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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 341. Current-fund expenditures and educational and general expenditures of degree-granting institutions, by purpose and per student: 1929-30 to 1995-96 [Columns 2 through 17 in thousands]

            |   Current-    |                                                   Educational and general expenditures                                                       |           |             |           |               |  Educatio nal and
    Year    |     fund      |______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|           |             |           |     Other     |general ex penditures
            | expenditures  |   Total    |Administra-| Instruction |    Organized |Libraries |   Plant   |    Organized |              |  Extension | Scholar-  |  Other   | Auxiliary | Independent | Hospitals |    current    | per stude nt in
            |               |            | tion and  |     and     |    research  |          | operation |   activities |      Other   |     and    | ships and | general  |enterprises|operations\3\|           |    expendi-   |fall enrol lment\4\
            |               |            |  general  |departmental |              |          |    and    |     related  |    sponsored |    public  |  fellow-  | expendi- |           |             |           |     tures     |____________________
            |               |            |  expense  |  research   |              |          |  mainte-  |   to instruc-|programs\2\   |   service  |   ships   |  tures   |           |             |           |               | Current | Constant
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |   nance   |     tional   |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               | dollars | 1995-96
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |departments\1\|              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         | dollars\5\
     1      |       2       |     3      |     4     |       5     |        6     |    7     |     8     |        9     |        10    |      11    |    12     |    13    |    14     |     15      |    16     |        17     |   18    |    19
            |                                         Higher education\6\
1929-30 ... |      $507,142 |   $377,903 |   $42,633 |    $221,598 |\7\   $18,007 |   $9,622 |   $61,061 |        (\8\) |          --- |    $24,982 |     (\8\) |      --- |    $3,127 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |      $126,112 |    $343 |   $3,099
1931-32 ... |       536,523 |    420,633 |    47,232 |     232,645 |\7\    21,978 |   11,379 |    56,797 |\9\   $21,297 |          --- |     24,066 |     (\8\) |   $5,239 |    90,897 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        24,993 |     364 |    3,906
1933-34 ....|       469,329 |    369,661 |    43,155 |     203,332 |\7\    17,064 |   13,387 |    51,046 |\9\    14,155 |          --- |     20,020 |     (\8\) |    7,502 |    78,730 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        20,938 |     350 |    4,087
1935-36 ... |       541,391 |    419,883 |    48,069 |     225,143 |\7\    22,091 |   15,531 |    56,802 |\9\    20,241 |          --- |     29,426 |     (\8\) |    2,580 |    95,332 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        26,176 |     348 |    3,907
1937-38 ... |       614,385 |    475,191 |    56,406 |     253,006 |\7\    25,213 |   17,588 |    62,738 |\9\    24,031 |          --- |     34,189 |     (\8\) |    2,020 |   115,620 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        23,574 |     352 |    3,794
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1939-40 ....|       674,688 |    521,990 |    62,827 |     280,248 |\7\    27,266 |   19,487 |    69,612 |\9\    27,225 |          --- |     35,325 |     (\8\) |      --- |   124,184 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        28,514 |     349 |    3,862
1941-42 ... |       738,169 |    572,465 |    66,968 |     298,558 |\7\    34,287 |   19,763 |    72,594 |\9\    37,771 |          --- |     42,525 |     (\8\) |      --- |   137,328 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        28,375 |     408 |    4,040
1943-44 ....|       974,118 |    753,846 |    69,668 |     334,189 |\7\    58,456 |   20,452 |    81,201 |\9\    48,415 |\10\  $97,044 |     44,421 |     (\8\) |      --- |   199,344 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        20,928 |     653 |    5,786
