Video Clip Transcript - New Federal Mattress Flammability Standard, June 20 2007

Associated with Press Release #07-220



This material is sponsored by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and is for your free and unrestricted use. More information: Patty Davis, CPSC, 301-504-7601.

A new federal flammability standard for mattresses goes into effect on July 1, 2007.

The mandatory standard adds an important layer of fire protection to consumers’ homes. The new standard helps reduce the severity of mattress fires ignited by open flame sources such as candles, matches and lighters.

CPSC estimates that the new standard will prevent as many as 270 deaths and 1,330 injuries every year.

New mattresses or mattress sets are required to have a label stating that they meet the federal flammability requirement.


Nancy Nord
Acting Chairman
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Acting Chairman Nancy Nord: The new federal flammability standard limits the spread and intensity of a mattress fire. This gives consumers valuable time to escape their homes in a fire.

Acting Chairman Nancy Nord: When you’re shopping for a new mattress, look for a label on the mattress stating that it meets the federal flammability standard. Having that protection could literally save your life.

Spanish Soundbites:

Arlene Flecha
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Spokesperson: La nueva norma federal para inflamabilidad limita la propagación y la intensidad del incendio de un colchón. Esto le dá a los consumidores un tiempo valioso para escapar de su hogares durante un incendio.

Spokesperson: Cuando esté comprando un colchón nuevo, PREGUNTE si tiene la etiqueta que indica que el colchón cumple con la norma de inflamabilidad federal. El tener esta protección puede literalmente salvarle la vida.


Mattress with the new label
Mattress manufacturing
Mattress Fire B-Roll

Side-By-Side Comparisons Of Mattress Fires
Ignition to 10 Seconds
1 minute
3 minutes

Non-Compliant Mattress—
This Mattress Does Not Meet CPSC’s New Open-Flame Performance Requirements
Ignition to 10 Seconds
1 minute
3 minutes

Compliant Mattress—
This Mattress Meets CPSC’s Open-Flame Performance Requirements
Ignition to 10 seconds
1 minute
3 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes


A mattress fire was involved in a fire on December 20, 2004 in a Washington DC row house that killed four family members.


For more information, contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Hotline at (800) 638-2772 or visit our web site at
