John Bailey
October 16, 2002

Thank you Jon for your comments. The NFB is big enough to allow alternative points of view. It is very healthy to discuss all aspects of an issue.

Here is my take on the topic of Accessible Traffic Signals. It just happens to parallel that of the official opinion of the NFB and its duly elected officers.

It is very simple. Not all traffic stops require audible signals. Some due. Mandating that all should have them will be a waste of time and money. I believe that using the resources that would have gone to signals and using it to teach the blind independent travel skills would be a better alternative.

I may not agree with the opinions of others. However, I will protect your right to voice them.

Doug Lee was right. The official position of the NFB was formed and voted on by its membership. If you disagree with the organization about an opinion, don't blame the organization. Just remember that it was the expression of blind people (like us) expressing themselves through a democratic process.



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