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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 79. Minimum and average teacher salaries, by state: 1990-91, 1998-99, and 1999-2000
                       |             1990-91                           |           1998-99                             |     1999-2000                         |  Percent change,
                       |_______________________________________________|_______________________________________________|_______________________________________|1990-91 to 1999-2000
                       |           |           |  Minimum  |  Average  |           |           |   Minimum |  Average  |             |             |  Minimum  |  (constant
                       |           |           |(beginning)|  salary   |           |           |(beginning)|  salary   |             |             |(beginning)|   dollars)\1\
                       |   Minimum |   Average |salary (in |  (in      |  Minimum  |  Average  |salary (in |    (in    |   Minimum   |  Average    |salary as a|____________________
         State         |(beginning)|   salary  |  1999-2000|  1999-2000|(beginning)|  salary   | 1999-2000 | 1999-2000 |  (beginning)|   salary    |percent of |   Minimum |Average
                       |   salary  |           |dollars)\1\|dollars)\1\|  salary   |           |dollars)\1\|dollars)\1\|    salary   |             |  average  |(beginning)| salary
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |  salary   |   salary  |
           1           |      2    |      3    |      4    |      5    |      6    |      7    |     8     |     9     |      10     |      11     |    12     |    13     |   14
  United States .......|   $21,542 |   $32,880 |   $27,232 |   $41,565 |   $26,855 |   $40,540 |   $27,630 |   $41,710 |     $27,989 |     $41,820 |      66.9 |       2.8 |    0.6
Alabama ...............|    22,114 |    26,846 |    27,956 |    33,938 |    29,092 |    35,820 |    29,932 |    36,854 |\2\   29,790 |      36,689 |      81.2 |       6.6 |    8.1
Alaska ................|\2\ 29,950 |    43,406 |\2\ 37,861 |    54,872 |    33,057 |    46,312 |    34,011 |    47,649 |      33,676 |      46,481 |      72.5 |     -11.1 |  -15.3
Arizona ...............|\2\ 21,375 |    30,773 |\2\ 27,021 |    38,902 |    24,755 |    33,197 |    25,470 |    34,155 |\2\   25,613 |      34,824 |      73.5 |      -5.2 |  -10.5
Arkansas ..............|\3\ 17,458 |\4\ 23,735 |\3\ 22,070 |\4\ 30,005 |    21,975 |    32,819 |    22,609 |    33,766 |      22,599 |\5\   33,691 |      67.1 |       2.4 |   12.3
California ............|\2\ 24,570 |\2\ 39,118 |\2\ 31,060 |\2\ 49,451 |    31,129 |    46,129 |    32,028 |    47,461 |      32,190 |\2,5\ 47,680 |      67.5 |       3.6 |   -3.6
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Colorado ..............|    19,786 |    31,819 |    25,013 |    40,224 |    24,293 |    38,157 |    24,994 |    39,259 |\2\   24,875 |\2\   39,073 |      63.7 |      -0.6 |   -2.9
Connecticut ...........|    25,312 |    43,398 |    31,998 |    54,862 |    29,992 |    52,070 |    30,858 |    53,573 |      30,466 |      52,410 |      58.1 |      -4.8 |   -4.5
Delaware ..............|    21,112 |    35,246 |    26,689 |    44,556 |    29,981 |    43,164 |    30,846 |    44,410 |\2\   30,945 |\2\   44,435 |      69.6 |      15.9 |   -0.3
District of Columbia ..|    23,327 |\2\ 39,362 |    29,489 |\2\ 49,760 |\3\ 30,000 |    46,536 |    30,866 |    47,879 |      30,850 |      48,304 |      63.9 |       4.6 |   -2.9
Florida ...............|    21,368 |    30,555 |    27,012 |    38,626 |    24,402 |    35,916 |    25,106 |    36,953 |      25,132 |      36,722 |      68.4 |      -7.0 |   -4.9
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Georgia ...............|    20,471 |\4\ 28,950 |    25,879 |\4\ 36,597 |    29,491 |    39,776 |    30,342 |    40,924 |\5\   30,402 |\5\   41,122 |      73.9 |      17.5 |   12.4
Hawaii ................|    23,792 |    33,548 |    30,077 |    42,410 |    28,315 |    40,416 |    29,132 |    41,583 |      29,204 |      41,292 |      70.7 |      -2.9 |   -2.6
