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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 76. Average salaries for full-time teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics: 1993-94

                       |        |        |  Number  |     School year      |Supplemental contract |   Number of teachers with
       Selected        | Total  |  Base  |    of    |supplemental contract |    during summer     |    nonschool employment
    characteristics    | earned | salary |full-time |______________________|______________________|________________________________
                       | income |        | teachers |Number of|Supplemental|Number of|Supplemental|Teaching |Education| Not educa-
                       |        |        |          |teachers |   salary   |teachers |   salary   |or tutor | related |tion related
           1           |   2    |   3    |    4     |    5    |     6      |    7    |     8      |    9    |   10    |     11
                       |                                              Public schools
Total\1\ ..............|$36,498 |$34,153 |2,340,443 | 815,827 |     $2,075 | 401,516 |     $2,070 | 118,603 |  80,014 |    237,177
  Men .................| 41,031 | 36,182 |  642,807 | 348,855 |      2,923 | 147,299 |      2,530 |  37,297 |  39,150 |    124,487
  Women ...............| 34,781 | 33,384 |1,697,636 | 466,972 |      1,442 | 254,218 |      1,803 |  81,305 |  40,863 |    112,689
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Race/ethnicity         |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 36,576 | 34,221 |2,012,142 | 722,694 |      2,067 | 328,492 |      2,015 | 100,017 |  68,991 |    208,306
  Black, non-Hispanic .| 36,200 | 33,889 |  181,896 |  48,968 |      2,325 |  40,819 |      2,221 |  10,734 |   5,490 |     16,336
  Hispanic ............| 35,197 | 32,996 |  102,965 |  31,653 |      1,930 |  24,122 |      2,477 |   5,817 |   3,644 |      7,337
  Asian or Pacific     |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    Islander ..........| 38,292 | 36,134 |   25,383 |   6,391 |      1,873 |   5,381 |      2,285 |   1,298 |     910 |      2,327
  American Indian      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    or Alaskan Native .| 35,635 | 32,994 |   18,057 |   6,121 |      2,068 |   2,703 |      2,305 |     737 |     979 |      2,871
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Age                    |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Less than 30 ........| 27,151 | 24,737 |  258,692 | 113,918 |      1,777 |  51,862 |      1,819 |  11,924 |   8,078 |     28,228
  30 to 39 ............| 31,596 | 29,270 |  517,638 | 204,607 |      2,163 | 102,314 |      1,942 |  24,860 |  19,623 |     49,690
  40 to 49 ............| 38,106 | 35,751 |  974,299 | 328,974 |      2,107 | 161,320 |      2,053 |  50,193 |  34,480 |    100,528
  50 or more ..........| 42,243 | 39,931 |  589,815 | 168,328 |      2,109 |  86,021 |      2,404 |  31,625 |  17,833 |     58,730
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Years of teaching      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  experience           |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  First year ..........| 26,641 | 23,544 |   99,833 |  35,238 |      1,573 |  16,007 |      2,516 |   4,554 |   2,463 |     13,210
  2 to 4 years ........| 27,217 | 25,089 |  272,905 | 109,127 |      1,660 |  54,192 |      1,806 |  10,991 |   9,575 |     30,150
  5 to 9 years ........| 30,709 | 28,451 |  388,370 | 145,326 |      1,998 |  79,198 |      2,046 |  23,195 |  11,272 |     36,451
  10 to 14 years ......| 33,805 | 31,792 |  355,460 | 114,950 |      2,110 |  58,360 |      2,003 |  16,150 |  12,281 |     30,036
  15 to 19 years ......| 37,984 | 35,809 |  380,168 | 131,094 |      2,177 |  65,105 |      1,842 |  19,878 |  14,175 |     35,835
  20 or more years ....| 43,796 | 41,215 |  843,707 | 280,091 |      2,279 | 128,653 |      2,285 |  43,835 |  30,248 |     91,495
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Level                  |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Elementary ..........| 34,944 | 33,517 |1,193,257 | 254,890 |      1,503 | 170,059 |      1,801 |  47,820 |  27,084 |     90,749
