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Forest Fires in Brazil

Origin, Incidence, and Implications of Amazon Fires.

Adopted from March 30th, 1998 U.S. Global Change Seminar


Brazil Data Sets

NOAA's Latest Significant Event Imagery


23 March 1998

The Latest Significant Event site is maintained to provide users with recent satellite imagery from NOAA's and other satellites depiciting significant weather events, hazards, and disasters from around the world.

Earth Watching


1 March 1998

Earth Watching uses satellite remote sensing technology to help people and monitoring emergencies as they happen. Eurimage and ESA/ESRIN started the Earth Watching project for two main reasons: to supply satellite data and pertinent information quickly in cases of natural disasters and to demonstrate the benefits of remote sensing applications during emergencies through images and articles.

Total Ozone Mapping Spectometer (TOMS)


25 March 1998

The TOMS Site provides global measurements of total column ozone on a daily basis. Images from Brazil are presented here.

Brazil Forest Fire Related WWW Sites

Visit the following related sites:
International Forest Fire News (Brazil)

For more information, please contact:

Dr Ashbindu Singh, Regional Coordinator,
UNEP Environment Information and Assessment - North America EROS Data Center,
GRID-Sioux Falls, SD 57198, USA.
Tel: +1-605-594-6107/6117, Fax: +1-605-594-6119,
Email: singh@usgs.gov

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