Idaho .................|    15,685 |    25,510 |    19,828 |    32,249 |    20,306 |    34,062 |    20,892 |    35,045 |      20,915 |      35,155 |      59.5 |       5.5 |    9.0
Illinois ..............|\4\ 21,954 |\4\ 34,642 |\4\ 27,753 |\4\ 43,793 |\6\ 28,954 |\6\ 45,286 |    29,790 |    46,593 |\2,7\ 30,151 |\2,7\ 46,480 |      64.9 |       8.6 |    6.1
Indiana ...............|\4\ 20,247 |\4\ 32,931 |\4\ 25,595 |\4\ 41,630 |    26,268 |    41,165 |    27,026 |    42,353 |      26,553 |      41,855 |      63.4 |       3.7 |    0.5
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Iowa ..................|    19,404 |    27,949 |    24,530 |    35,332 |    24,132 |    35,007 |    24,829 |    36,018 |      25,275 |\5\   35,678 |      70.8 |       3.0 |    1.0
Kansas ................|\8\ 18,954 |\8\ 28,188 |\8\ 23,961 |\8\ 35,634 |    24,648 |\5\ 35,383 |    25,360 |    36,404 |      25,252 |\5,8\ 36,282 |      69.6 |       5.4 |    1.8
Kentucky ..............|    19,311 |    29,115 |    24,412 |    36,806 |\9\ 24,387 |\9\ 35,383 |    25,091 |    36,404 |      24,753 |\5\   36,255 |      68.3 |       1.4 |   -1.5
Louisiana .............|    17,486 |    26,170 |    22,105 |    33,083 |    24,102 |    32,384 |    24,798 |    33,319 |      25,738 |\5\   33,109 |      77.7 |      16.4 |    0.1
Maine .................|    18,878 |    28,531 |    23,865 |    36,068 |    22,513 |\9\ 34,906 |    23,163 |    35,914 |      22,942 |      35,561 |      64.5 |      -3.9 |   -1.4
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Maryland ..............|    23,548 |\3\ 38,312 |    29,768 |\4\ 48,432 |\9\ 27,605 |\9\ 42,557 |    28,402 |    43,786 |      28,612 |      43,720 |      65.4 |      -3.9 |   -9.7
Massachusetts .........|\2\ 21,800 |    36,090 |\2\ 27,559 |    45,623 |    29,312 |    45,149 |    30,158 |    46,452 |\2\   30,330 |\2\   46,955 |      64.6 |      10.1 |    2.9
Michigan ..............|\2\ 22,400 |\2\ 37,800 |\2\ 28,317 |\2\ 47,785 |\4\ 27,822 |    47,448 |    28,625 |    48,818 |\2\   28,545 |      48,729 |      58.6 |       0.8 |    2.0
Minnesota .............|\4\ 21,029 |    33,128 |\4\ 26,584 |    41,879 |    24,468 |    39,493 |    25,174 |    40,633 |      25,666 |\2\   40,678 |      63.1 |      -3.5 |   -2.9
Mississippi ...........|\2\ 18,950 |\2\ 24,609 |\2\ 23,956 |\2\ 31,110 |    21,145 |\2\ 29,550 |    21,755 |    30,403 |\10\  23,040 |      31,897 |      72.2 |      -3.8 |    2.5
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Missouri ..............|\2\ 20,293 |\2\ 27,636 |\2\ 25,654 |\2\ 34,936 |    25,306 |    34,806 |    26,037 |    35,811 |      25,977 |\5\   35,660 |      72.8 |       1.3 |    2.1
Montana ...............|\2\ 18,400 |    26,696 |\2\ 23,260 |    33,748 |    20,732 |    31,356 |    21,330 |    32,261 |      20,969 |\5\   32,121 |      65.3 |      -9.9 |   -4.8
Nebraska ..............|    18,344 |    26,592 |    23,190 |    33,616 |    22,611 |    32,880 |    23,264 |    33,829 |      22,923 |      33,237 |      69.0 |      -1.1 |   -1.1
Nevada ................|\6\ 24,358 |\6\ 35,269 |\6\ 30,792 |\6\ 44,586 |    28,428 |\2\ 42,528 |    29,249 |    43,756 |\7\   28,734 |\2\   43,083 |      66.7 |      -6.7 |   -3.4
New Hampshire .........|\2\ 20,635 |    31,273 |\2\ 26,086 |    39,534 |\4\ 24,406 |    37,405 |    25,111 |    38,485 |\2\   24,650 |      37,734 |      65.3 |      -5.5 |   -4.6
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
New Jersey ............|    24,500 |    38,411 |    30,972 |    48,558 |\4\ 29,112 |    51,475 |    29,952 |    52,961 |\2\   30,480 |\9\   50,878 |      59.9 |      -1.6 |    4.8
New Mexico ............|    19,124 |\4\ 25,800 |    24,176 |\4\ 32,615 |    24,393 |    31,838 |    25,097 |    32,757 |\2\   25,042 |      32,713 |      76.6 |       3.6 |    0.3
New York ..............|\9\ 26,375 |\9\ 42,080 |\9\ 33,342 |\9\ 53,196 |\9\ 30,808 |\9\ 49,490 |    31,697 |    50,919 |      31,910 |\9\   51,020 |      62.5 |      -4.3 |   -4.1
North Carolina ........|    19,810 |    29,165 |    25,043 |    36,869 |    25,044 |    36,883 |    25,767 |    37,948 |      27,968 |      39,404 |      71.0 |      11.7 |    6.9
North Dakota ..........|    16,274 |    23,574 |    20,573 |    29,801 |    19,136 |    29,002 |    19,688 |    29,839 |      20,422 |      29,863 |      68.4 |      -0.7 |    0.2