1945-46 ....|     1,088,422 |    820,326 |   104,808 |     375,122 |\7\    86,812 |   26,560 |   110,947 |\9\    60,604 |          --- |     55,473 |     (\8\) |      --- |   242,028 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        26,068 |     489 |    4,143
1947-48 ....|     1,883,269 |  1,391,594 |   171,829 |     657,945 |\7\   159,090 |   44,208 |   201,996 |\9\    85,346 |          --- |     71,180 |     (\8\) |      --- |   438,988 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        52,687 |     595 |    3,946
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1949-50 ....|     2,245,661 |  1,706,444 |   213,070 |     780,994 |\7\   225,341 |   56,147 |   225,110 |\9\   119,108 |          --- |     86,674 |     (\8\) |      --- |   476,401 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        62,816 |     698 |    4,553
1951-52 ....|     2,471,008 |  1,960,481 |   233,844 |     823,117 |\7\   317,928 |   60,612 |   240,446 |\9\   147,854 |          --- |     97,408 |   $39,272 |      --- |   477,672 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |        32,855 |     933 |    5,483
1953-54 ....|     2,882,864 |  2,345,331 |   288,147 |     960,556 |\7\   372,643 |   72,944 |   277,874 |\9\   186,905 |          --- |    112,227 |    74,035 |      --- |   537,533 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,051 |    6,039
1955-56 ....|     3,499,463 |  2,861,858 |   355,207 |   1,140,655 |\7\   500,793 |   85,563 |   324,229 |\9\   222,007 |          --- |    137,914 |    95,490 |      --- |   637,605 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,079 |    6,199
1957-58 ....|     4,509,666 |  3,734,350 |   473,945 |   1,465,603 |\7\   727,776 |  109,715 |   406,226 |\9\   238,455 |          --- |    175,256 |   129,935 |    7,439 |   775,316 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,124 |    6,078
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1959-60 ....|     5,601,376 |  4,685,258 |   583,224 |   1,793,320 |\7\ 1,022,353 |  135,384 |   469,943 |\9\   294,255 |          --- |    205,595 |   172,050 |    9,134 |   916,117 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,287 |    6,768
1961-62 ....|     7,154,526 |  5,997,007 |   730,429 |   2,202,443 |\7\ 1,474,406 |  177,362 |   564,225 |\9\   375,040 |          --- |    244,337 |   228,765 |      --- | 1,157,517 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,447 |    7,437
1963-64 ....|     9,177,677 |  7,725,433 |   957,512 |   2,801,707 |\7\ 1,973,383 |  236,718 |   686,054 |\9\   458,507 |          --- |    297,350 |   300,370 |   13,832 | 1,452,244 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |           --- |   1,616 |    8,097
1965-66 ....|    12,071,104 |  9,938,245 | 1,251,107 |   3,756,175 |\7\ 2,448,300 |  346,248 |   844,506 |\9\   558,170 |      155,202 |          0 |   425,524 |  153,013 | 1,887,744 |       (\7\) |     (\9\) |\11\   245,115 |   1,679 |    8,127
1966-67 ....|    14,230,341 | 10,724,974 | 1,445,074 |   4,356,413 |    1,565,102 |  415,903 |   969,275 |      591,848 |      350,950 |    226,566 |   583,390 |  220,453 | 2,060,130 |    $951,668 |  $253,790 |\11\   239,780 |   1,678 |    7,878
1967-68 ....|    16,480,786 | 12,847,350 | 1,738,946 |   5,139,179 |    1,933,473 |  493,266 | 1,127,290 |      350,711 |      514,294 |    597,544 |   712,425 |  240,222 | 2,302,419 |     765,495 |   290,000 |\11\   275,523 |   1,859 |    8,444
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1968-69 ....|    18,481,583 | 14,718,140 | 2,277,585 |   5,941,972 |    2,034,074 |  571,572 | 1,337,903 |      535,269 |      668,483 |    536,527 |   814,755 |      --- | 2,539,183 |     697,317 |   526,943 |           --- |   1,959 |    8,486
1969-70 ....|    21,043,113 | 16,845,212 | 2,627,993 |   6,883,844 |    2,144,076 |  652,596 | 1,541,698 |      648,089 |      769,253 |    593,067 |   984,594 |      --- | 2,769,276 |     757,388 |   671,236 |           --- |   2,104 |    8,607
1970-71 ... |    23,375,197 | 18,714,642 | 2,983,911 |   7,804,410 |    2,209,338 |  716,212 | 1,730,664 |      693,011 |      890,507 |    588,390 | 1,098,198 |      --- | 2,988,407 |     829,596 |   842,552 |           --- |   2,181 |    8,482
