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Search Results: (16-30 of 41 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2006071 The Condition of Education 2006
The Condition of Education 2006 summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report presents 50 indicators on the status and condition of education and a special analysis on international assessments. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2006 print edition includes 50 indicators in five main areas: (1) participation in education; (2) learner outcomes; (3) student effort and educational progress; (4) the contexts of elementary and secondary education; and (5) the contexts of postsecondary education.
NCES 2006005 Digest of Education Statistics, 2004
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 2005161 Elementary/Secondary School Teaching Among Recent College Graduates: 1994 and 2001
This report discusses teaching in elementary and secondary schools, preparing to teach at the elementary/secondary level, and considering teaching among 1999-2000 college graduates as of 2001 (i.e., within about a year of completing the bachelor’s degree). It is based on data from the 2000/01 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:2000/01), a spring 2001 follow-up of bachelor’s degree recipients from the 1999-2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000). The report examines whether graduates who differed in demographic characteristics (gender and race/ethnicity) and undergraduate academic characteristics (types of institutions attended, college entrance examination scores, undergraduate grade point averages, and major fields of study) also differed in terms of teaching and teaching-related behaviors as of 2001. The report also compares teaching and teaching-related behaviors of the 1999-2000 cohort as of 2001 with those of the 1992-93 cohort as of 1994. The analyses indicate that 12 percent of graduates had taught in an elementary/secondary school in the year following graduation, and that teaching was more common among women, among graduates who received their degrees from public and from non-doctorate-granting institutions, and among graduates with higher cumulative undergraduate GPAs but lower college entrance examination scores. The proportion of graduates who had taught within a year of receiving a bachelor’s degree increased slightly, from 10 to 12 percent, between graduates who received their degrees in 1992-93 and 1999-2000, respectively.
NCES 2005050 Youth Indicators, 2005: Trends in the Well-Being of American Youth
Youth Indicators contains statistics that address important aspects of the lives of youth, including family, schooling, work, community, and health. The report focuses on American youth and young adults 14 to 24 years old, and presents trends in various social contexts that may relate to youth education and learning.
NCES 2005094 The Condition of Education 2005
The Condition of Education 2005 summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report presents 40 indicators on the status and condition of education and a special analysis of the mobility of elementary and secondary school teachers. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2005 print edition includes 40 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from elementary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the contexts of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the contexts of postsecondary education; and (6) societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels.
NCES 2005095 The Condition of Education in Brief 2005
The Condition of Education 2005 in Brief contains a summary of 19 of the 40 indicators in The Condition of Education 2005. The topics covered include: public and private enrollment in elementary/secondary education, the racial/ethnic distribution of public school students, students' gains in reading and mathematics achievement through 3rd grade, trends in student achievement from the National Assessment of Education Progress in reading and mathematics, international comparisons of mathematics literacy, annual earnings of young adults by education and race/ethnicity, status dropout rates, immediate transition to college, availability of advanced courses in high school, inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms, school violence and safety, faculty salary and total compensation, early development of children, expenditures per student in elementary and secondary education, and public effort to fund postsecondary education.
NCES 2005012 Trends in Undergraduate Career Education
This Issue Brief examines trends in undergraduate credentials (certificates, associate’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees) in career-related areas of study. These trends are examined at both the subbaccalaureate and baccalaureate levels, from 1984-85 to 2000-01. The number of undergraduate credential awards increased over this period, in both academic and career areas, and at both the subbaccalaureate and baccalaureate levels. Although career education grew at a slower pace than academic education, it remained a majority proportion of undergraduate credentials in 2000-01. In addition, of the 11 career areas of study, 6 increased as a proportion of all credentials at the subbaccalaureate level, and 4 increased at the baccalaureate level. Career areas that declined as a proportion of all credential awards were largely concentrated in business/marketing and engineering/architectural sciences, at both levels of education.
NCES 2005025 Digest of Education Statistics, 2003
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 2005016 Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women: 2004
This statistical report assembles a series of indicators that examine the extent to which males and females have access to the same educational opportunities, avail themselves equally of these opportunities, perform at similar levels throughout schooling, succeed at similar rates, and reap the same benefits from their educational experiences. This report serves as an update of an earlier publication, Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women (NCES 2000-030), which was prepared for Congress in 2000.
NCES 2005017 Mini-Digest of Education Statistics, 2003
This publication is a pocket-sized compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from kindergarten through graduate school. The statistical highlights are excerpts from the Digest of Education of Statistics, 2003.
NCES 2004076 The Condition of Education in Brief 2004
The Condition of Education 2004 in Brief, contains a summary of 19 of the 38 indicators in The Condition of Education 2004. The topics covered include: trends in full- and half-day kindergarten enrollments, the concentration of enrollment by race/ethnicity and poverty, students' gains in reading and mathematics achievement through 3rd grade, trends in student achievement from the National Assessment of Education Progress in reading, writing, and mathematics, the percentage of youth neither enrolled or working, event dropout rates, degrees earned by women, trends in science and mathematics coursetaking, out-of-field teaching by school poverty, parental choice of schools, remedial coursetaking in postsecondary education, distance education in postsecondary education, expenditures per student in elementary and secondary education, and the financial aid awarded to students by postsecondary institutions.
NCES 2004077 The Condition of Education 2004
The Condition of Education 2004 summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report presents 38 indicators on the status and condition of education and a special analysis of changes in student financial aid between 1989-90 and 1999-2000. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2004 print edition includes 38 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from elementary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the contexts of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the contexts of postsecondary education; and (6) societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels.
NCES 2003173 CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Data Analysis System (DAS) B&B:2000/01
The DAS CD-ROM contains the most recent postsecondary longitudinal data release, B&B:2000/01, as well as all other released DASs current as of August 2003. These data sets are for public use and do not allow a user direct access to the data, but do allow them to design and run basic analyses specific to their needs.
NCES 2002011 Condition of Education 2002 in Brief
This publication, the Condition of Education 2002 in Brief, contains a sample of 22 of the 44 indicators in The Condition of Education 2002. The topics covered include enrollments in preschool, elementary/secondary, and postsecondary education; student achievement; high school dropout, college transition, and college persistence rates; trends in high school coursetaking, school choice, and the qualifications of teachers; the impacts of work on college students, distance education, and faculty salaries; and, levels of education funding.
NCES 2002025 The Condition of Education 2002
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2002 print edition includes 44 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. This edition also includes special analyses on the environment, climate, and student outcomes at private schools and on the enrollment and persistence of nontraditional undergraduates.
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