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Save Money, Energy and Water — Choose ENERGY STAR Qualified Clothes Washers

The average household does almost 400 loads of laundry each year, consuming about 13,500 gallons of water. Selecting an ENERGY STAR qualified washer instead of a regular clothes washer provides the following benefits:

Residential clothers washer lifetime operating costs graph
  • Save Money

    By dramatically reducing energy and water consumption, these units cut utility bills by an average of $50 per year. Over the eleven-year lifetime of the washer, that's enough money to buy a new clothes dryer or a new ENERGY STAR qualified dishwasher.
  • Save Water

    Qualified clothes washers also save 7,000 gallons of water a year. Over the eleven-year life of the washer, that's enough water to fill up three backyard swimming pools or provide a lifetime of drinking water for six people.
  • Save the Environment

    Because they use less energy, qualified clothes washers reduce the air pollution and greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels. By reducing water consumption, they also help protect our lakes, streams, and oceans. Find out more ways to save water and help protect our nation's water supply.