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Nonpetroleum Based Fuels Home

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Gaseous Fuels

Photo of a natural gas fuel pump.Vehicles powered by gaseous fuels such as natural gas, hydrogen, and hydrogen-natural gas blends displace consumption of conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel. This improves U.S. energy security by reducing our dependence on imported oil and can improve public health and the environment by reducing harmful emissions. In addition, advancing gaseous fuel technology today can aid the transition to a future transportation network based on hydrogen fuel cells.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) supports gaseous fuel vehicle and infrastructure research and development through our leadership role in the U.S. Department of Energy's Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Forum. We contribute to the development of clean medium- and heavy-duty natural gas engines and vehicles that are competitive with their diesel counterparts. We advance engine and vehicle technologies that use hydrogen-natural gas blends. We support development of state-of-the-art gaseous fuel infrastructure. We also facilitate gaseous fuel technology transfer by coordinating government-industry technology meetings.

For more information about NREL's gaseous fuel work, visit the Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Forum Web site.

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