1971-72 ... |    25,559,560 | 20,441,878 | 3,344,215 |   8,443,261 |    2,265,282 |  764,481 | 1,927,553 |      779,728 |    1,059,989 |    615,997 | 1,241,372 |      --- | 3,178,272 |     940,825 |   998,585 |           --- |   2,284 |    8,577
1972-73 ....|    27,955,624 | 22,400,379 | 3,713,068 |   9,243,641 |    2,394,261 |  840,727 | 2,141,162 |      791,290 |    1,284,085 |    669,735 | 1,322,411 |      --- | 3,337,789 |   1,033,746 | 1,183,709 |           --- |   2,431 |    8,773
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1973-74 ....|    30,713,581 | 24,653,849 | 4,200,955 |  10,219,118 |    2,480,450 |  939,023 | 2,494,057 |      838,170 |    1,355,027 |    730,560 | 1,396,488 |      --- | 3,613,256 |   1,014,872 | 1,431,604 |           --- |   2,568 |    8,508
1974-75 ....|    35,057,563 | 27,547,620 | 4,495,391 |  11,797,823 |    3,132,132 |1,001,868 | 2,786,768 |    1,253,824 |          --- |  1,097,788 | 1,449,542 |  532,485 | 4,073,590 |   1,085,590 | 2,350,763 |           --- |   2,694 |    8,038
1975-76 ....|    38,903,177 | 30,598,685 | 5,240,066 |  13,094,943 |    3,287,364 |1,223,723 | 3,082,959 |    1,248,670 |          --- |  1,238,603 | 1,635,859 |  546,498 | 4,476,841 |   1,132,016 | 2,695,635 |           --- |   2,736 |    7,621
1976-77 ....|    42,599,816 | 33,151,681 | 5,590,669 |  14,031,145 |    3,600,067 |1,250,314 | 3,436,705 |    1,544,646 |          --- |  1,343,404 | 1,770,214 |  584,515 | 4,858,328 |   1,434,738 | 3,155,069 |           --- |   3,010 |    7,925
1977-78 ....|    45,970,790 | 36,256,604 | 6,177,029 |  15,336,229 |    3,919,830 |1,348,747 | 3,795,043 |    1,781,160 |          --- |  1,425,294 | 1,839,298 |  633,973 | 5,261,477 |     855,054 | 3,597,655 |           --- |   3,213 |    7,925
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1978-79 ....|    50,720,984 | 39,833,116 | 6,832,004 |  16,662,820 |    4,447,760 |1,426,614 | 4,178,574 |    2,044,386 |          --- |  1,593,097 | 1,944,599 |  703,262 | 5,749,974 |   1,007,119 | 4,130,775 |           --- |   3,538 |    7,979
1979-80 ....|    56,913,588 | 44,542,843 | 7,621,143 |  18,496,717 |    5,099,151 |1,623,811 | 4,700,070 |    2,252,577 |          --- |  1,816,521 | 2,200,468 |  732,385 | 6,485,608 |   1,127,728 | 4,757,409 |           --- |   3,850 |    7,662
1980-81 ... |    64,052,938 | 50,073,805 | 8,681,513 |  20,733,166 |    5,657,719 |1,759,784 | 5,350,310 |    2,513,502 |          --- |  2,057,770 | 2,504,525 |  815,516 | 7,288,089 |   1,257,934 | 5,433,111 |           --- |   4,139 |    7,383
1981-82 ....|    70,339,448 | 54,848,752 | 9,648,069 |  22,962,527 |    5,929,894 |1,922,416 | 5,979,281 |    2,734,038 |          --- |  2,203,726 | 2,684,945 |  783,854 | 7,997,632 |   1,258,777 | 6,234,287 |           --- |   4,433 |    7,278
1982-83 ... |    75,935,749 | 58,929,218 |10,412,233 |  24,673,293 |    6,265,280 |2,039,671 | 6,391,596 |    3,047,220 |          --- |  2,320,478 | 2,922,897 |  856,548 | 8,614,316 |   1,406,126 | 6,986,089 |           --- |   4,742 |    7,465
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1983-84 ... |    81,993,360 | 63,741,276 |11,561,260 |  26,436,308 |    6,723,534 |2,231,149 | 6,729,825 |    3,300,003 |          --- |  2,499,203 | 3,301,673 |  958,321 | 9,250,196 |   1,622,233 | 7,379,654 |           --- |   5,114 |    7,762
1984-85 ....|    89,951,263 | 70,061,324 |12,765,452 |  28,777,183 |    7,551,892 |2,361,793 | 7,345,482 |    3,712,460 |          --- |  2,861,095 | 3,670,355 |1,015,613 |10,012,248 |   1,867,550 | 8,010,141 |           --- |   5,723 |    8,360
1985-86 ....|    97,535,742 | 76,127,965 |13,913,724 |  31,032,099 |    8,437,367 |2,551,331 | 7,605,226 |    4,116,061 |          --- |  3,119,533 | 4,160,174 |1,192,449 |10,528,303 |   2,187,361 | 8,692,113 |           --- |   6,216 |    8,826
1986-87 ....|   105,763,557 | 82,955,555 |15,060,576 |  33,711,146 |    9,352,309 |2,441,184 | 7,819,032 |    5,134,267 |          --- |  3,448,453 | 4,776,100 |1,212,488 |11,037,333 |   2,597,655 | 9,173,014 |           --- |   6,635 |    9,215
1987-88 ....|   113,786,476 | 89,157,430 |16,171,015 |  35,833,563 |   10,350,931 |2,836,498 | 8,230,986 |    5,305,083 |          --- |  3,786,362 | 5,325,358 |1,317,633 |11,399,953 |   2,822,632 |10,406,461 |           --- |   6,984 |    9,314
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1988-89 ....|   123,867,184 | 96,803,377 |17,309,956 |  38,812,690 |   11,432,170 |3,009,870 | 8,739,895 |    5,894,409 |          --- |  4,227,323 | 5,918,666 |1,458,397 |12,280,063 |   2,958,962 |11,824,782 |           --- |   7,415 |    9,453
