Yasmin Reyazuddin
September 23, 2002

Greetings Board members,

I am writing to you about the proposed guidelines to install Audible traffic signals and detectible warnings at every intersection in the country.

Blind people have traveled safely with least numbers of injuries or harm to themselves. The long white cane has been our tool to navigate the obstacles on the streets. The motorists need to know about the white cane laws and be punished for not yeilding to the blind pedestrian. Complex intersections can be navigated when the blind person listens to the traffic pattern and crosses safely. Detectable warnings and audible signals are expensive and should be restricted by all means. As a taxpayer, I do not wish any more expenses on the local government.

I would like to add that the Audible signals will cause more confusion on the streets for blind pedestrians and detectable warning strips will be dangerous to people who for one reason or other drag their feet.

Yasmin Reyazuddin
Sligo creek chapter of NFBMD


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