  Secondary ...........| 38,114 | 34,815 |1,147,186 | 560,937 |      2,335 | 231,457 |      2,267 |  70,783 |  52,930 |    146,427
                       |                                             Private schools
Total\1\ ..............|$24,053 |$21,968 |  302,431 |  64,063 |     $1,894 |  62,847 |     $2,122 |  20,237 |  11,424 |     34,099
  Men .................| 30,215 | 26,120 |   72,264 |  27,418 |      2,408 |  21,317 |      2,584 |   3,993 |   4,969 |     14,283
  Women ...............| 22,118 | 20,669 |  230,167 |  36,645 |      1,509 |  41,530 |      1,885 |  16,244 |   6,456 |     19,816
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Race/ethnicity         |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 24,084 | 22,000 |  278,749 |  59,475 |      1,903 |  55,950 |      2,109 |  18,461 |  10,677 |     31,724
  Black, non-Hispanic .| 23,043 | 20,796 |    8,946 |   1,350 |      2,451 |   3,024 |      2,173 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  Hispanic ............| 22,256 | 20,672 |    9,862 |   2,013 |      1,209 |   2,269 |      2,298 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  Asian or Pacific     |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    Islander ..........| 28,505 | 25,861 |    3,786 |     997 |      2,054 |   1,185 |      2,643 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  American Indian      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    or Alaskan Native .| 25,082 | 21,625 |    1,088 |   (\1\) |      (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\) |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Age                    |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Less than 30 ........| 19,438 | 17,010 |   56,709 |  14,802 |      1,572 |  15,865 |      1,781 |   4,600 |   2,373 |      8,982
  30 to 39 ............| 23,334 | 20,925 |   73,855 |  16,590 |      1,947 |  17,227 |      2,161 |   4,636 |   3,247 |     10,087
  40 to 49 ............| 25,230 | 23,224 |  102,226 |  21,284 |      1,915 |  20,355 |      2,196 |   6,965 |   3,794 |      9,580
  50 or more ..........| 26,845 | 25,273 |   69,641 |  11,388 |      2,193 |   9,400 |      2,467 |   4,035 |   2,010 |      5,449
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Years of teaching      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  experience           |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  First year ..........| 19,408 | 16,318 |   22,922 |   4,832 |      1,539 |   4,545 |      1,973 |   1,798 |   (\1\) |      3,395
  2 to 4 years ........| 19,858 | 17,719 |   54,831 |  12,001 |      1,580 |  15,974 |      1,899 |   3,970 |   1,924 |      8,207
  5 to 9 years ........| 21,764 | 19,748 |   66,567 |  13,905 |      1,816 |  14,111 |      2,112 |   4,625 |   3,184 |      8,044
  10 to 14 years ......| 24,266 | 22,424 |   49,880 |  10,007 |      1,741 |   9,171 |      2,032 |   2,369 |   1,404 |      5,133
  15 to 19 years ......| 27,238 | 25,351 |   42,209 |   8,985 |      2,129 |   8,460 |      2,257 |   3,601 |   1,812 |      3,452
  20 or more years ....| 29,258 | 27,178 |   66,022 |  14,334 |      2,310 |  10,585 |      2,508 |   3,874 |   2,320 |      5,867
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Level                  |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Elementary ..........| 21,485 | 19,977 |  179,936 |  23,015 |      1,514 |  33,338 |      1,846 |  11,805 |   5,645 |     18,137
  Secondary ...........| 27,824 | 24,896 |  122,496 |  41,048 |      2,106 |  29,509 |      2,435 |   8,432 |   5,780 |     15,962

\1\Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding or missing values in cells with too few cases, or survey item nonresponse.
\2\Too few sample cases (fewer than 30) for a reliable estimate.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94," unpublished data. (This table was prepared November 1997, new data forthcoming in 2002.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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