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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 225. Employees in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, primary occupation, employment status sex, and type and control of institution: Fall 1999

                                         |          |          |        |        |        |American|        |
        Primary occupation, sex,         |          |  White,  | Black, |        | Asian/ |Indian/ |  Non-  |  Race/
 employment status, and type and control |  Total   |   non-   |  non-  |Hispanic|Pacific |Alaskan |resident|ethnicity
             of institution              |          | Hispanic |Hispanic|        |Islander| native | alien  | unknown
                    1                    |    2     |    3     |   4    |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8    |    9
Total, all institutions .................|2,883,175 |2,148,845 |288,632 |134,672 |128,698 | 13,289 | 18,143 | 150,896
  Professional staff ....................|1,950,861 |1,512,740 |123,784 | 63,364 | 96,823 |  8,015 | 14,364 | 131,771
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  159,888 |  135,107 | 14,047 |  5,024 |  3,332 |    760 |    456 |   1,162
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|1,027,830 |  839,006 | 53,401 | 30,961 | 48,892 |  4,429 |  9,155 |  41,986
    Instruction and research assistants .|  239,738 |  135,261 |  8,766 |  7,629 | 18,570 |    761 |  1,775 |  66,976
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  523,405 |  403,366 | 47,570 | 19,750 | 26,029 |  2,065 |  2,978 |  21,647
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  932,314 |  636,105 |164,848 | 71,308 | 31,875 |  5,274 |  3,779 |  19,125
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Men, total ..............................|1,365,812 |1,019,666 |109,904 | 60,046 | 68,341 |  6,230 | 10,106 |  91,519
  Professional staff ....................|1,026,882 |  793,562 | 50,940 | 31,128 | 55,929 |  3,975 |  8,309 |  83,039
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   83,883 |   72,279 |  6,160 |  2,435 |  1,718 |    365 |    281 |     645
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  602,469 |  492,484 | 26,047 | 17,428 | 32,381 |  2,412 |  5,581 |  26,136
    Instruction and research assistants .|  132,607 |   70,224 |  3,549 |  3,730 | 10,932 |    367 |    935 |  42,870
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  207,923 |  158,575 | 15,184 |  7,535 | 10,898 |    831 |  1,512 |  13,388
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  338,930 |  226,104 | 58,964 | 28,918 | 12,412 |  2,255 |  1,797 |   8,480
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Women, total ............................|1,517,363 |1,129,179 |178,728 | 74,626 | 60,357 |  7,059 |  8,037 |  59,377
  Professional staff ....................|  923,979 |  719,178 | 72,844 | 32,236 | 40,894 |  4,040 |  6,055 |  48,732
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   76,005 |   62,828 |  7,887 |  2,589 |  1,614 |    395 |    175 |     517
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  425,361 |  346,522 | 27,354 | 13,533 | 16,511 |  2,017 |  3,574 |  15,850
    Instruction and research assistants .|  107,131 |   65,037 |  5,217 |  3,899 |  7,638 |    394 |    840 |  24,106
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  315,482 |  244,791 | 32,386 | 12,215 | 15,131 |  1,234 |  1,466 |   8,259
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  593,384 |  410,001 |105,884 | 42,390 | 19,463 |  3,019 |  1,982 |  10,645
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Full-time, total ........................|1,918,676 |1,460,222 |222,715 | 94,726 | 83,182 |  9,168 | 11,584 |  37,079
  Professional staff ....................|1,180,173 |  954,972 | 84,274 | 38,262 | 59,406 |  5,022 |  9,529 |  28,708
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  153,722 |  129,937 | 13,616 |  4,859 |  3,201 |    727 |    418 |     964
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  590,937 |  489,206 | 29,222 | 16,498 | 34,112 |  2,561 |  7,190 |  12,148
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  435,514 |  335,829 | 41,436 | 16,905 | 22,093 |  1,734 |  1,921 |  15,596
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  738,503 |  505,250 |138,441 | 56,464 | 23,776 |  4,146 |  2,055 |   8,371
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Part-time, total ........................|  964,499 |  688,623 | 65,917 | 39,946 | 45,516 |  4,121 |  6,559 | 113,817