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Ohio ..................|    18,452 |    31,964 |    23,326 |    40,407 |    23,096 |    40,746 |    23,763 |    41,922 |      23,597 |      41,713 |      56.6 |       1.2 |    3.2
Oklahoma ..............|\8\ 18,575 |\8\ 24,378 |\8\ 23,482 |\8\ 30,818 |\8\ 23,818 |\8\ 29,444 |    24,506 |    30,294 |      24,025 |      29,525 |      81.4 |       2.3 |   -4.2
Oregon ................|\6\ 20,357 |\6\ 32,295 |\6\ 25,734 |\6\ 40,826 |\2\ 28,589 |\2\ 43,789 |    29,414 |    45,053 |\6\   29,733 |\6\   45,103 |      65.9 |      15.5 |   10.5
Pennsylvania ..........|\2\ 23,250 |\4\ 36,057 |\2\ 29,392 |\4\ 45,582 |    29,793 |    48,457 |    30,653 |    49,856 |      30,185 |\2\   48,321 |      62.5 |       2.7 |    6.0
Rhode Island ..........|    20,887 |\2\ 38,220 |    26,404 |\2\ 48,316 |    26,237 |\4\ 46,286 |    26,994 |    47,622 |\2\   27,286 |\2\   48,138 |      56.7 |       3.3 |   -0.4
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
South Carolina ........|\4\ 19,757 |\4\ 28,174 |\4\ 24,976 |\4\ 35,616 |    23,827 |    34,506 |    24,515 |    35,502 |      25,215 |      36,081 |      69.9 |       1.0 |    1.3
South Dakota ..........|    16,676 |    22,363 |    21,081 |    28,270 |    21,376 |    28,386 |    21,993 |    29,205 |\2\   21,889 |      29,072 |      75.3 |       3.8 |    2.8
Tennessee .............|    20,150 |    28,248 |    25,473 |    35,710 |    26,314 |    35,490 |    27,074 |    36,515 |      27,228 |      36,328 |      75.0 |       6.9 |    1.7
Texas .................|\2\ 20,150 |\2\ 28,100 |\2\ 25,473 |\2\ 35,523 |    25,586 |    34,336 |    26,325 |    35,327 |      28,400 |      37,567 |      75.6 |      11.5 |    5.8
Utah ..................|    17,234 |\4\ 25,415 |    21,786 |\4\ 32,129 |    22,941 |    34,079 |    23,603 |    35,063 |      23,273 |      34,946 |      66.6 |       6.8 |    8.8
                       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |             |             |           |           |
Vermont ...............|\2\ 18,509 |\2\ 29,714 |\2\ 23,398 |\2\ 37,563 |\4\ 25,435 |    35,896 |    26,169 |    36,932 |\2\   25,791 |      36,402 |      70.9 |      10.2 |   -3.1
Virginia ..............|\4\ 22,206 |\4\ 32,692 |\4\ 28,072 |\4\ 41,328 |\4\ 25,777 |    37,527 |    26,521 |    38,610 |\2\   26,783 |\7\   38,992 |      68.7 |      -4.6 |   -5.7
Washington ............|\4\ 20,612 |\4\ 32,975 |\4\ 26,057 |\4\ 41,686 |    23,650 |    38,693 |    24,333 |    39,810 |      26,514 |      41,047 |      64.6 |       1.8 |   -1.5
West Virginia .........|    18,728 |    25,966 |    23,675 |    32,825 |\9\ 23,316 |\9\ 34,248 |    23,989 |    35,237 |      23,829 |\5\   35,011 |      68.1 |       0.6 |    6.7
Wisconsin .............|    20,689 |    33,077 |    26,154 |    41,814 |\6\ 24,839 |\6\ 39,374 |    25,556 |    40,511 |      25,344 |\5\   39,897 |      63.5 |      -3.1 |   -4.6
Wyoming ...............|    19,238 |    28,996 |    24,320 |    36,655 |    23,507 |    33,500 |    24,186 |    34,467 |      24,168 |      34,188 |      70.7 |      -0.6 |   -6.7

\1\Based on the Consumer Price Index prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Price index does not account for different rates of change in the cost of living among states.
\2\Estimated by the American Federation of Teachers. See NOTE.
\3\Preliminary or state estimate.
\4\Excludes state-paid health insurance.
\5\Includes pay for extra duties.
\6\Includes employer pick-up of employee pension contribution.
\7\Includes pension and extra-duty pay where applicable.
\8\Estimated to exclude fringe benefits.
\9\Median salary.
\10\Includes estimated $1,000 in local supplements.

NOTE: Data in this table reflect results of surveys conducted by the American Federation of Teachers. Because of differing survey and estimation methods, these data are not entirely comparable with figures appearing in other tables. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: American Federation of Teachers, Survey and Analysis of Teacher Salary Trends, various years. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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