Mark W. Richardson, P.E.
October 28, 2002

I have quickly reviewed the above document, and have forwarded it to my Director and Assistant Director, with the following comments.

Overall, I did not find cause for much concern in regards to the Guidelines' effect on bridges, EXCEPT:

The stipulations restricting the maximum running grade to 6% could become quite problematic for many bridge applications. It seems that this criteria was intended for structures made specifically/only for "pedestrian" use (including those with disabilities), and is not intended to be applied to vehicular transportation structures such as bridges that may have sidewalks included in their superstructure.

Perhaps a specific exception should be included to allow the sidewalk maximum running grade to match that of the adjacent roadway, providing the vehicular bridge incorporates the sidewalk. Any separate pedestrian bridge (NOT attached to and NOT a part of the vehicular bridge) would still be required to meet the 6% maximum running grade stipulation.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you need additional information.


Mark W. Richardson, P.E.
NHDOT, Administrator, Bridge Design Bureau


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