  Professional staff ....................|  770,688 |  557,768 | 39,510 | 25,102 | 37,417 |  2,993 |  4,835 | 103,063
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    6,166 |    5,170 |    431 |    165 |    131 |     33 |     38 |     198
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  436,893 |  349,800 | 24,179 | 14,463 | 14,780 |  1,868 |  1,965 |  29,838
    Instruction and research assistants .|  239,738 |  135,261 |  8,766 |  7,629 | 18,570 |    761 |  1,775 |  66,976
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   87,891 |   67,537 |  6,134 |  2,845 |  3,936 |    331 |  1,057 |   6,051
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  193,811 |  130,855 | 26,407 | 14,844 |  8,099 |  1,128 |  1,724 |  10,754
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Public 4-year ...........................|1,470,842 |1,074,276 |146,183 | 65,537 | 76,808 |  6,993 | 10,971 |  90,074
  Professional staff ....................|  987,622 |  740,818 | 60,390 | 30,810 | 60,210 |  4,129 |  9,120 |  82,145
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   64,336 |   54,139 |  6,181 |  1,883 |  1,291 |    309 |    192 |     341
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  417,086 |  337,857 | 20,219 | 11,160 | 26,691 |  1,902 |  5,692 |  13,565
    Instruction and research assistants .|  196,393 |  110,957 |  6,752 |  6,370 | 15,445 |    630 |  1,358 |  54,881
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  309,807 |  237,865 | 27,238 | 11,397 | 16,783 |  1,288 |  1,878 |  13,358
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  483,220 |  333,458 | 85,793 | 34,727 | 16,598 |  2,864 |  1,851 |   7,929
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Private 4-year ..........................|  857,820 |  644,296 | 90,638 | 34,961 | 36,921 |  2,155 |  5,979 |  42,870
  Professional staff ....................|  569,579 |  450,736 | 34,922 | 15,039 | 26,584 |  1,274 |  4,496 |  36,528
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   69,626 |   59,557 |  5,590 |  1,957 |  1,588 |    176 |    219 |     539
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  296,737 |  242,507 | 13,338 |  6,537 | 13,840 |    652 |  2,918 |  16,945
    Instruction and research assistants .|   38,597 |   21,005 |  1,431 |    974 |  2,973 |     83 |    402 |  11,729
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  164,619 |  127,667 | 14,563 |  5,571 |  8,183 |    363 |    957 |   7,315
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  288,241 |  193,560 | 55,716 | 19,922 | 10,337 |    881 |  1,483 |   6,342
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Public 2-year ...........................|  517,967 |  401,260 | 48,840 | 32,309 | 14,012 |  3,852 |  1,120 |  16,574
  Professional staff ....................|  364,703 |  297,533 | 26,302 | 16,383 |  9,320 |  2,422 |    694 |  12,049
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   21,459 |   17,628 |  1,987 |  1,016 |    383 |    241 |     38 |     166
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  296,239 |  243,842 | 18,671 | 12,697 |  7,906 |  1,781 |    504 |  10,838
    Instruction and research assistants .|    4,170 |    2,873 |    539 |    246 |    132 |     46 |     14 |     320
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   42,835 |   33,190 |  5,105 |  2,424 |    899 |    354 |    138 |     725
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  153,264 |  103,727 | 22,538 | 15,926 |  4,692 |  1,430 |    426 |   4,525
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Private 2-year ..........................|   36,546 |   29,013 |  2,971 |  1,865 |    957 |    289 |     73 |   1,378
  Professional staff ....................|   28,957 |   23,653 |  2,170 |  1,132 |    709 |    190 |     54 |   1,049
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    4,467 |    3,783 |    289 |    168 |     70 |     34 |      7 |     116
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|   17,768 |   14,800 |  1,173 |    567 |    455 |     94 |     41 |     638
    Instruction and research assistants .|      578 |      426 |     44 |     39 |     20 |      2 |      1 |      46
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|    6,144 |    4,644 |    664 |    358 |    164 |     60 |      5 |     249
  Nonprofessional staff .................|    7,589 |    5,360 |    801 |    733 |    248 |     99 |     19 |     329

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff, 1999" survey. (This table was prepared July 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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