216 |   148,612 |    28,604 |    2,245 |   1,589 |   6,456 |  10,135 |    9,916
New Mexico .................|     68,112 |    70,054 |     66,240 |    56,467 |     9,773 |      297 |   1,070 |   2,447 |   2,590 |    2,474
New York ...................|    751,931 |   769,871 |    731,360 |   621,037 |   110,323 |    2,574 |   7,977 |  27,959 |  23,004 |   21,917
North Carolina .............|    155,311 |   163,038 |    150,973 |   131,039 |    19,934 |      948 |   5,690 |   5,427 |   9,598 |    9,555
North Dakota ...............|     20,736 |    21,194 |     19,821 |    16,447 |     3,374 |       44 |     263 |   1,067 |   1,862 |    1,816
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Ohio .......................|    312,305 |   317,133 |    302,372 |   257,785 |    44,587 |    2,239 |   2,034 |  10,488 |  14,810 |   14,290
Oklahoma ...................|     99,005 |   101,976 |     96,338 |    82,527 |    13,811 |      208 |   2,014 |   3,417 |   4,622 |    4,411
Oregon .....................|     83,282 |    84,506 |     68,819 |    59,765 |     9,054 |    1,230 |  12,070 |   2,388 |   4,237 |    4,129
Pennsylvania ...............|    352,608 |   357,840 |    335,858 |   283,187 |    52,671 |      679 |   8,470 |  12,833 |  15,064 |   14,538
Rhode Island ...............|     25,943 |    26,323 |     24,654 |    21,229 |     3,425 |      345 |     108 |   1,215 |   1,862 |    1,816
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
South Carolina .............|    101,870 |   105,883 |    100,734 |    86,321 |    14,413 |    1,089 |     459 |   3,601 |   4,972 |    4,771
South Dakota ...............|     21,417 |    21,892 |     19,734 |    16,677 |     3,057 |      253 |     846 |   1,058 |   1,862 |    1,816
Tennessee ..................|    137,269 |   140,149 |    134,693 |   112,564 |    22,129 |      520 |     365 |   4,570 |   6,822 |    6,616
Texas ......................|    727,313 |   743,579 |    665,787 |   567,427 |    98,360 |    2,764 |  50,946 |  24,082 |  28,121 |   27,710
Utah .......................|     38,152 |    38,550 |     35,293 |    29,501 |     5,792 |      461 |   1,479 |   1,317 |   3,489 |    3,375
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Vermont ....................|     19,294 |    19,630 |     17,739 |    15,146 |     2,593 |      193 |     678 |   1,021 |   1,862 |    1,816
Virginia ...................|    119,224 |   124,366 |    118,413 |   102,850 |    15,563 |    1,055 |     656 |   4,241 |   8,445 |    8,247
Washington .................|    125,513 |   127,592 |    108,940 |    93,186 |    15,753 |      733 |  14,218 |   3,702 |   7,571 |    7,447
West Virginia ..............|     75,111 |    76,445 |     73,480 |    61,854 |    11,626 |      307 |     124 |   2,535 |   2,184 |    2,056
Wisconsin ..................|    129,977 |   132,030 |    125,862 |   113,863 |    11,999 |    1,032 |     630 |   4,506 |   7,165 |    6,904
Wyoming ....................|     18,553 |    19,251 |     17,754 |    14,887 |     2,867 |      317 |     167 |   1,013 |   1,862 |    1,816
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
      Other activities      |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
Bureau of Indian            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
  Affairs ..................|     50,205 |    51,343 |     51,343 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0
Migrant coordination        |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
  activities ...............|      8,500 |     8,500 |          0 |         0 |         0 |        0 |   8,500 |       0 |       0 |        0
Even Start Migrant,         |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
  Indian, and Territory     |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
  (Set-Aside) ..............|      6,200 |     7,500 |          0 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |   7,500 |       0 |        0
Even Start Evaluation/      |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
  Technical Assistance .....|      3,720 |     3,000 |          0 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |   3,000 |       0 |        0
Even Start/State Literacy ..|            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
   Initiative ..............|      1,000 |         0 |          0 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0
Competitive grants .........|      9,054 |     5,000 |      5,000 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0
Other non-state allocations.|          0 |     2,500 |      2,500 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0
                            |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
       Outlying areas       |            |           |            |           |           |          |         |         |         |
American Samoa .............|      5,355 |     5,572 |      5,572 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |     451 |      440
Guam .......................|      5,023 |     5,023 |      5,023 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |   1,051 |      250
Northern Marianas ..........|      2,848 |     2,964 |      2,964 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |     257 |    1,025
Puerto Rico ................|    273,453 |   277,159 |    262,416 |   221,502 |    40,914 |      472 |   3,903 |  10,369 |   6,040 |    5,629
Virgin Islands .............|      9,118 |     9,487 |      9,487 |         0 |         0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |     866 |      845

\1\Data are based on fiscal year 2000 budget authorizations. Excludes $6,977,000 for Title I evaluation.
\2\Formerly Chapter 1.
\3\Data are based on fiscal year 2001 budget authorizations. Excludes $8,900,000 for Title I evaluation.
\4\Formerly Chapter 2.
\5\Includes Capital Expenses, Even Start grants, and Accountability grants.
\6\Includes other programs not shown separately.
\7\Total includes other activities and outlying areas.

NOTE: Elementary and Secondary Education Act was most recently revised through the Improving America's Schools Act (IASA) of 1994. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education Analysis Division, unpublished data. (This table was prepared April 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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