1989-90 ....|   134,655,571 |105,585,076 |19,062,179 |  42,145,987 |   12,505,961 |3,254,239 | 9,458,262 |    6,183,405 |          --- |  4,689,758 | 6,655,544 |1,629,742 |13,203,984 |   3,187,224 |12,679,286 |           --- |   7,799 |    9,489
1990-91 ....|   146,087,836 |114,139,901 |20,751,966 |  45,496,117 |   13,444,040 |3,343,892 |10,062,581 |    6,706,881 |          --- |  5,076,177 | 7,551,184 |1,707,063 |14,272,247 |   3,349,824 |14,325,865 |           --- |   8,260 |    9,529
1991-92 ....|   156,189,161 |121,567,157 |21,984,118 |  47,997,196 |   14,261,554 |3,595,834 |10,346,580 |    6,981,184 |          --- |  5,489,298 | 9,060,000 |1,851,393 |14,966,100 |   3,551,592 |16,104,313 |           --- |   8,466 |    9,464
1992-93 ....|   165,241,040 |128,977,968 |23,414,977 |  50,340,914 |   15,291,309 |3,684,852 |10,783,727 |    7,388,118 |          --- |  5,935,095 |10,148,373 |1,990,603 |15,561,508 |   3,651,891 |17,049,672 |           --- |   8,903 |    9,651
            |               |            |           |             |              |          |           |              |              |            |           |          |           |             |           |               |         |
1993-94 ....|   173,350,617 |136,024,350 |24,489,022 |  52,775,599 |   16,117,610 |3,908,412 |11,368,496 |    7,769,499 |          --- |  6,242,414 |11,238,010 |2,115,288 |16,429,341 |   3,387,323 |17,509,603 |           --- |   9,509 |
1994-95 ....|   182,968,610 |144,158,002 |25,904,821 |  55,719,707 |   17,109,541 |4,165,761 |11,745,905 |    8,112,930 |          --- |  6,691,485 |12,285,328 |2,422,524 |17,204,917 |   3,534,332 |18,071,359 |           --- |  10,096 |
1995-96 ....|   189,986,238 |150,927,324 |27,683,381 |  57,572,851 |   17,519,665 |4,299,177 |12,257,540 |    9,010,262 |          --- |  7,045,145 |13,138,965 |2,400,338 |17,569,276 |   3,492,548 |17,997,090 |           --- |  10,583 |
            |                                 Degree-granting institutions\12\
1995-96 ....|   190,476,163 |151,445,605 |27,886,345 |  57,810,033 |   17,517,887 |4,293,363 |12,330,885 |    9,003,700 |          --- |  7,007,413 |13,195,102 |2,400,876 |17,599,061 |   3,490,511 |17,940,986 |           --- |     --- |
| ---Not available.
\1\Academic support excluding expenditures for libraries.
\2\Includes all separately budgeted programs, other than research, which are supported by sponsors outside the institution. Examples are training programs, workshops, and training and instructional institutes. For years not shown, most expenditures for these programs are included under "Extension and public service."
\3\Generally includes only those expenditures associated with federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs).
\4\Data for 1929-30 to 1945-46 are based on school year enrollment.
\5\Data adjusted by the Consumer Price Index computed on a school year basis.
\6\Institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education.
\7\Expenditures for federally funded research and development centers are included under "Organized research."
\8\Included under "Other current expenditures."
\9\Expenditures for hospitals included under "Organized activities related to instructional departments."
\10\Expenditures were for federal contract courses.
\11\Includes current expenditures for physical plant assets. In later years, the educational and general expenditures for physical plant assets are included under "Other general expenditures."
\12\Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs. NOTE: The data in this table reflect limitations of data availability and comparability. Major changes in data collection forms in 1965-66 and 1974-75 cause significant data comparability problems among the three mostly consistent time periods, 1929-30 to 1963-64, 1965-66 to 1973-74, and 1974-75 to the present. The largest problems affect Hospitals, Independent operations, Organized research, Other sponsored programs, Extension and public service, and Scholarships and fellowships. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Biennial Survey of Education in the United States; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared October 1998.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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