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Neurotoxicant Effects on Cell Cycle Regulation of Neurogenesis
Grant Number R829391C001
RFA: Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research (2001)

Other views: Selected publication types Journal articles Publications submitted after final report Redisplay this page with Reference Title, Journal, and Author Columns Display this page in RIS format

  • Journal Article (2)
  • Presentation (5)
  • Proceedings (1)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article Benayed R, Gharani N, Rossman I, Mancuso V, Lazar G, Kamdar S, Bruse SE, Tischfield S, Smith BJ, Zimmerman RA, DiCicco-Bloom E, Brzustowicz LM, Millonig JH. Support for the homeobox transcription factor gene ENGRAILED 2 as an autism spectrum disorder susceptibility locus. American Journal of Human Genetics 2005;77(5):851-868. R829391 (2004)
    R829391 (2005)
    R829391 (2006)
    R829391C001 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: AJHG Full Text
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  • Other: AJHG PDF
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  • Journal Article Davidovics Z, DiCicco-Bloom E. Moderate lead exposure elicits neurotrophic effects in cerebral cortical precursor cells in culture. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2005;80(6):817-825. R829391 (2004)
    R829391 (2005)
    R829391 (2006)
    R829391C001 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: InterScience Full Text
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  • Other: InterScience PDF
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  • Presentation

    Burke K, Cheng Y, Li B, Petrov A, Joshi P, Berman RF, Reuhl KR, Dicicco-Bloom E. Methylmercury (MeHg) elicits acute and long term effects on neurogenesis in the neonatal rat hippocampus selectively. Presented at the Twenty-First International Neurotoxicology Conference, Honolulu, HI, February 10-14, 2004.

    R829391 (2004)
    R829391C001 (2004)
    not available

    Burke K, Cheng Y, Reuhl KR, Petrov A, DiCicco-Bloom E. Methylmercury (MeHg) elicits acute and long-term effects on newborn rat hippocampal neurogenesis through cell cycle machinery. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 44th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 6-10, 2005.

    R829391 (2005)
    R829391C001 (2005)
    not available

    Davidovics Z, DiCicco-Bloom E. Lead induces trophic effects in embryonic rat cerebral cortical precursors. Presented at the Twenty-First International Neurotoxicology Conference, Honolulu, HI, February 10-14, 2004.

    R829391C001 (2004)
    not available

    DiCicco-Bloom E. Neurotoxicant effects on cell cycle regulation of neurogenesis. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience 2003 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 8-12, 2003.

    R829391C001 (2004)
    not available

    Rossman IT, Kamdar S, Millonig J, DiCicco-Bloom E. Entracellular growth factors interact with Engrailed 2, (En-2), an autism-associated gene, to control cerebellar development. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 12-16, 2005.

    R829391 (2006)
    R829391C001 (2006)
    not available

    Rossman I, Pasorek E, Millonig J, DiCicco-Bloom E. Engrailed 2, an autism associated gene, regulates neurogenesis during brain development. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting for Autism Research, Boston, MA, May 5-7, 2005, p. 38 (abstract # P1A.1.6).

    R829391 (2005)
    R829391C001 (2005)
    not available

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